A headband kit to be able to use SMH10 like an SPH10 for non motorcycle helmet applications.


13 comentarios

  • Sena

    Yes. We are planning SMH10 docking station for general purpose. Please stay tuned awhile until we get back to you. Thanks for your feedback.

  • Glenn Johnson
    Glenn Johnson

    I would also like this -- I'd buy it for use on my bicycle (phone and music) and while hiking (gps and music). 

  • David Merl
    David Merl

    Any word on the timing for this?  When I ride and my wife follows in her car, I've patched together this abomination with an xbox headset attached to the SMH10 that she wears as a necklace around her neck.  I'd love to give something proper to mount it to...

    Also, do you sell an extension to the cord that connects the mic to the SMH10?  Its too short, which is why my wife needs to wear the SMH10 around her neck instead of just placing it next to her while she drives.

  • chris cameron
    chris cameron

    An approximate ETA on this would be helpful, please. It would impact my decision to purchase the newer usb upgradable SMH10s.


  • M Byers
    M Byers

    Try using the base plate mount for ear buds and changeable microphone.  Put the unit in an arm band for an MP3 or IPod.  Works well even on a bike if you don't want to mount it to a bike helmet.

  • Lawrence L
    Lawrence L

    I agree.  Perhaps not necessarily a headband kit, but it would really be great to have a "docking station" that can convert the SMH10 into a handheld walkie talkie.  I bought the dual kit, and this would be great to give to someone that is trying to communicate with me from a car.

    Great products so far, Sena!

  • Ken & Joyce Froschheiser
    Ken & Joyce Froschheiser

    I am a new user of the SMH10 and was thinking how nice it would be to use them when my helmets are on the shelf.  My wife and I camp and we set up our 5th wheel at a campground we use handheld talkies to communicate.  How nice it would be to just go hands free with a set of communicators we already own.  I hope this is coming out of the planning stage into reality soon.  Thank you.

  • Paduan

    We bike a lot and currently use a couple of Motorola radios with earbuds and boom mic, but sometimes they don't work, always have to use the PTT your competitor has a product http://www.cardosystems.com/cardo-bk/cardo-bk-1#overview would be nice if you came up with something that would mount to a bike helmet and better voice activation... PTT is the pits.

  • Dan Westlake
    Dan Westlake

    This says it was planned way back in 2012 but nothing at this point. Is this still planned? If it is, would it be within the next 24 months?

  • Michael Dillon
    Michael Dillon
    I agree with Dan, did anything become of this? I too would like to have something like a Plantronics operator head set base that I could take my SMH10 off my helmet and snap it on to the head piece, this would make times when we are traveling on bike and car a perfect communication setup. Or to have a headphone designed to accept the SMH10 for use around the house or else where. If you have come up with something like this please let me know. Mike Dillon Longview TX
  • phil harris
    phil harris

    We would really like to use our SMH10s when on foot, instead of our walkie talkies. I cannot believe that this would not be interesting to a large number of people.

    An accessory to accomplish this does not have to be complicated - after all, a walkie talkie mostly only has on/off, volume, channel, so a 'handheld mounting plate' really only has to have a speaker and a microphone, with preferably a switch in the microphone circuit to simulate a PTT switch.

    I would adapt the std helmet clamp kit, but its too expensive - obviously - as its designed for a complicated function.

    Target price should be about £10 for a handheld kit, and I think it could easily be manufactured for about £1 by adapting existing mouldings.

  • Thomas Pike
    Thomas Pike

    I too would like to see such a kit.  Any idea when it will be available?

  • Beaudster

    I would LOVE something like this, PLEASE make this happen!!! its long overdue!


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