Let SMH-10 have 2 A2DP pairings at same time
I have a garmin zumo 665, a smartphone, and SMH-10B. I like to listen to A2DP sources from my phone including pandora, mp3 from media player, slingbox, and have been experimenting with FM radio via bluetooth also. But I also am considering adding XM to the zumo. But due to current pairing configuration, I cannot pair to be able to listen to both A2DP from phone sources and XM from zumo. You have to choose either phone or zumo as your A2DP source.
I also prefer to pair my phones HFP directly to the SMH-10 since pairing it through the zumo means multiple zumo key presses requiring you to actually take eyes off road to use and therefore is more dangerous than the single press on SMH-10 phone to activate voicedial. I also lose voice dial when paired via the zumo for some reason and that means even more key presses to call contacts. But if I pair the phone directly to the SMH-10 using both HFP/A2DP, and then use multipoint to pair the zumo, the zumo doesn't like not having both of its profiles paired and can act up at times. I know sena is aware of this and was even told that the multipoint won't work with zumo66x. Bench testing the multipoint pairing showed decent results with just some minor issues, but it still means no A2DP from zumo (read XM) in this configuration.
So why not just have multiple A2DP connections on the SMH-10? That way the zumo could be happy having both profiles paired (HFP via multipoint and A2DP). and you could pair the phone with its HFP and A2DP. but SMH-10 would only play one A2DP at a time. so if you want to listen to pandora from phone, turn it on and SMH-10 plays it. If you want XM from zumo, turn off pandora on phone and turn on XM on zumo and SMH-10 plays XM. I think the new SCALA G9 does this and prioritizes the one of the A2DP as the primary, meaning if you have both on, only the primary will play. Was wondering if this could be done in future firmware upgrade?
Thank you for your suggestion. We are already doing the feasibility of applying the multipoint with A2DP and HFP as well with the next SMH10 firmware. We will keep you informed later.
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Interesting. Could this be the reason why I cant seem to [air/connect to the Autocom Wire 3A? It appears to pair (appears because there really is no feedback from the Wire 3A to confirm it only from the SMH10) but when I power up I cant seem to connect to the Wire 3A - in these cases I also normally have my iPhone powered on as well and teh SMH10 connects to the iPhone every time.
If this is the cause then I am all for this upgrade.
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perhaps. I do not have an iphone so I don't know how it pairs and I don't have autocom either so not totally familiar with it, but if you are pairing iphone in the "normal method", meaning not using selective pairing, then I would guess it is pairing to the smh-10 using HFP and A2DP profiles. so when you try to pair the smh-10 to the autocom, the smh-10 can't pair via A2DP since that is already paired to the iphone. what exactly are you trying to achieve with phone? do you want to use it for music or not? do you have other music sources connected to the autocom? the answers to these questions determines best connection for you.
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I will test this this afternoon, but your assessment looks correct for my circumstance.
I will take the approach of connecting everything via the Autocom because I have a range of devices on the Autocom that I want to access and (thanks to inadequate product definition on Autocom's behalf) I now have the Autocom Wire3A - designed specifically to connect to headsets, AND a BTM-02 - designed for "other" devices including phones. That's two dongles.
I originally paired the iPhone to test the SMH10 before I found that the BTM-02 wont connect to a headset and I needed the Wire3A. I am not fussed if the iPhone doesnt get connected as it is a "nice to have", but since I have Autocom BTM-02 and it pairs to it, the solution is there.
Documentation from Sena on this would be nice, and the ability of multipoint with HFP and A2DP would be even better.
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I think you should be fine. I would delete all pairings from sena and on iphone delete pairing with sena, wire3a and btm-02. shut off phone for now. pair the smh-10 to the wire3a using the normal method of pairing (A2DP and HFP). this is assuming that wire3a does both profiles?? now turn on phone and put it and btm-02 in pairing mode and pair to each other. you should be good to go. I don't think you need two A2DP profiles or multipoint for your application. but without reading up more on the dongles I don't know for sure what profiles work with them.
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I have an iPhone connected to my Zumo 550 and a radio from my bike hard wired (3.5mm plug) to my headset. When listening to my radio, my zumo connection is broken and I cannot receive any communication from my Zumo. When I disconnect the wired connection, the Zumo bluetooth connection returns. I thought that both connections would remain and that the Zumo (phone and driving directions took priority over the wired connection. Any suggestions? 0 -
Yes, multi-point A2DP pairing would be greatly appreciated on the SMH-10, or maybe even adding an A2DP pairing feature to SR10. The Zumo 660 does not play nice with the Sena, if multiple devices are being connected. Would be a great addition and selling point.
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New to the game... SMH10 works well with iPhone for both phone and audio. But when it comes to adding a Nuvi 765T for Bluetooth Turn-By-Turn directions to the Sena, am I out of luck? I want to keep the audio from iPhone (Spotify, iTunes, etc) and only use the Garmin for Voice Turn-By-Turn, no media play.
I have read suggestions to factory reset the SMH10 to clean up existing pairing, search for BT Audio from Nuvi and it worked fine - But looked like pairing the iPhone to Sena on top would limit it to phone calls... Will a Zumo 660LM do any better or is the issue going to remain?
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Alain-if you want to listen to music (A2DP) from phone and be able to get directions from nuvi and phone calls, you are out of luck with the 765T. The reason is that 765t bluetooth to a headset is A2DP only. Since the SMH-10 can only have one A2DP, your phone can only connect via HFP to the sena-so music would not be very good fidelity. the 660 does a little better cause it has both A2DP and HFP profiles to connect to a headset-but because it won't let you choose which to use and wants to use BOTH, it creates a problem. an option that i use with some success is pairing the phone to the sena using HFP and A2DP profiles. then using the multipoint HFP pairing to pair my 665 to the sena. I get voice nav. I can listen to music from phone fine. the only problem that I sometimes see is when I use phone. it will mostly disconnect the zumo and screw everything up and I have to shut things down and then turn everything back on in sequence. the mulitpoint A2DP that I mentioned at start of thread would solve this issue. It is possible because Bose uses it on their wave radio. you can have multiple A2DP devices paired to it at the same time. come on Sena-read this post again and give us an update. the feasability was supposed to be done nearly a year ago. another option would be if garmin let you selectively pair the zumo so you could pair it via HFP only and then the setup I mentioned above would work fine. but since garmin just came out with another firmware update and it did not include this option makes me doubt they are listening-guess they don't have anyone at garmin that actually uses it in the real world!
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Very helpful Hammerash - I have asked Sena Support the same so hopefully we receive a status quickly. Thanks
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Totally support this idea. Just got my Zumo 350LM and having used my sena smh10 with my iphone quite happily was surprised that I can't now connect the Zumo as well. I did try to trick to connect to the iphone using A2DP and HFP to the zumo but the music from the iphone cuts out regularly and I can't hear directions from the zumo.
Come on Sena - please enable at least two A2DP connections!0 -
I would like very much for the SMH10 to support multiple A2DP pairings. Hopefully 3 or 4 parings that are prioritized. My setup is SMH10 paired to iPhone HFP and A2DP for phone and tbt nav as well as music. I would like to connect additional A2DP sources so that I can hear my on board (Harley)XM/FM/CB via a simple dongle and another A2DP dongle for audio from a Nuvi
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Alain and Hammerash, I just sent another note to Sena on the same double A2DP issue. I have the Garmin 765T and a Samsung Galaxy SIII. I can get calls and MP3/Pandora from my cell phone via A2DP but cannot get the Garmin to connect because it is also A2DP. I hope Dean or some of the technical support people at Sena see all this and fix it quickly (despite original posts going back to 2012) because it would seem to be an easy protocol change in the software.
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Multi-Point A2DP SMH10B
I would like to hear a response from SENA to this issue. It has now been 13 months(!) since they indicated that they were "doing the feasibility" of this and there has been no info.
Despite firmware upgrades in this time frame, no fix, either.
Is SENA going to fix this or do I need to look elsewhere?
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I just wanted to add that I am also waiting for this update. It seems that many people are wanting to be able to use their phones as a phone and a music source and hear their turn-by-turn instructions from their Garmins. I can work around it by hooking my iPhone up with a wire to the MP3 jack in the SMH10, but that's not as convenient as having all work wirelessly.
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From Sena - May 17, 2012...
"Thank you for your suggestion. We are already doing the feasibility of applying the multipoint with A2DP and HFP as well with the next SMH10 firmware. We will keep you informed later."
A new firmware update (4.3), and yet, still no support for multipoint A2DP. I am quite knowledgeable about this product, and how to connect it via bluetooth to different devices. I do not need to reference any further YouTube videos. The point still stands that the Garmin Zumo 660 (a quite popular motorcycle specific GPS) can only use A2DP for broadcasting directions via bluetooth to the SMH10. The SMH10 only accepts "0000" as a device PIN. Hence, the user is unable to attempt a connection via HFP with the Zumo 660, because the Zumo uses "1234" as its PIN. So my two requests still remain- either update the firmware to support multipoint A2DP, or give the user the ability to update the pairing PIN via Device Settings in the SenaBluetoothDeviceManager software.
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