Disable SR10 PTT when external PTT cable plugged in
When the SR10 is placed in a bag or mounted inside the bike fairings, it's common for other items to contact the large PTT button and trigger the two-way radio unintentionally. When there's an external PTT cable connected, it would be better for the on-unit PTT function to be disabled. (The button itself still needs to function for turning the unit on and off, it just shouldn't trigger the PTT function.)
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I vote for this enhancement, too!
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Yes! A simple addition surely. 0 -
+1 for the original request! For anyone with access to a 3D printer, I created an enclosure to help out with the accidental presses of the main PTT button. It recesses the button enough for my needs, and is mounted securely to the rear mounting-holes. I have shared it on Thingiverse (item #2786070) - https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:2786070
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