What is the secret to getting VOX phone answering to work?


4 comentarios

  • Pablo Motta
    Pablo Motta

    Try blowing in to the mic. And make sure that the mic orientation is right.

  • Dan H
    Dan H


    Thank you. I think I discovered an important reason for all the complaints about this function. I decided to do a thorough test indoors. It worked maybe once in 10 tries, with enough yelling involved that my wife ran upstairs to make sure I wasn't being slaughtered by zombies. Not good.

    So I gently pulled the mic out of the helmet interior (yes, the fin was facing away from my mouth), laid the helmet down and tried again, putting my mouth right up against the foam cover and speaking in a slightly loud voice, but definitely not yelling. Worked every time. I put on the helmet and tested some more. Putting the mic right against my lips, it works every time. Moving it half an inch away it becomes unreliable and only works intermittently. My SMH-10 was nowhere near this fussy and its VOX phone function worked reliably with the mic at a more normal distance from my mouth. I tested for voice commands using "Hello Sena" and got similar results.

    I have not been able to road test it yet, but it's clear that mic placement is a big factor. Hope this helps somebody.


  • Ken Kimari
    Ken Kimari

    Yep, the 20s has much better noise cancelling than the smh10 microphone but it requires the mic to be up against your lips, a feature that all good noise cancelling microphones share.

  • Dan H
    Dan H

    Thanks Ken; learn something every day (or try to).




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