SC2 speakers integrated in custom made earplugs
I would like to have custom made airplugs with integrated speakers. The speakers that are deliverd by Sena in a Shuberthsystem are not loud enough when you use costum made airplugs to reduce infuences of windnoice.
I purchased the Sena 10R Earbud Adapter Split Cable, 690-10R-A0101, and removed the helmet speakers in my Schuberth C5. Cost about $13 at Chaparal Motorsports.
Installation was easy after I removed the pad at the rear bottom of the helmet and followed the wires from each speaker to a connector. Disconnected each speaker, connected the Earbud Adapter wires, and reinstalled the pad, leaving the earbud plug hanging below the left side bottom of the helmet.
Hope this helps...
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Thank you for your quick response. It is exactly the solution i am looking for. I allready contacted a firm who can make custom made airplugs with speakers build in and a 3,5 jackplug adapter. I am strugling for 2 years now.
Best regards,
Henk Stijger
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