Impulse firmware 1.1, September 19, 2022 broke the iphone connection


36 comentarios

  • Tom (masterX244)
    Tom (masterX244)

    Not for the common user. You need to man-in-the middle the firmware download, the Impulse and Stryker use unencrypted HTTP for the download. Then you can pretend a 1.2 update exists which delivers the 1.0.4 file (mirrored here: )

  • Daniel Kistler
    Daniel Kistler

    Same for me. And not only with the Iphone. Also when connecting to BMW GS the helmet immediately shuts down. Not usable anymore :-(
    Also submitted a ticket.

  • Tom (masterX244)
    Tom (masterX244)

    Seems like i need to search for a different way in to redirect the firmware download address (that part is in a config-file inside) to make a downgrade tool that doesnt require intercepting the connection to the Sena server. (i know that stuff since i found a way to takeover the update part via the firmware update mechanism, they made a really stupid mistake there).

  • Tom (masterX244)
    Tom (masterX244)

    being a computer nerd and having a router thats based on OpenWrt makes it easy. that way i can return a different answer on the domain->IP lookup and redirect the request to a device that i control. thats why the request being plain HTTP is a important detail. HTTPS cannot be intercepted using this method. Rest was understanding what the code on the helmet expects on the server. And yes, i bought me a impulse a while ago just for hacking/messing with the firmware, didnt expect that weird feature of only wifi-update initially and mainly got it as a "50-series specimen". 

    Edit: most of my research on that (except some WIP and completely untested stuff) is out on my github page


  • Daniel Kistler
    Daniel Kistler

    Ah yes, I see what you mean. I forgot with the charger I will connect via Wifi to the helmet. That should work yes. So the fix will be possible.

    Thank's Michel!

    So know Sena please. Fix this ASAP :-)

  • Daniel Cobden
    Daniel Cobden

    I have the same problem .... I suppose it's good to know it's a software issue and seemingly not as a result of a recent small drop of my helmet

  • Jon Moj
    Jon Moj

    I have the same issue with my stryker. I use an iphone and it powers off immediately after connecting for me. The led show a solid blue light for 10-15 seconds as its powering off without the "Goodbye" it normally does.

  • David Johnson
    David Johnson

    Bought my helmet on the 19th of Sep, 2022 from Revzilla and it arrived on the Sep 22nd.  Charged it and took it for a test ride (now late in the evening) and it was great.  It took awhile to figure out how to get the wifi to work, but muddled through it.  Updated the firmware on morning of 23 September and it pretty much turned the helmet into a brick.  Tried factory reset and the bluetooth reset.  It will connect to bluetooth, but the volume buttons are inop, functionality is almost non-existent and then it shutdowns within a minute.  I was very excited during my 20 minute test ride the night it arrived.  Really need Sena to push an emergency firmware update (roll-back) as I have not even had the opportunity to use this helmet on my daily commute.  Thanks for the post above and I'll follow your post for resolution.  I would hate to have to return this helmet when it has everything I wanted on a modular.  

  • David Johnson
    David Johnson

    Just to add, I also submitted a trouble ticket.  Thanks for the post Michel.  

  • Tom (masterX244)
    Tom (masterX244)

    Found a method to sneak some code in in a automatable way. WOrking on the downgrader now.

  • Tom (masterX244)
    Tom (masterX244)

    Updates trigger a push notification to my phone, thats how i'm able to spot them that fast. (using a selfhosted matrix messenger instance as the way for getting notified, can share a link to the channel if needed).

  • Daniel Kistler
    Daniel Kistler

    Installed the update. Works again.
    However I am not sure if it is an update or a roll back.
    Volume Control on the BMW GS still not working but I think it should now on 1.1?
    But glad i can use the helmet again.

  • Tom (masterX244)
    Tom (masterX244)

    Another update. Compared 1.0.4 and 1.1.1 and they are extremely different on byte level. Rollback would have looked much more similar. (the Firmware archive at got those files, too)

  • Daniel Kistler
    Daniel Kistler

    Hi Julien
    Had a total crash (not able to start) as well. The reset button you can push with a pin (besides the charge port) did the trick for me. Then I could start again. Did you already install 1.1.1 that came out on monday?
    Also if you just need to connect the 2 impulse helmets, you can also connect via bluetooth instead of mesh. Works perfectly for me.

  • Pablo Romero
    Pablo Romero

    Tengo un iPhone 12, y me pasa lo mismo desde que he actualizado a la versión. 1.1

    espero den una pronta solución

  • Michel Sykes
    Michel Sykes

    Thanks for the info, Tom... it would be much easier if Sena would let us do a rollback to a previous working version of their firmware... 

  • Michel Sykes
    Michel Sykes

    I submitted a support Ticket....

    "Your request (677391) has been received and is being reviewed by our support staff."

    Let's hope that they will find a fast solution to this bad firmware upgrade... This is really disappointing...

  • Michel Sykes
    Michel Sykes

    Daniel Kistler Same problem with my GS... unusable.. :( Thanks for opening one more ticket... wake up Sena...

    Tom (masterX244) That would be great, but not so easy with my Internet knowledge.. once you're connected to your wifi, how can you redirect the request to trick it to use a different source/version of the firmware ??

    I also have a Momentum helmet, the IOS App cannot start anymore, it crashes immediately with IOS16.... but I can still listen to my music... just the other Sena App is also unusable right now...

  • Daniel Kistler
    Daniel Kistler

    Michel Sykes Are you still able to connect just the two Impulse Helmets for Communication? I have to check that with my Girlfriends Helmet tonight.

    However I don't see an easy fix for that. Even if Sena provides a fixed Firmware Update. How are we supposed to install that when we are not able to connect to the phone? After factory reset, the helmet does not know my Wifi Password. Need to connect to the phone for that. Ohhhh dear :-(

  • Michel Sykes
    Michel Sykes

    @Tom, thanks for the input... I am going to have a look at Github soon...

    Daniel Kistler Actually, it crashes only when trying to open a bluetooth connection.... otherwise, I can still open the IOS App and browser my wifi... it should still be possible to start a new firmware upgrade.... or a tricky one if Sena doesn't reply....

    And I haven't tried the communication channel only yet... I will ASAP

  • Daniel Kistler
    Daniel Kistler

    In my case, it immediately crashes, as soon as the connection to the Iphone (or the BMW for that matter) is established. So I am not able to open the App.

    I hope Sena will have some sort of fix soon.

  • Michel Sykes
    Michel Sykes

    Have you tried to remove the bluetooth connection on your iPhone first ?? in Settings ==> Bluetooth ?

  • Daniel Kistler
    Daniel Kistler

    Yes. To be sure, I just tried it again. Removed the Bluetooth Connection from the phone. Then factory reset on the helmet. After switching it back on it immediately searches for a phone. Then on the Iphone a new device is available named Impulse v1.1. Selecting that and the helmet goes off immediately.

  • Michel Sykes
    Michel Sykes

    Yes, same trouble on my side... but if you just delete the bluetooth connection now and connect the charger to the helmet, it should stay charging in wifi mode... then the Sena App can start without crashing and you should be able to access your wifi network...

  • Daniel Kistler
    Daniel Kistler

    Small Update:
    Bluetooth Connection directly to another Sena works fine.

  • Michel Sykes
    Michel Sykes

    Good to know, thanks...

    And still no news from Sena about our tickets... :(

  • Michel Sykes
    Michel Sykes

    Yep… exactly the same wrong behavior on mines…. Disappointing.. 🙈

  • Michel Sykes
    Michel Sykes

    More trouble tickets will maybe wake up Sena…. Thanks David 👍🏻

  • Michel Sykes
    Michel Sykes

    Great Tom, that would be useful... amaaaaazing... !!

  • Tom (masterX244)
    Tom (masterX244)

    There was a update (1.1.1) released a few hours ago. Seems like they released a fix. Still going to work on the downgrader since they might do similar fails in the future. (or other bugs where users want to do a downgrade).

    Edit: I got a notification system running that checks for updates on all(!) devices every 6 hours and that alerts me on any release.



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