Eric St-Martin

Eric St-Martin

  • Actividad total 4
  • Última actividad
  • Miembro desde
  • Siguiendo 0 usuarios
  • Lo siguen 0 usuarios
  • Votos 0
  • Suscripciones 1

Resumen de la actividad

Última actividad de Eric St-Martin
  • Eric St-Martin

    Eric St-Martin hizo un comentario,

    Sadly, getting a class action suit started would be a lot of trouble for not much given the price of the item and the relatively small number of units in circulation. I believe social media is a mu...

  • Eric St-Martin

    Eric St-Martin hizo un comentario,

    This is not a power line problem or anything external to the 20S. Unless SENA starts to get their head out of the sand and they stop pretending it’s working fine, we’re out of luck. If they don’t a...

  • Eric St-Martin

    Eric St-Martin hizo un comentario,

    This problem is real and Sena needs to at least acknowledge it and tell us wether or not they are working on it and if they think they can do anything to fix it."Static" noise happens all the time ...