Combination speaker/earphone baseplate?

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207 commentaires

  • Gennadiy Tsygan
    Gennadiy Tsygan

    I fixed the problem with the load click on power up. As I thought it was a grounding issue. Speakers and the Aux jack use different common wires. I took some picture and will post them soon.

  • Npiazza
    I would like to add my vote in favor of an earphone option for the Sena SMH5. The mike works fine, and the speakers are adequate at low speed, however, at higher speeds, they are inaudible. An earphone option would allow me to use my Sena SNH5 for better quality sound, noise suppression, and would be more convenient with a shorty helmet. I would even be willing to buy a new component with a pass through jack just so I could use my favorite earphones. Basically, it would enable me to use my earphones as both my audio source and noise suppression earplugs. You're 95% there, why not go all the way? How hard can it be to engineer an alternative?
  • Ploz58

    Hey Mr Sena,

    you have a lot of people wanting you new base plate can you tell us what is happening?

  • Stuart Donaldson
    Stuart Donaldson

    How's the feasibility study coming along ? From the number of people that have posted here there's certainly a demand for it.

  • Dave Yeager
    Dave Yeager

    Not to be too cynical, but... the study was launched on 11/23/2011.  I'd guess they've studied this one by now. 

    Sena, can't you toss us a bone here.  At least flag it as "Planned".  Even if it takes another year to get the product out.

  • Bryan Spiegle
    Bryan Spiegle

    I would love an option to use my earbuds for the SMH5... heck, just a jack and wire setup would be great, instead of having to purchase and chop one up myself!

  • Matthew Bacis
    Matthew Bacis

    Add me to the list of wanting an earbud option for the SMH5.  Dual-mode baseplate (speakers and earbud outputs) would be ideal.

  • Matthew Bacis
    Matthew Bacis

    Just realized that the SMH5 doesn't utilize the baseplate for anything other than holding it in place... an adapter would be needed (and greatly appreciated).  I agree that the SMH10 should have a baseplate with both otions though.

  • Januson Dy
    Januson Dy

    i would like to have this also.

    i got a Sena SMH-10 Helmet Clamp Kit - Earbuds with Boom and Wired Microphone and bought a SMH5 speaker upgrade then changed the connector to a stereo jack. but when i use the speakers the volume is a bit low for me. not like when im using the SMH10 mount with the speakers already connected to it.

  • Acman5548

    The SMH10 I got for Christmas seems to be a great product but I ecco the others. It would be noce to have an ear bud option. In addition, My son-in-law doesn't like the boom mic. ("Doesn't look cool") The ability to plug in a throat mic would be nice to elemenate the boom but I don't know if a throat mic would work on a motor cycle application????

  • Dan Heming
    Dan Heming

    I'm definitely all for this one also!  I would be more than willing to give up the MP3 input to have a stereo output jack there instead.  I've also broken one of the original base plates with the headphone jack.  

    Like most others here, I prefer the simplicity of my speakers while in town or on short rides, but on long trips or all day on the bike, my noise reducing headphones is what I would prefer to wear.  

  • Victor Henderson
    Victor Henderson

    @ Dan Heming. I have now broken 3 of the mounts. I fixed one of them with epoxy (still using it), one of them I wrote off.  The 3rd I have a RMA on because it was the new style with the flexible cord however the cord tore after a couple dozen of uses (by my pillion). The ear bud mounts have serious reliability/design issues in my mind. I still love my Sena but the relationship has been strained at times. Oh... and no I don't believe Sena is going to make any changes soon with a combination type of mount. They have steadfastly ignored all the requests to date on this subject and I fully expect them to continue to ignore us.  

  • Dan Heming
    Dan Heming

    @Victor Henderson, thanks.  Yeah I've read on ADV where people have used Sugru for either fixing or reinforcing their broken earbud mounts.  The original design was definitely a bad one and although the 2nd one looks like a better design, I still had my doubts about how long it would hold up with everyday use.  It really appears that headphone jack built into the clamp like the MP3 port is truly the only way to keep those from breaking.    My broken earbud clamp still works, just the plug dangles, so I removed it to fix it, but just haven't taken the time to make the repair.  My 2nd mount is the old style also, but unused.  I figured like some, I would reinforce it with Sugru from the start to hopefully keep it from breaking.  I just need to get some of that stuff and try it out.  In the mean time, I just keep using my normal speaker base plates.  

    It is a shame that Sena does appear to be ignoring this request.  I've put in 2 requests that were answered (several others that aren't though also).  This one sure has a lot of activity and it seems pretty trivial that if they built these bases as being requested, people would buy them.  

  • Victor Henderson
    Victor Henderson

    @Dan Hemming, yep. I would as well. I think actually the new mount in the end result actually is even more fragile (I can't use that word w/o thinking of Christmas story <grin>) . When my latest new mount arrives as you suggested I intend to reinforce it. I used that epoxy in a tube stuff that you squeeze off and mix (plastic metal or somesuch?).  The normal speakers are just not loud enough for my ears. I invested in some custom molded ear buds and I love them. Cheers and stay safe!  Oh f you haven't yet, check out google + and the World Motorcycle Community. I think we are up to almost 700 folks now. 

  • Dave Yeager
    Dave Yeager


    I suspect you're correct - this suggestion has long since been put in the dead-idea box at Sena.

    I did scan through the long list of other suggestions, and we have the dubious honor of being the MOST ACTIVE, with this being the 75th post, and yet no acknowledgement from the host.  Too bad... seems like a good idea, and relatively easy to implement.

  • Victor Henderson
    Victor Henderson

    @Dave Yeager, it is difficult to understand because with their new streaming product that input jack is of even more limited value. I would think it would be a simple thing to re-purpose that jack for a ear bud output. This would solve two issues a) eliminate the problem with the dongle input and b)give you speakers and/or ear bud capability. It would also eliminate one mount from manufacture, reduce RMA etc etc etc. I am mystified why Sena does not implement this.

  • Ian Sullivan
    Ian Sullivan

    I solved the issue!

    I bought a taller wind screen for my Aprillia Atlantic and bought a Schuberth C3 helmet, now I don't even need to be at full volume, even when I am flat out on the motorway . . .

    Well, I had a cracked screen and needed a new helmet, otherwise it would have been a £490 audio improvement.

    Come on Sena, I am even posting funnies to get our post count up to the 100 mark so you will be shamed into action!

  • Regulator26fs

    I was just about to order the Sena Helmet Clamp Kit For Earbuds With Boom
    Microphone when I came across this thread. With all these requests I would think you would have made it by now. I'm concerned that the S-Plugs I own will disconnect while riding as others have noted with the SENA  SMH-A0303 unit. Any one using these plugs with their Sena?

  • Maury Feuerman
    Maury Feuerman

    Sena!  I attended a meeting of my BMW Riders Club last weekend and we discussed supporting a single Bluetooth helmet product so that we can talk to each other.  The idea of supporting your new SMH10R came up.  One of the central issues was the use ear buds which are very popular in our club.  Not only are the other posters in this forum absolutely correct, if entire clubs are discussing supporting any product there is definitely a market.  How about a simple pigtail for the plug on the speakers for your SMH10R or could we purchase some speaker plugs (similar to the micro USB) that you are using for your speakers and make them ourselves!  Thanks!!!

  • Ken Wagnitz
    Ken Wagnitz

    Hi Maury.  It is very probable that you can buy the connector plug from eBay or China somewhere if you know what to search for.
    Not having seen one in the flesh, I don't know what it looks like.  But I was able to buy a 10pin mini-USB plug for use with my previous brand of Bluetooth headset (abandoned in favour of Sena).  Mind you, that was tricky to wire, being so fine.

    It defies logic that Sena would maintain a forum like this, then steadfastly ignore comments from potential purchasers except for a few platitudes.  Good luck on getting any answer from them.

    I have the SMH10 units which I've modified (instructions given in a previous post).  I wasn't aware of the SMH10R.  I like that it comes with both microphones.  What I find scary is having to mount the battery inside the helmet.  Plenty of stories about Li-Ion batteries catching fire, without the added trauma of a helmet-to-ground impact involved.  (And it reduces your helmet cushioning.)

    That said, I'm very conscious of the solid metal SMH10 baseplate clamp and screws inside my helmet ready to crack my skull.
    I wish Sena would improve that arrangement.  The SMH10R shows how it could be done, especially when not using a boom microphone.  (I'm using a wired mic hacked into my normal baseplate.)

    I like the SMH10 jog dial/button.  Dunno how + and - buttons would go, especially with winter gloves on.  (I'm a tourer, not an off-roader.)

  • Ken Gillett
    Ken Gillett

    I have previously used 2 other systems that used + and - buttons for volume and it's one of the main reasons for dumping those in favour of the Sena. The Jog dial is just so superior to use, particularly with gloves on.

    All we need is a combination baseplate so you can switch between speakers and ear buds :-(

  • Natelc

    I use the SMH-A0304 base plate. I installed EdSets speakers and either plug them in ormy in-ear monitors depending which I want to use at the time.

  • Stuartv

    The EdSets look like a real PITA in this application. You have to have a short cable to jumper from the Sena output to the EdSets input. That's not such a big deal when you're actually using the EdSets (assuming you can find a short enough jumper cable). But, that cable is one extra part to lose when you have to take it out because you want to use your earbuds.

    If I were going to go that route, I think I'd spend less money and get the Tork speakers. They plug right into the same jack as the earbuds. So, when you're not using them, you just have to tuck the plug away somewhere in your helmet lining, but there's nothing to lose. They may not sound AS good as the EdSets - or they may sound better. I don't know. Doesn't matter so much to me. They must sound better than the stock Sena speakers. And if I'm really concerned with audio fidelity, I'm going to use my ear buds anyway.

  • Stuartv

    So disappointing that it has now been 15 months since Sena responded to this thread and said they'd do a feasability study and get back to us and still no response.

  • Stuartv

    BTW, I have been emailing with Gene (the mod shown here: We have determined that the original mod does have a couple of problems:

    - the L and R channels are reversed when the mod is done as shown.

    - the mod needs a Ground wire to connect to the R- terminal (as well as L-, as shown).

    These two enhancements to the mod correct the stereo sides (duh!) and significantly improve the stereo separation between the channels. If Gene doesn't update the thread soon, I will add new pics and info there explaining these changes to the original modification.

  • Ken Wagnitz
    Ken Wagnitz

    Stuartv, you should put a link to my mod page on the Adventure Riders forum.  That would give them another option, which is working fine for me.

    I agree with your disappointment in Sena WRT responding to posts in this forum, which they take the trouble to maintain.
    Do they not realise that it is a marketing FAIL to show the world how unresponsive they are to customers?

    The other thing they need to address, is what happens when the batteries in our SMH10 units fail, as they must inevitably do.
    We need to be able to buy a replacement battery.  No word from Sena on that AFAIK.

  • Ajsachs

    Most cb microphones do all the switching, the mikes just pick up the (noise) speach. If you could replace the actual mike with a bluetooth receiver pre paired to the smh10, you could run almost any cb, gmrs mobil up to 50 watts without have a zillion cables and problems. Just push the push to talk and speak.

  • Steve Zinski
    Steve Zinski

    I own the SMH10 with built-in speakers and mic. And, like many others, I'd like to have the "MP3" jack drive my earbuds instead of the speakers when I plug them in (i.e., speakers on when no earbuds plugged in, speakers off and earbuds on when plugged in).

  • Boatnut

    HELLO????   HELLO????    Hey Sena , anybody home?  How can you excel at so many areas and completely drop the ball elsewhere?   Ok, understood that you may think it is more

    profitable to have customers buy both type of bases. Real world it is costing you customers....   I own four SMH10's. Numerous bases's. First ear bud base lasted less than 20 uses. In process

    of getting RMA. I bought another one anyhow so I have use and will have spare....   If your not going to offer a dual use base, TELL US!!!   At least fix the piss poor design of the ear bud plug in.


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