SRL2 Vs SRL mesh - voice com audio quality
I am debating the SRL2 or the Mesh, my #1 priority is audibility and clarity of voice coms.
1) I do not use the unit for music
2) small groups (like 4 or fewer)
3) short range ( we only ride within sight of each other)
100% of my priority is being able to clearly hear coms
Is there an appreciable difference between the two when it comes to that specific characteristic?
Commentaire officiel
If you choose the SRL3, it provides both mesh and Bluetooth options. However, if you're limited to one or the other, I suggest the SRL Mesh because it's less reliant on Bluetooth intercom pairing and isn't limited by Bluetooth distance constraints.
However, MESH has its own drawbacks, such as interference from objects and the environment. If the connection is lost due to distance or some obstruction, the riders can rejoin without having to go through the pairing process again.
although a few caveats for the SRL3, it only fits the NEWER Shoei if you haven't made your decision yet on which helmet, i would consider that as a factor.
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