Sena srl mesh bricked


3 commentaires

  • Commentaire officiel
    Alex - Sena Support
    Alex - Sena Support

    The device won't brick unless the connection during firmware update was interrupted in a manner that can affect that, similar to any tech devices that require firmware updates. Am I blaming you? Absolutely not. these things happen to the best of us.

    I've created a ticket for you to provide your purchase receipt and a picture of the serial number. Please respond to that email at your earliest convenience.

  • cernunnos97

    Also update 1.4 build 2 was installed correctly once. When I tried to reinstall or roll back to try and solve the problems of it powering off immediately after start up it bricked the install. If you could see what firmware is still installed you will see 1.4 build 2 as it was installed correctly. Am I blaming you maybe software bugs happen and it's why QA testing is always done and always will be done.

  • Gregorytate Rufusmarion
    Gregorytate Rufusmarion

    Try hard-resetting the Sena DWO-6 PRO device in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions. This usually entails holding down a certain button or set of buttons for a predetermined amount of time. For instructions on how to do a hard reset, consult the user manual that came with the helmet or get in touch with Sena's customer service. Give geometry dash lite a thorough rundown of the issues, error messages, and the actions you have already taken to address the problem. 


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