sc2 problems


9 commentaires

  • Serhiy Khomyshyn
    Serhiy Khomyshyn

    I have same issue. Any suggestion how to fix it? 

  • keith ZX
    keith ZX

    HEARD BACK FROM SENA ALL THEY SAY IS SPEAK CLEARLY INTO THE MICROPHONE I have tried all of that trying louder and  quiter makes no difference, the previuos sena comms i had was more or less the same worked intermitently, i can voice command fw radio on  ,next, previous, fm radio off, cant access my siri or play music they only work off the buttons on my remote on my helmet , not happy a lot of money for something that occasionally works if ypou have any ideas let me know. 

  • keith ZX
    keith ZX

    Have been in touch with apple regarding my issues ,they have checked my i phone and settings all ok    problem seems to be with sena sc2 comms units 

  • Serhiy Khomyshyn
    Serhiy Khomyshyn

    My SC2 working. But I have to repeat the same command from 3 to 8 times for Sena to understand me. With an open helmet and at low speed, she understands faster. But with a closed helmet everything gets very bad! Compared to my Cardo Edge, this system works disgustingly. I don't understand how they put such a bad product on the market. Some Chinese systems work much better.

  • keith ZX
    keith ZX

    i have heard back from schuberth comms apparently there is a new firmware update coming in the beginning of august to fix the voice activation problems . fingers crossed will try in august , still think this is an expensive comms system that up to now has not worked ,  

  • french macdonald
    french macdonald

    Make sure the SC2 and the remote control are both powered on and properly paired. They should automatically connect when powered on.


    space waves

  • keith ZX
    keith ZX

    my sc2 is paired correctly , it will turn on the fm radio by voice command and turn off intermittently, it will play the radio and my music from my i phone if i use the buttons on the side control ,it will change radio channels and music tracks by saying next or previous it will not activate my siri on my i phone by saying hey siri .it will receive phone calls from i phone and play though the headset, totally frustrated with this expensive piece of crap!!! never again bought the sena system to go with my scuberth c5 as it was supposed to be a plug together set up and play, i have tried the updates and the pairing and unpairing but still works some function intermitently . 

  • Walterwilkinson

    Start by ensuring the firmware is updated to the latest version and that it is fully compatible with your phone's OS. Perform a factory reset (if not done already) and re-pair the device with your phone, ensuring permissions for Siri and music controls are enabled in the app settings. Check the microphone for obstructions and recalibrate voice commands in a quiet environment. If the issues persist, contact the manufacturer's support or consider warranty service if still applicable. For more details visit this website

  • Joseph White
    Joseph White

    Sounds super frustrating! It seems like there might be a compatibility or firmware issue with your SC2. Have you checked if there’s a firmware update available for the device? Sometimes, these updates can fix glitches like voice command problems. Also, for the 'Hey Siri' functionality, ensure that Siri is enabled and properly set up on your phone. It might help to unpair the SC2 completely, reset it to factory settings, and then pair it again. If the mesh system isn’t working either, it could be worth reaching out to the manufacturer’s support team for guidance. By the way, troubleshooting tech can feel as tricky as figuring out how to get fc mobile unlimited money sometimes! Hope you can get it sorted soon!


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