Freewire/Impulse Compatibility


3 commentaires

  • Tom Danny
    Tom Danny

    GoPromotional Products Expert This gives me audio through the trike's speakers. However, that eliminates being able to receive any audio through my Sena Impulse helmet. Would installing a Sena Freewire unit give me both capabilities? And, will the Sena Freewire unit function if plugged into the rear 7-pin connection port on the trike?

  • Simion John
    Simion John

    Yes, installing a Sena Freewire unit will allow you to stream audio from your Harley Tri Glide to both your helmet and the trike's speakers. The Freewire is designed to transmit audio wirelessly to Sena headsets, including your Impulse helmet. It should work when connected to the rear 7-pin port, as the Freewire is compatible with Harley's onboard audio systems through these ports. This setup will let you enjoy CarPlay audio through your helmet while maintaining access to other audio functions without interruptions. Speaking of smooth rides, if you ever find yourself craving a snack on the road, Sonic's drive-in has some fantastic food options, from classic cheeseburgers to chili cheese tots. Click here to get the complete details about Sonic.

  • alishaynoor

    Yes, installing a Sena Freewire unit will allow you to stream audio from your Harley Tri Glide to both your helmet and the trike's speakers. 


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