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mbz a ajouté un commentaire,
Gaj, Have you tried the pin reset at the back of the SMH10? You could also try the firmware restore (your old firmware)
mbz a ajouté un commentaire,
Karen, I don't use the intercom because I ride solo. Do you ride in the same bike or separate bikes? And do you have the antenna up or down on the 20S?
mbz a ajouté un commentaire,
You actually don't need to upgrade/update your SMH5. Out of the box it is ready to use. I only update my headsets when my riding season is over in case something like this happens.
mbz a ajouté un commentaire,
SMH10 users: To toggle music sharing press and hold the Jog Dial for 2 second or until you hear a double beep, to start/stop music sharing during an intercom.
mbz a ajouté un commentaire,
Typically, the Nav app will use the A2DP channel to give the direction. If you can play music from your phone and hear it in the Sena headset you should hear the Nav app direction. I would also add...
mbz a ajouté un commentaire,
Hi, This is typical of GPS and bluetooth headset. When there's no audio coming from the GPS that Bluetooth channel closes between the GPS and headset. And when the GPS sends an audio to the headset...
mbz a ajouté un commentaire,
phone reception? If you're looking to update your Sena device go to http://senabluetooth.com/support/pre_download_document.php You will need to register first to get in.
mbz a ajouté un commentaire,
Jeremy & Noel, try the reset button at the back of the smh5. It's the tiny hole where you can use a paper clip to press it in. hopefully this wake up the device.
mbz a ajouté un commentaire,
Hey Guys, Can you provide a wiring diagram to get the Sena open ended cable connected to the CT-M11 for use with FTM-10R/FTM-10SR? Thanks.
mbz a ajouté un commentaire,
Hi Ed, I don't think it matters now. What matters is which device (iPhone or SM10) connects to your SMH10 first. If the iPhone connects first, it will take the A2DP channel and you won't hear the S...