Sena 20s Voice Activating


14 commenti

  • Ed Goldner
    Ed Goldner

    I have the same problem. I just downloaded the new firmware and bluetooth upgrade. Though I can't find what bugs they fix, I hope the upgrades fix our problem.


  • Dart451

    I wouldn't hold my breath edgoldner...the new firmware was just for some minor fixes...they still don't acknowledge that they have a problem with the Voice command during music play! They're only solution is a return and replacement with the same existing problem...


  • beans


    If you look at the user guide, "Hello Sena" only works when the 20S is in standby mode. When your 20S is playing music it is no longer in standby.

  • Ed Goldner
    Ed Goldner

    So if you are riding, it is tap or nothing when music is playing?


  • Dart451

    Beans, I've been over this with Sena techs several times.  THEY tell me that Voice Commands work in music mode.  Hence...why would they have a command saying Next or Previous or Stop if they didn't work in Music mode? On page 31 of the 20S manual, it shows three modes, Standby / Music /
    FM Radio /, Standby, and Music / FM Radio.  These show the different commands that used in each mode.  And, to be fair here...I have tried numerous times...Sena seldom hears even in a confirmed Standby mode.  That means after you have hit the Ambient can always say a command.  However, after hitting the Ambient button and let's say you don't say anything and it slips back in Standby mode, it doesn't hear "Hello Sena".  Now this is just a few seconds after it slips in Standby says in the manual it will turn off Stand By mode after one minute!

  • Dart451

    In my experience Yes!  You almost always have to tap or hit the Ambient button for a command.


  • beans

    Look at the note #2 in page 31.


    2. To activate the voice command during non-stand-by functions, tap the Ambient Mode Button or double tap the surface of the main unit. 

    When you are in music mode, you have to press the ambient button and give these commands Next or Previous or Stop

    At least this is my interpretation of what's written in the manual.

  • Dart451

    Beans, I agree with's a little vague!  And, you're every time if you double tap or hit the Ambient button.  Here is the last message back from Sena Support:

    Thank you for contacting SENA Technologies.

    I do apologize for the inconvenience this issue has caused you.

    Yes, it has been tested that the Voice Command works when you play music from your iPhone. Just follow the steps in User Manual when activating the voice commands of the 20S. As of now, there is no update yet that there will be a software update to fix that kind of issue.


    SENA Technical Support

    As you can see, even this answer is vague!  It tells you to follow the steps in the manual. I'm pretty much ok with this now...I double tap or hit the Ambient button and it works.  No more yelling at Sena!  lol

  • Ken Kimari
    Ken Kimari

    "Hello Sena" works only in standby mode which means the unit is on but you are not connected to music, phone, intercom or engaged in any other operation.  Only way to get voice command to work if you are connected to music or anything else is to tap the ambient button or double tap the helmet. I disabled the helmet tap because it's a pita for me (motion sensor sensitivity controls it).  It goes off under wind buffeting or bumping my jacket collar when I turn my head sometimes.

  • Ken Kimari
    Ken Kimari

    "Hello Sena" works only in standby mode which means the unit is on but you are not connected to music, phone, intercom or engaged in any other operation.  Only way to get voice command to work if you are connected to music or anything else is to tap the ambient button or double tap the helmet. I disabled the helmet tap because it's a pita for me (motion sensor sensitivity controls it).  It goes off under wind buffeting or bumping my jacket collar when I turn my head sometimes.

  • Dart451

    Well, why would Sena send me two new devices if...Hello Sena doesn't work while music is playing?  I made it very clear what I was doing and they told me that it should work WITH music playing.  Would it not be more intelligent if they would have told can only use Previous, Next or Stop ONLY if you press the Ambient button or Double Tap?  If they had said that just one time, we wouldn't even be having this discussion...


  • Ken Kimari
    Ken Kimari

    Perhaps CS was not as familiar with the product as they should have been in the first place. According to what you just said they were half right in that it does work with music playing - if you press the ambient button or double tap the helmet which apparently they left out in your discussion with them. Not defending CS here but miscommunication is a common problem and they are often focused on it being a hardware problem rather than a user error issue. It is sometimes easier for them to just replace the units.  Beans had it right earlier on in this discussion.  It is what it is, and now that you know you can move on.

    CS is a weak spot with any company. For me, I always ask for a tech to speak to when I'm having a problem as they tend to know the product better.

  • Dart451

    Quite true Ken...but this is after having no less that 10-12 similar communications on the same subject with different techs.  So, you're sense beating a dead horse!  Even with all those discussions I had with Sena, it was apparent that they either weren't understanding or had the habit of giving Canned Tech Support.  I used to be a Tech myself so I know what that's all about...  

  • Egil Sandvik
    Egil Sandvik

    Just posted this in another similar thread.

    This note is on page 31 of the manual is very clear.

    Short version "Hello Sena" will not work when playing music, and only work for 1 minute in standby mode.


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