MP3 volume inconsistent


7 commenti

  • Chris Graeser
    Chris Graeser

    YES! I have this exact problem, except it is only rarely that it works correctly. It is only with A2DP (music) not HSP (phone). I know it's in the Sena, not iPhone, because the max volume beep itself is much quieter. Totally random, and it renders this device nearly unusable for me. It is really, really frustrating because otherwise it is almost perfect. And, it is clearly CAPABLE of the right volume. SENA - DO YOU READ THIS? There are several forums discussing this.

  • RBEmerson

    Did you check the volume level on your iPhone?  It's possible (likely) that use of any smart phone (not just an iPhone) can create a situation where the phone's volume can change (e.g., using a BT headset such as a Blue Ant Q2).  I'm using a Razr Maxx with my SMH-10B and that's how I found out the phone's volume levels changed instead of the SMH-10B's settings. 

  • Jkusnitz

    Good question.  I did not check the volume of my iPhone.  I didn't realize that the phone's volume changes the headset volume (I've since tested this and it is true - turning the volume down on the phone turns down the volume of playback through the headset).  While that's good to know going forward, it doesn't explain how the volume magically got loud again when I turned the headset off and then back on.

    The volume was cranked up to the max on the freeway and was inaudible; I turned the headset off and then on again, and it was painfully loud.  To me, this points to an issue with the headset, not with the iPhone.

  • RBEmerson

    I've run into a similar situation, where connecting the SMH-10B to my Zumo 660 (GPS) can give varying volume levels (hard to adjust the 660's volume controls! and I'm very sure I didn't turn the jog knob while waiting for the GPS and SMH-10B to connect).  My guess is the SMH-10B firmware stores gain settings for various sources (to keep the volume the same when re-connecting) and either that data can be corrupted or the source sends "forget that, this is the new gain level" messages.  But that's only a guess - I'm way past my skill level on BT and the SMH-10B firmware. 

  • David D
    David D

    This may be unrelated, but I notice that my SMH5's volume fluctuates sometimes while listening to music. I don't just mean different tracks are at different volumes, but sporadically the volume during any given song will increase/decrease on its own without the jog dial or the phone's volume controls being touched.

  • alexhecht1959
    I have similar problem using iPhone 4 on the brand new 20s, the " volume max" response is defining but the volume is very low ( iPhone is at max)
  • alexhecht1959
    Also the contact between unit and base is not engaging, have resorted to rubber bands, any ideas?

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