SMH5: phone only pairs in 'media mode' and audio sounds tinny/staticy
I sent this to the support team but they still haven't gotten back to me. You guys have any thoughts?
After getting the device and updated it to the v1.1 firmware, I paired the SMH5 with my HTC HD7S Windows Phone 7 device. And I was surprised when it would not answer the phone calls or allow me to use the phone button to activate voice control or answer calls. Then I realized, upon resetting the bluetooth connection, that the H5 said "media connected" (or whatever it says to indicate a media connection).
Is there a way to force it to connect to my phone as a bluetooth handset and not just a media headset? I know that my phone works fine with bluetooth headsets as I'm replacing my Motorola S9-HD with the SMH5. The S9-HD worked fine with my phone, delivering crisp audio and operating normally as a phone handset, answering and placing calls. So I know the phone is fine. I decided to replace the Motorola with the SMH5 only because wedging the headset into my helmet and not being able to use the ear-mounted audio controls made it impractical. But now the SMH5 only mounts as a media device, negating one of the reasons I bought it, to be able to talk on the phone. Do you know how to force the H5 to connect in phone mode?
Secondly, the audio sounds very tinny and staticy. I have to keep the volume levels low as the high frequencies of a song hurt my ears (from cymbal hits to violins, it is very high pitch with none of the mids or bass). This might be due to the size of the speakers, but I'm surprised that a $100+ headset is delivering such tinny audio. And then the audio also sounds scratchy, almost like I'm listening to it over a FM radio and there's a bit of static during the quiet parts of a song, almost like a high amount of compression is going on. None of these issues existed when I used the Motorola handset. Do you have any suggestions?
I'm having similar problems with my SMH10, but only *after* I updated to the 4.0 firmware. I'm on an HTC HD7 (no-S). The music sounds fine, but I can't use any of the phone functions.
I can force it to pair as a phone only and it works. See section 7.2 of the v4.0 manual.
* delete previous pairing from phone
* turn on headset
* press Phone button for 5 seconds -> hear it speak "Phone pairing"
* within 2 seconds, press the Phone button again -> hear it speak "Phone selective pairing"
It now works for phone mode.
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Check for latest firmware and update to your device; SMH5 is version 1.1 and SMh10 is version 4.1.
After the firmware update, perform factory settings reset on SMH5/SMH10 then re-pair your devices. Make sure to remove/delete SMH5/SMH10 from the devices prior to re-pairing.
Factory settings reset instruction:
1. Press and hold Phone Button for 12seconds enter factory settings menu(LED will display solid red) then release
2. Tap Jog Dial to confirm Factory settings reset (successful reset will result in automatic shut down of SMH5/10)
- Upon powering the SMH5/10, SMH5/10 will be set to factory default settings.0 -
Most likely your unit is defective. I purchased 2 SMH5 units. 1 for me and 1 for my girlfriend (passenger). She could hear me clearly but with the volume on full I could barely hear her. I could hook up to her phone using the media and phone pairing but her's would only work in the media paring to hear the GPS on her phone. The intercom was often scratchy. I wrote Sena but all they told me was to update the firmare - my unit already had the latestest firmware. Bottom line I returned her unit and got a new one. Everything now works as advertized. I know her unit was bad. Without 2 units to try all the combinations I am not sure how to test the units.
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I just had a very similar problem with my Galaxy S3. There's a "Settings" in Bluetooth (on the phone) that turns on "Media Audio" and "Phone Audio". On mine, both had to be on to make it work.
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anyone solve this with their iphone? the sound is really bad, listening to music from my iphone. no bass at all. pretty worthless for listening to music.
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I just received mine. I had the static also. I went on the website and downloaded the firmware before calling. After the firmware update the static was gone.
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Static is back. Has anyone solved this issue?
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I have the SMH5 and cannot make it fully pair to either Call Audio or Media Audio. I have the Samsung Note 3 and have already updated Firmware to v2.0.1 wouldn't work with old version neither. Tried updating phone. Nope. Tried Bluethooth App for further settings No luck. Have a note into support. Hoping for the best. Any ideas folks ? Between this, my HP printer and other crapola around the house not working (mostly new stuff) Im going apte shite !!!
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Most of these issues went away with Android 4.4. I don't know about the Note 3 specifically. Wish I could help.
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I have just written to Sena. The seemingly high pitched audio makes most of my conversations on regular phone calls difficult to understand. Music does not sound good too :( The unit is fairly expensive and I was expecting it to sound better than my previous Interphone F3 which only had bluetooth 1.0. I am considering trying to get a different brand unless I get some support. I have the dual unit and have upgraded the firmware straight away, tried the factory resent and re pairing but so far there has been very little improvement. I hope this can be resolved as I am not sure the shop I got it from is ready to replace the unit or something else unless the unit is faulty. Currently I am connecting the unit to iPhone 5S on latest iOS.
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I have a similar situation. My SMH10 pairs fine with my Galaxy S4 with "phone audio", but it won't pair with "media audio". Do I need to unpair my regular Bluetooth headset from "media audio" before my SMH10 will work with "media audio"?
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To the issue with not connecting "media audio", try the following:
1. Delete all the devices paired on your phone
2. Power cycle the phone.
3. Pair the phone with your Bluetooth intercom headset.
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