Rain? My unit died or crashed


8 commenti

  • Bghawkact

    No body ever have issues with rain? I am in process of RMA for warranty to look at it BUT they stated however that the unit is not water proof and only water resistant. makes me want to put a sandwich bag over it with a rubber band next time.....

  • John Jennings
    John Jennings
    Yep. It's just happened to me. Trouble is that I'm in New Zealand and bought the unit from a US dealer via eBay. Should make the warranty claim fun.
  • Paul Barker
    Paul Barker

    Rode for 2700 miles, 8 days of it in rain, from sitting still in a torrential downpour to cruising along in moderate rain at high speed.  No problems at all.  Worked flawlessly every step of the way (SMH-5).  We did ensure that the little rubber flap was secure over the USB/charging connection) every time we rode, though.  It seems like it could easily not be fully seated if one wasn't careful...

  • Felix Lugo
    Felix Lugo

    Yep, check the USB rubber cover to make sure it is on correctly, it's easy to leave it slightly loose.   I don't understand why Sena positioned the USB on top of the unit instead of on the bottom or rear.  Seems it is more susceptible to water infiltration this way.  :-(

  • Roy Norton
    Roy Norton

    I just bought the SMH5 and the unit is a week old at best. So far it's been flawless. Last night It rained while I was traveling home and the unit is now noisy on the left channel. This is a third gen device and I've owned Bluetooth coms unit since gen 1. The rirst thing I do is check the cover flaps are fitted securely, it seems these are inadequate on the Sena. why oh why the USB is on top of the unit I don't know but it's a definite weak point. Guess I'll be starting the rma today.

  • Ecadji

    Fast riding under torential rain. I did not check while riding the usb cover but the sena stopped fonctonning after a few noise and it did not work any more.Asked for help and waiting ...

  • Gunnok

    we have 2 SPH-10 units with some 30,000 miles never ran out of battery even riding through sun and rain 9 hours from Boston , Ma to Washington,DC to Sturgis and back across to south new Hampshire along the northern route .Now in bright shun shine the right speaker just quit after a little static on 96 degree day. Anyone else have a speaker quite for no apparent reason? oh ya the units are just under two years old or just past that mark can't find the sales slip.We have scalas for the states that require helmits 

  • Abdulrehman Sheikh
    Abdulrehman Sheikh

    It sounds frustrating to deal with a brand-new unit that’s already having issues, especially right before your rides! Hopefully, Sena will get back to you quickly so you can sort it out. If anyone needs a reliable roofing contractor in indiana in case of weather-related damage, it’s always good to have a resource handy!


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