SMH10 Manager (v1.4) - Firmware Version Displays Incorrectly ?


6 commenti

  • RBEmerson

    IIRC, Sena's software people didn't anticipate a version number going beyond the form, v N.N - the missing ".1" from "v 4.1.1" (form v N.N.N) is lost for that reason. 

    If you check the settings for a main unit with v4.1.1 fimrware, you should see support for problems with the BMW K1600 series motorcycles' BT system.  This is, AFAIK, not present in v4.1.

  • Sena

    Thank you for your feedback. You may use the latest version of SMH10 Manager( to solve the "display" problem. What is you OS? Mac or Windows?

  • DeadEye

    @SENA: I am running the Windows 7 - 64 bit  O/S and  (as mentioned in my initial post )  v1.4 of the SMH10 Manager.  I have attached a screen capture with annotations to more clearly highlight the issue. 

    You provided a link  to the "latest version" of the SMH10 Manager. Can I assume from your response that there is a newer version than v1.4 of the SMH10 Manager and that is why you are proposing I use it (the link to get a more current version)?  What is the version number of the SHM10 Manager that you are you proposing fixes the problem ?    Was this a documented / known issue in the v1.4 release ?  Did SENA make code changes to fix this known problem ?  Are the release notes available ?


    FYI - I have also documented this "BUG / DEFECT" under support request #6950.

  • Sena

    @DeadEye: We tested and check the version display was incorrect (v4.1) as we updated the firmware to v4.1.1. You're right. We will make the manager fixed sooner or later. We will keep you informed later. sorry for your trouble.

  • Lu Vencl
    Lu Vencl

    I have a simular problem.  I just updated the manager to the latest and two things are wrong now..

    1. Manager claims I have ver 3.0 which I know is incorrect. I have 4.1 loaded.

    2. I can't go past 5 % on the 4.1.1 firmware upgrade.

  • Lu Vencl
    Lu Vencl

    All, After some research and reading I found a post that addresses the wierd 5% freezing problem and the odd firmware vesion reporting. So I am reposting anywhere I see a complaint in effort to help others. It seems you have to update your BT drivers under Windows 7.  I have 64 bit, to this might be relevant as I see many with 64 bit and have this same complaint.. I have never seen this on 32 bit so far.

    So here is the fix I tried and it did work.. Furthmore I now see Bluetooth radio under my device driver I have never seen before. Download and install SMH10 latest manager. Run it, and connect the SMH10 unit to install drivers. Then do a windows update and look for an update pertaining to Bluetooth and run that update. Reboot and try to run manager again. If the SMH-10 now no longer is seen, just reintall the drivers from the sena program folder.

    Then once you can read the SMH-10, perform the drivers update.

    Worked like a champ for me.


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