Is anyone else experiencing static when using the intercom? If you did were you able to remove it by doing somthing?


21 commenti

  • Daniel Dixson
    Daniel Dixson

    I am having the same issue on my two units

  • Pablo Motta
    Pablo Motta

    Hi Daniel,

    Try the pinhole reset on both SMH5. Insert a paper clip into the reset pin-hole (located in the back of the main module) and press the reset button for a second with light pressure. Test your intercom if the static is still there.

    If you continue to have the static, please perform a factory reset on both unit. You will need to re do the pairing.

    1. To restore the SMH5 to factory default settings, press and hold the Phone Button for 12 seconds until the LED shows solid red and you hear high tone double beeps. You will also hear a voice prompt saying “Factory reset”.
    2. Within 5 seconds, press the Jog Dial to confirm reset. The headset will be restored to factory setting and switched off automatically. You will hear a voice prompt saying “Headset reset, good-bye”.

    After the factory reset, the volume will be at the lowest setting. Turn the jog dial clockwise several times to turn up the volume.

    Pair the SMH5s for intercom:

    1. Turn on the two SMH5 headsets (A and B) that you would like to pair with each other.
    2. Press and hold the Jog Dial of the headset A and B for 5 seconds until red LEDs of the both units start to flash rapidly. You will hear a voice prompt saying “Intercom pairing”.
    3. Simply tap the Jog Dial of any one of the two headsets A or B (It doesn’t matter that you choose A or B) and wait until the LEDs of both headsets turn to blue and intercom connection is automatically established. The two SMH5 headsets A and B are paired with each other for intercom conversation.

    Test the intercom. If you continue to have the issue contact our support line at 866-300-1235.


  • Daniel Dixson
    Daniel Dixson

    I went through the steps you outlined, it may have decreased the static a bit but it is still there. Mine are the SMH10's

  • Daniel Dixson
    Daniel Dixson

    I have tried the fault reset with no success. I have also Reset to factory default settings with no success. After doing the Reset to factory default settings the blue tooth pairing did not need to be done again, it did not clear it.

  • Pablo Motta
    Pablo Motta


    If the pairing did not clear, that means you did not do the factory reset correctly.

    Also, make sure to test it outside while riding. If your at home there will be some devices like WiFi/cordless phone that can interfere.

    If you continue to have this issue, please call the support line if possible.

  • Roger Streetman
    Roger Streetman

    i am having the same issue with my SMH10.

    None of the fixes above hepled.

  • Wmstam

    Dito. All of the above and upgraded to the latest Beta Firmware. Maybe the sensitivity of the microphone?

  • Daniel Dixson
    Daniel Dixson

    I ended returning mine under warrenty. They did send a new set and I did not see an improvement. I ended up returning it to the place of purchase. Sorry to say I was very disappointed, had higher hopes for these units. The search starts again.

  • Brian Goad
    Brian Goad

    Just bought the Dual SMH10 set too and tonight testing I get static through bluetooth when connected. Can hear it with the volume all the way down.  When I turn off my phone bluetooth it goes away but then still hear a hiss noise even with volume all the way down. Not what I expected from the reviews I have read on Sena.  Fix?

    smh108 130407116

    000195 1a11c6

    samsung facinate phone

  • Don B. Mowen
    Don B. Mowen

    Consider yourself lucky if you can use it at all. I bought the rider/passenger set and it barely works, if at all. I am VERY disappointed with these headsets and would not recommend them. I'll just stick to my Harley Davidson cabled headsets.

  • Wmstam

    Up to the last update, (SMH-10)  there was a nice and cosy hearth-fire in our head-set. Now it's gone, but also the distance........ Before the update our distance to speak without static interuptions was about 400 meters. Now 250-300....... Also very dissapointed with noise cancelling. My wife has to yell in the microphone on the highway to be heard. Oke her helmet is on full wind stream force....But overall. Still a set worth its money

  • Targabill

    Just bough the dual SMH10.. Defiantly STATIC when in unit to unit intercom mode.. iPhone music works fine.. Is there a fix for the STATIC, Way too annoying for the money????


  • Shayglass
    I just bought 2 SPH12s and there is considerable static while in intercom mode. The headset works great with phone or MP3 player but I am very disappointed with all the static while in intercom mode standing only 15 feet apart. I'm not talking about wind noise. Can this be corrected? Shay
  • Shayglass

    I was advised to update the firmware on my new SPH10s to reduce the intercom static.  I updated from 4.2.1 to 5. and it has made a big improvement in the static.

  • Targabill

    YES, the new 5.0.1 greatly improves the static... and you get Universal Intercom...


    Oh my just spent two hours installing these .  Blue tooth works great .  OMG intercom  static ????!?!?     Didn't they test these ??   It is so unacceptable not even . 


     I just saw the message on the 5.0  . What is that and did that take care of the problem ??


    Seems to be the norm ?  Don't they check and test these ??

  • Targabill

    Software version 5.0.1, improves it a lot but not completely gone.. "As mentioned above"

  • aj van der walt
    aj van der walt
    I just bought a smh10 dual set and have the same problem on one unit. I buzzes badly when receiving and talking. Also when talking I can hear my voice all mixed up. Any advice?
  • Steven Kittel
    Steven Kittel

    having the same issue with the SMH5-FM.  Bought the dual set, upgraded the firmware, and have static in both headsets when trying to use the intercom. Tested in the house, so we know it's not any wind blowing in it. Same result while riding.  Bluetooth music and radio seem to work fine.  Have done both the paperclip reset and factory reset.  No change. I even tried turning off the Sideband so I wouldn't hear myself (thinking it was coming from there). No change at all.  If there isnt any fix for this, I will be returning to Amazon and getting a different brand that actually works.


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