SMH5-FM, SM10, Galaxy Note 2 and a radar detector - how can I get these to work together?
Help me please - I have spent hours trying to figure this out. I am trying to find some way use both my phone for HFP stuff and to listen to music. I just bought the SM10 so that I could hear my radar detector. So, I want to use the SM10 JUST for my radar detector, and my phone for ... phone and to listen to music.
How many HFP profiles does the SMH5 support? I have the latest firmware.
I was hoping I could pair the Note with both HFP and AVRCP, and then add the SM10 with HFP only.
And if this won't work, what the heck am I missing? Am I really the only person who has a radar detector that they want to hear but listen to music on their phone? There's no bluetooth solution for this?
David, the SMH5-FM supports 2 HFP profiles but only supports 1 A2DP profile which is what the SM10 uses. So if you want to listen to both the music on your phone and use the radar detector at the same time then you will need to use the audio cables that came with the SM10 and plug both devices in. Afterwards, you can pair your SMH5-FM to the phone using the Phone Pairing method and then use the same Phone Pairing method to pair the SMH5-FM to the SM10. This will result in the phone using a HFP profile and the SM10 using the A2DP profile.
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