20S does not lock onto its base


176 commenti

  • Santino Stoner
    Santino Stoner

    I have the same issue - just opened a ticket.

  • dgreen

    When my 20S was new I had no confidence in the catch.  I would have to squeeze it really hard to the base and the locking wasn't all that positive and didn't click. Now after about 20-30 lock/release cycles it seems to lock better and I hear an audible little click.  I still don't trust it though and always give it a tug after I hear the click.  Also I can't release it unless I squeeze down before pressing the release button.

  • Christophe Larrosa
    Christophe Larrosa

    Thanks for the feedback. Unfortunately mine just won't click into place no matter how hard I press down (although I do not want to press so hard as to break the base, given the bad experience with my SMH10 that led me to buy the 20S). It looks like the hole where the mobile peg from the base is supposed to enter is too high.
    I submitted a ticket 6 days ago and still nothing, stil "awaiting assignment"... I'm getting really upset with Sena...

  • Michael Nahas
    Michael Nahas

    Sorry to hear that.  Mine was very hard to press in at first to.  Works ok now that I know what I have to do.

  • Ashwin Mathias
    Ashwin Mathias

    Same issue for me. Just got a brand new one a few days ago.

  • dgreen

    Looking at the back of my 20S it really looks like Sena did a quick change to the plastic mold to change the profile of the slot that receives the locking catch.  There's a lip on there that really looks like someone just took a tool to the mold for a quick fix.  Do you have that? 

  • Christophe Larrosa
    Christophe Larrosa

    Yes! Exactly, it looks like there was some kind of production fiddling around that exact area. I think it's an issue of manufacturing tolerances and a 1/4 of mm probably makes all the difference. I think the design should be able to accommodate that kind of manufacturing tolerances if the manufacturer cannot provide a better tolerance range.

    Anyway, Sena finally got back to me yesterday (not really grasping my problem: they thought my problem was with mounting the base on the helmet...) but I decided to try again, exerting more force and finally manage to get a unit to lock onto the base that is still not mounted on the helmet. I managed to do it twice, but this is by no means an easy process and I am not comfortable exerting that kind of force on those plastic objects. I then decided to try on the base that is mounted on my helmet. It took me 5 minutes of trying but finally managed to get one unit to lock, but not before the unit started to open in 2 given the force I had to use. Anyway, it's in place now and I think that the solution is never to remove it again...  otherwise it's not a matter of if but of when that I will break either the base or the unit.

    Sena really need to work on their lock and release design and/or manufacturing tolerances. After the release mechanism design flaw on the SMH10 (the locking mechanism was great!), it is now the locking mechanism that is flawed on the 20S (the release is OK).

    Not the best solution to have a permanently attached unit on the helmet, but at least I am not left with an unusable product. Now I need to check the protruding speakers issue to see if that is a problem or not...

  • Richard W Oedewaldt
    Richard W Oedewaldt

    I have the same problem!   Mine is new as of 07-24-2014 and it will not latch.   I opened a ticket also.

  • Christophe Larrosa
    Christophe Larrosa

    I see that I'm not the only one with this issue! Matthias, did the new unit resolve the issue? Sena has offered me to replace the unit, but I'm hesitant since they also acknowledged me that it is a known issue and that they are working to resolve it (which, to me, means that it is not yet resolved). So getting a new unit would still be a lottery.

    I think that there are manufacturing tolerances issues and that the design does not allow for it so some (most ?) units come out fine but some have this issue just because of 1/4 mm difference in the position of the locking receptacle. 

  • Ashwin Mathias
    Ashwin Mathias

    My unit was new (brought from Revzilla.com) a week ago. The main never locks into the base clamp no matter how hard I push, and there is no more room to push, since the plastic ends of both pieces (main and base) are touching. I opened a ticket and sent them pictures of the latch, that shows pushing or not pushing the silver "quick release" button does nothing to the latch.

    Sena has not responded yet to me opening the ticket or the attachments I submitted. So I am not sure if they will offer a new unit, or a new base clamp. Regardless of manufacturing issues:

    1. This is a premium priced product, so the experience should be (have not seen that yet)

    2. These types of latches are not new to implement in a reliable fashion. My bike has several plastic quick connectors, that are robust, reliable, and you just have to have the center notch have a USB or apple style lightning plug to make this work. Even a battery tender quick connector plug is more reliable and robust. This is just silly, to have a high-tech product fail, because they could not figure a 20 cent plastic connection.

    There are so many military grade connectors available as well!

    Let me wait and see what Sena responds. Hopefully they will do soon.

  • Ashwin Mathias
    Ashwin Mathias

    Attaching images of the latch that does not work to lock the main unit to base.

  • Santino Stoner
    Santino Stoner
    My unit is two weeks old and used to lock with light downward pressure. However it no longer will lock even when applying a high amount of force (that threatens to damage the unit). I have resorted to wrapping a rubber band around the base and the 20s to keep a good connection between the leads.

    Definitely disappointed in this failire
  • dgreen

    @Ashwin:  It looks like the latch isn't retracing properly.  Mine goes in straight.


  • Ashwin Mathias
    Ashwin Mathias

    @dgreen. Thanks!. Interesting. If it does not retract, I would hope that it locked into place, but it is not locking in. So I can assume that either it is not coming out all the way to lock and then going back in. I really wish they put a simpler mechanism in place.

    Most shoulder backpacks have better plastic quick connectors that carry more load, and stay connected even through push/pull situations.

  • Alyssa Marko
    Alyssa Marko

    I also cannot physically connect the device to the base. If I hold the unit down on the base it works but when I let go I lose the connection.


    I opened a ticket 4 days ago about another issue and still have not heard back. I am already unhappy with my purchase.

  • Jim Paolucci
    Jim Paolucci
    Just got my 20s unit today, the lack of a positive connection for the electronic circuits is just nuts the smh 10 has a very positive click, this is just bad design. Im probably going to return it and wait for the re design. The improved features are worth the wait... In the mean time, my smh10 always clicks into place & works...
  • Bob Boehmer
    Bob Boehmer
    Same issue here. It used to latch, now it doesn't. I have the dual and haven't installed the second base yet. Both Bluetooth units will latch onto the second base. Neither will latch onto the installed base. It looks like the latching mechanism does not protrude as much from the installed base as it does from the base that still latches.
  • Ashwin Mathias
    Ashwin Mathias

    Got the RMA process and a new unit from SENA. The latch mechanism (as per Bob's comment) does not protude as much on the defective unit vs. the new one. I am not sure how long the new one will last either.

  • Robert Whitelaw
    Robert Whitelaw

    Officially got my hands on my 20s on July 25th. Last week I suddenly find that it will not lock into the base any longer. It had only been out of its base once for me to recharge it. I did not force it, used the silver release button to get it off of the base. I put the helmet on and suddenly realize that the audio has cut out. I reach for the unit and it feels loose. I take off the helmet and find that the unit has come loose from the base and refuses to lock back into position.

    Submitted a ticket but no response so far.

  • Tpd0158

    I have the same issue and only made one phone call before my unit loosened from the base.  I love the speakers and boom mic.  Hope Sena can fix the issue and get mine back to me asap.

  • Robert Whitelaw
    Robert Whitelaw

    So it's day 2 (I actually submitted my ticket on friday - but I won't count the weekend) and the status of my ticket is still "Awaiting assignment to a support agent". Anyone else see this kind of delay in the response of the support folks? I could still return since I bought it via Amazon, but what I really want is to just get a unit that works.

  • Christophe Larrosa
    Christophe Larrosa

    Yeah, it was the same for me, it was 4 or 5 working days until they finally got back to me for the first time. After that communication was better, they usually got back to me the next day.

  • Robert Whitelaw
    Robert Whitelaw

    Thanks for that info. Good to know. I don't know how many times I have to learn the "Early Adopter" lesson before it sticks!

  • John jcinaz
    John jcinaz

    I also have had problems with my unit locking into the base. The first time I thought I was not turning it on correctly while riding, then I got it clicked down. Then this week I went to listen to music and thought, I know I turned it on but it is not responding. I cannot get it to click into the base for anything. I also have the static in the earphones problem. Hope they get all these small things fixed before I get my replacement.

    Thank you to this group for making me aware of this. I was going nuts trying to figure out why it wasn't working at first.

  • Robert Whitelaw
    Robert Whitelaw

    So can anyone think of something that preceded this issue happening? In my case, I usually put my jacket on before I put on my helmet. In this case, I put the helmet on first and I recall that my left upper arm bumped the unit on the side of the helmet when I was putting the jacket on. It was after that when I noticed the problem. So no heavy or hard impact. I have a very padded Bilt jacket so no hard parts to hit the unit.

  • Stephen Strock
    Stephen Strock

    So far, very good response!!  Ticket submitted, RMA Received, Warranty replacement unit order confirmed, all within 48 hours.  Only downside is the unit is on backorder.  Hopefully this means they have been addressing the problem.

  • Robert Whitelaw
    Robert Whitelaw

    My RMA got squared away today as well. The biggest worry I have is that its a flaw that has not been completely worked out yet - meaning it just might happen again.

  • Joe Yano
    Joe Yano

    I too have the same issue with the clamp unit. Just got my 20s dual and have been using it for 3 days. Set my helmet down while out for supper and when I left, had no audio, I checked and the unit had popped off. Could not get it to reconnect. Got home and compared it to the second unit and can see the locking pin does not come fully out to lock the unit in place. I saw some pictures on another forum of a similar incident. Sure enough the locking pin was broken. I hope I can get this replaced in the next two weeks. The wife and I have a road trip planned. Oh and I do hope they come up with something stronger than what is currently in there as I can see this happening again.

  • Christophe Larrosa
    Christophe Larrosa

    So it appears that there are 2 different issues, both related to a poor locking mechanism design and/or manufacturing. My issue, the one described at the start of this thread, is that the unit won't lock on the base because you cannot slide it down enough for the retractable pin to align with the hole on the unit. Now it appears that the pin breaks or somehow does not hold the unit securely in place, enough? What a mess...

    I thought I was OK for now, after forcing the unit down into place without breaking anything, if I never took it off again, however impractical that might me...

  • Ben Mock
    Ben Mock

    I actually broke both units trying to lock the units in place. I couldn't get the pin to set and I guess I pressed down to hard and the case cracked, this was within an hour after I opened the box. The second time I was trying to release it from the mount and the case broke when trying to push it off the mount. I created a ticket a day ago, so it's still waiting for it to get assigned. I hope I can get it replaced, everything I could test on it worked flawlessly. I couldn't test the intercom part cause it broke, but the media, fm radio, and calls work amazing. 


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