20S does not lock onto its base


176 commenti

  • Joe Yano
    Joe Yano

    I am now going to have to return my 20s dual kit for a second time. The latch broke on both of them. I really hope they can come up with something new, aside from this one thing, the 20s is working great.

  • Mathew, Bruce
    Mathew, Bruce

    Spoony - Are you talking about the actual clamp on the helmet broke? That's not good....

    I fully expect that once I get my base replaced, I won't remove it from the base again unless it's absolutely necessary.  I'll just recharge it on the helmet.

  • mike

    I have the exact damn problem.  i am so damn pissed, this 20s has been a complete failure.  terrible volume (i cant test its fixed in 1.2 cause i cant use the damn thing), FM is BROKEN, I am 5 miles from NYC and can barely get 2 stations w/ static and now i cant even latch the damn thing on.

    Now my ticket is 7 days wating assignment, WTF!


    And where is the Sena respone on this thread?


    And screw all the motovloggers who pimped this 20s as the greatest thing in the world because they got a free unit, shows you there integrity, they sold out for a frigan headset.  No way they didnt notice the plethora of problems on release.

  • mike

    I have the exact  problem.  i am so damn mad, this 20s has been a complete failure.  terrible volume (i cant test its fixed in 1.2 cause i cant use the thing), FM is BROKEN, I am 5 miles from NYC and can barely get 2 stations w/ static and now i cant even latch the thing on.

    Now my ticket is 7 days wating assignment, ARGH!!


    And where is the Sena respone on this thread?


    And all the motovloggers who pimped this 20s as the greatest thing in the world because they got a free unit, shows you there integrity, they sold out for a junky headset.  No way they didnt notice the plethora of problems on release.

  • Christophe Larrosa
    Christophe Larrosa

    Don't hold back Mike, tell us exactly how you feel... :-)
    I totally understand your frustration. In my experience it took Sena several days to respond to the ticket but once they did the communication was good. I now have the replacement units, I managed to lock one on its clamp. I had to exert again way too much force for such a delicate device but I managed no to break it this time. The plan is obviously to never remove it and charge it while in place on the helmet. Definitely not ideal, especially for a top of the line item...
    As far as Sena responding to this thread, they haven't, but they did acknowledge the problem to me and said they were working to resolve the issue... They also posted a video on youtube on how to remove the unit. So this means they know there is a problem. If you check the video, you'll see they do it on a clamp that is not installed on a helmet which makes it a little unrealistic... plus you can notice that they have to exert too much force in my opinion...

    Here is a link to the vid: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kGBo0P8GBR8

  • mike

    Thanks for the response Christophe, yeah as you can see I am quite frustrated.  The entire 20s has been a bad experience for me, from the numerous delays, to waiting forever on back order, to finally getting a unit and not being able to use it.

    I am also pissed as several motovloggers, yummir6 comes to mind, reviewed these and said t hey were the greatest things in the world, leaving out the massive problems everyone is having.  It really pisses me off when someone takes a free product and gives it a perfect review because t hey got a free product, it lacks integrity.

    I actually saw the vidoe earlier today as i was searching about this issue.  Never removing it is just not an option for me, i keep my helmet with my bike in my storage unit and dont have power there.  bringing my helmet home every single day and dragging it back and forth is just too much of a hassle, i have ended up with damaged helmets doing this.  I think its fair we should be able to use this product as it was advertised, especially due to the price.

    Sena should be ackowledging this problem and telling us what they are doing to fix it and then sending out the new designed part to everyone affected, but I dont see that happening.  I barely want to even do the RMA knowing i am getting a product that is going to have the same problem again after a few uses.  This one lasted 5 uses!

    Is the problem on the base or the unit itself?  I am not clear on that.


    Thanks for replying.

  • Christophe Larrosa
    Christophe Larrosa

    The problem is with the locking mechanism in general and, from what I can gather on this thread, manifest itself in different ways. The mechanism is poorly designed and also poorly manufactured (tolerances). In my case it was basically impossible to lock the unit in place on its base. In the end I had to force so much that I broke the unit. For others, they have difficulty removing it, while for others the mechanism simply breaks after a few uses.

    I understand you hesitation to replace the unit with another one that has the same design/manufacturing flaw. That was the same for me (I wrote about it in this very thread several times). In the end, since my unit was broken, I went for it and now I have managed to lock in place without breaking it. I won't remove it unless absolutely necessary (like if I have to change helmets for example).

    On my ticket, Sena just asked me if I had any additional questions, and I sais yes... I asked if we would be modified when the design has been modified so that we can have what we paid for, which is an intercom that can be repeatedly, easily and safely removed and installed...

  • Ashwin Mathias
    Ashwin Mathias

    The bluetooth module is nice, the feature set is great. Sena's support and RMA process took a little time, but was relatively painless.

    They really need to redesign the locking mechanism. It is too flimsy for normal day to day use, forget regular motorcycle use. There are so many examples of getting a robust locking mechanism in place across industries. If they want to avoid the mounting costs of RMA's, SENA would be wise to redesign it once and for all, and give everyone who has an issue the new version.


  • Mathew, Bruce
    Mathew, Bruce

    Mike - I fully understand your frustration - I was there a few days ago. For what it's worth.  When I received my new 20S a few weeks ago, the first thing I did was to go get the latest firmware available.  I have a feeling that because I did that, I didn't have many of the issues you are experiencing (software wise).  I do have the broken latch (about 24 removal cycles) and am currently working with SENA to get it replaced.  I also just installed the new firmware update that came out yesterday.  I can see already that my FM is working much better as is the volume options.  They added some new controls in the phone app to work with your setup, 

    Maybe I've been lucky with my unit or the updates did the trick, but outside of the broken latch, I love my unit.  It has wonderful audio quality with the HD intercom (only between 20S units) and music from my phone / MP3.  I had another SENA SMH10 and 2 non-SENA headsets all connected this week.  Yes, we had some static at times, but we were all talking together almost up to 1/4 mile.  On another trip, we had 6 guys all 20S units connected via intercom, it was tricky, but when we got it figured out - it worked wonderfully.  There definitely is an order that you need to connect everyone together.  I haven't figured out the Group intercom yet.

    I guess I'm past my (pissed off) time after 10 days in process.  I've figured out work arounds (note the Zip Tie in my picture) to keep using the unit until I get it fixed - I know it shouldn't be that way, but now that I know how not to break it, I suspect I won't have any problems once I get it fixed.  I just won't be the customer making recommendations like I could have been ...

  • Felix Lugo
    Felix Lugo

    Sadly I have joined the ranks of owning a 20S that will no longer latch to base.   Opened ticket, but still have not heard back from support.   I really hope Sena finds a good solution to this matter soon.

  • mike

    Quite upset here, my RMA has been in process since Sept 9th and still I have not gotten a unit sent out.  I am told its first come, first serve, which makes sense of course but something is seriously wrong if it takes this long to send out a replacement.

    my google nexus 5 broke, i called them yesterday, and the new device will be here today.

  • Mathew, Bruce
    Mathew, Bruce

    Well - I discovered my problem on Sept. 1st.  it took 10 days to get to the RMA stage in the process and I'm another 10 days past sending in my unit .  I'm now waiting and watching my riding weather window close rather quickly.  I suspect by the time I get this all resolved, I'll have my cycle put away for the winter.   It was 45 this morning on my ride to work.

  • Smokey

    Still waiting on my replacement, Sena customer service leaves a lot to be desired, if they are being delayed then they should at least give customers a regular update.

  • Robert Whitelaw
    Robert Whitelaw

    In my case, once they got the RMA going, things went pretty smoothly. I actually had a really good experience with their support.

  • Smokey

    Been two weeks since my RMA was submitted and still nada

  • mike

    bad news ppl, those of you like me waiting for a replacement are screwed.  all 20s is back ordered.

  • Smokey

    Well they offered to ship me a replacement main unit and clamp, the only caveat was that shipping to them of their defective part, was at my expense, I told them no, I will wait for the clamp to be sent to me as they stated they did not want the old one back. I negotiated some savings with the dealer when I got mine up here, those savings slowly get eroded when the customer has to pay for shipping to the manufacturer. It may seem that I am being cheap, but shipping from Canada to the US is not know as being a cheap way to go.

  • Smokey

    In addition to my last, I also explained that unless they have reworked the clamp and made it stronger to eliminate the breakage, then sending a replacement unit will do nothing to rectify the problem as it will probably happen again, which will again require a replacement to be sent, and I have the dual set, so far the one is holding as I don't use it much, the other broke after only a couple of weeks.

  • Barry Duggan
    Barry Duggan

    I just. got my 20s dual delivered. hooked it up to my helmet and the unit would not securely latch to the base. when it was clicked in it would be loose and could be easily pulled off. I sold my smh10 to get these. Pissed this is a design issue. Simple fix Sena!!!

  • mike

    still waiting.  I will not be buying sena products any more, this experience with the 20s and then the support has been horrendous.  It's been over a month and I have not had my broken 20s replaced.  So basically I have had this thing for 3 months and got to use it 3 times.  Now its looking like I wont get to use this product which I paid almost $300 for till next year.  This is unacceptable.

  • David Moss
    David Moss

    Went through the process to get an RMA.  that took about a month.  Just got a series of emails, one with a pre-printed return label, then an order confirmation from the online store of a new 20s Sena, and finally a shipping notice with tracking number for the new unit.  I have not sent the old one back yet and will hang on to it until I receive the new one.  All-in-all, except for taking a little too long, the process has been relatively painless. 

  • Smokey

    They are sending me a new replacement clamp, just cleared customs yesterday so should have it shortly, Hopefully it will not fail as the last one did, overall they were pretty good and the main problem was that they didn't have the replacements in stock and had to wait. They said to keep the one, so I will use that as a spare, just in case. The fix I did seems to have worked, so far it is holding up.

  • Tim Snyder
    Tim Snyder

    One of 2 units would not lock in after the 2nd day of use. Also, the other unit cover broke at one of the screws. Sena send new units. Both units click in. Haven't had time to see how long they will last.

  • Ken Gillett
    Ken Gillett

    I have to say I've not experienced any breakage with either the SMH10 previously, or yet with the 20S, but they can sometimes be tricky to latch. I always put the helmet on a flat surface when mounting the unit as that means you can exert sufficient pressure directly onto the latch without straining anything else. I'll have to remember to not put too much pressure on the button when releasing the 20S.

    However, since purchasing the 20S some months ago, I am still waiting for an additional clamp to use on another helmet. Only having one clamp means I use the 20S less than I would otherwise be able to. The fact that no additional clamps have yet been received in the UK is no doubt due to this problem. Either they don't have enough to supply more than the warranty replacements elsewhere, or they are re-designing it and not yet manufacturing the modified ones. Let's hope it's the latter.

  • Mathew, Bruce
    Mathew, Bruce

    I have my broken unit replaced now - it was pretty close to 36 days from broken to replaced.  I will be much more careful from this point forward and probably won't be removing the main unit from the base any more than I absolutely need to.  I do have to say that I like the new 1.2 firmware update that took place while I had the unit in for return.  FM seems to work much better and I like the button to activate the voice prompts instead of tapping on the unit.  The additional features in the phone app settings is also nice.

  • Karl May
    Karl May
    I've have my 20s unit for two weeks $630. If the unit had been tested prior to release this would not even be a discussion. Very poor on Senas side. I've only taken my unit of twice and today will not click back on. Maiden voyage with my wife on new 2014 1200GSA. Pushed bike back into shed. Sena you could not of ruined my day more if you tried.
  • Sena

    We are aware of the issue of units not locking into the clamp kit and are in the process of resolving this issue. We will provide an update when the process is finished.


    @Karl: Please contact our Technical Support department in order to receive a replacement for your 20S. You can submit a request here or send them an email at support@sena.com or call them at 1-866-300-1235 or (408) 300-9797. We are sorry about the trouble you have faced.

  • Allan Tygert
    Allan Tygert

    Wow!  I thought this was an isolated incident.  I guess not.  Mine latched when I first got it, but after a week or so, stopped.   

  • Scott

    Talk about poor design! All of this technology is relying on a cheap plastic clip??? What did you do ... outsource to China?? You people are amazing ... You have lost face in a big way. How can you charge the consumer so much money and then produce such a shoddy piece of equipment! This was a birthday gift to myself that I saved up for ... only to use it once on a test ride with my wife. I can only hope that the other one does not come off on a ride and get lost. I am fearful of removing it. I expect immediate results!

  • Brad Steyn
    Brad Steyn
    Very disappointing for such an expensive product. I purchased 2 dual kits for my wife and two sons, about two months ago, and the same thing. The locking tab is made of a very thin plastic, and just snaps in two. I ride every day, always charge it with it connected to the helmet, and it still broke. I have raised a ticket and am still waiting for a response. Maybe things take longer to get to the land down under...

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