20S does not lock onto its base
Has anyone had this issue? I find it quite incredible.
I got a dual set of 20S upgrading from a set of SMH10R. I was very happy with the SMH10 but the release mechanism was poorly designed and forced users to pull on the unit, exerting a leveraged force on the base which caused cracks to appear in the connection area. The base on my helmet finally broke and the other one, on my girlfriend's helmet is badly cracked too.
I was happy to see that the locking and release mechanism had been redesigned on the 20S but absolutely appalled to realise that none of the 2 units will lock into place onto any of the 2 bases! I slide them down as far as I can on the base, but they simply won't click into place! I can't believe I'm the only one to have this issue! What am I missing?
Reading all the articles on this forum, I'm beginning to think that I made a huge mistake in shelling out close to 500 euros to upgrade to the 20S, which seems to be plagued by problems. I think I will be better off sending them back and getting a set of spare mounting clamps for my trusted SMH10R.
The other thing that is annoying is the way they attach the cable to the speakers locally adds an extra 5mm to the diameter of the speaker which prevents the speakers to enter flat in the recessed area of my helmet and velcro onto the pad. I had to use the thick pads provided for helmets with "deep recesses" for the speaker to be able to velcro the speakers into place. I'm pretty sure that this will cause the speakers to press onto my ears and quickly make it unbearable...
I'm really disappointed...
same issue only used it a few times then It would no longer lock on
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Sena has fixed my problem fairly quickly. They put me in touch with an Autralian Distributor, and within two weeks from when I first logged a ticket, it was all rectified, and a new bracket sent out which is supposed to be an updated bracket.
I just had to send back the broken bracket without any of the mic or headphones, and they send through a full mounting kit.
Great stuff, Sena.
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I had a unit from early production (ser #1405....) and the clamp/latch was fine. But I had to replace the whole unit due to FM issues etc.
Received a replacement unit (complete) last month from the 1409 batch and the latch broke after the second use. :-(
Hopefully they have this sorted out now.
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Well I am also joining the ranks of the poor quality latch mechanism failure. Except mine never even made it outside. Both latches failed while testing the units in our home. One broke while trying to get it to latch. The other broke while listening to my iPod. Heard a pop noise from the left side of the helmet and simultaneously lost sound in the left headphone. Customer support said it would take 3 weeks to get a replacement to me. I sure hope it comes faster then that.
If Sena truly cares about their customers and their reputation, the replacements should be sent out next day air. It is not OUR fault they sold us a defective product. If this was a known issue how come Sena did not do a recall and swap out the defective clamps BEFORE we purchased them? I owned a Electronics business in the 80's and if a manufacturer had an issue back then they would swap out my inventory. I think it is very poor business for a company to have a quality control (cheap design) issue and expect the customer to be inconvenienced with a brand new product that cannot be used.
I sure hope the replacement has been redesigned and not fail like the current one. Why should we have to jury rig something brand new (and cost $500.00) because of Sena's "design" issue. Why should I have to worry about a brand new products latch failing and have a $250 Bluetooth module skidding across the road and getting run over by a car? How come if Sena knows this is a "design" issue, they did not contact me when the units serial number was registered on their web site? I am getting pretty tired of companies expecting the customers to do all the leg work for THEM!
The system was ordered for a Christmas present for my Wife to go with our new Bike. Some Christmas present, huh? Coal would have been better under the tree then this useless Sena 20S system. Cannot wait to see how long it takes Sena to send replacement clamps. Stay tuned..........
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I just bought a double set same deal both POS waiting for replacements 1409 ser # means they were made in September 2014 come on sena really !!!!!!!! o well no wonder we buy Japanese !!
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i had the same problem for both of my 20S. sena should change the material of the latch to something harder. aluminum perhaps. if the will only change our clips with a new one of the same kind. its doomed to be broken in a few weeks.
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I have the dual kit, I bought a clamp kit from Revzilla, first time it clicked in, after that it would never seat again. Same problem with the tab not going far enough to catch. I did an RMA but I see this will be a problem in the future! Why Sena doesn't replace the plastic piece with a metal piece is aggravating! This should be recalled!
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I have the dual kit, I bought a clamp kit from Revzilla, first time it clicked in, after that it would never seat again. Same problem with the tab not going far enough to catch. I did an RMA but I see this will be a problem in the future! Why Sena doesn't replace the plastic piece with a metal piece is aggravating! This should be recalled, and the plastic piece be made from metal! How much would it cost Sena to have the tab manufactured in metal? This has left a bad bad taste in my mouth! These communicators won't be around for 2 years for sure! I smell a class action lawsuit unless Sena gets ball and replaces the latch mechanism!
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Just got mine today & immediately after charging & updating the firmware I tried it. Locking is loose & must wiggle till I find the sweet connecting spot. But any tab, touch or pushing a button will cause you to lose that sweet connecting spot. Simply locking it in place will cause it to play in one speaker, screeching sounds or no sound at all.
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Mine just broke, not the latch but the edge of the thin plastic slot on the main module fractured. Ticket submitted, meanwhile zip tie fix is holding. Seems to me, looking at the mechanism, if you widened the latch to fit across the slot width you would reduce stress on that assembly by spreading out the forces on the mechanism as well as on the plastic slot on the module. I'm no engineer, but given the number of comments on this issue there seems to be some design issues here that need to be addressed.
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Try loosening the screws that fasten the base to the helmet. This helped when I had the same problem. I also had a related problem with my SMH10 where the communicator was not making a good connection with the base unit because I had screwed it on too tightly. 0 -
I just received a replacement dual set and to me it looks like changes have been made to the clamping system. It looks to me the new piece that the silver release button moves back and forth to release the unit is now aluminum.....Plus the unit slides on and off much easier. We'll see if the dropout issue is fixed as I had not had a chance to check it yet, these units both came with 1.3 on them.
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Dderrig - that's great news!!! I sure hope they might offer replacement parts with the new latch arm. I would be willing and able to take mine apart and replace the plastic with the new parts.
For now, I'm not using the option to remove it for fear it will break again. I just charge it on the helmet.
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Old unit vs. new Unit hope this helps!
Old Unit.JPG
New Unit.JPG0 -
So when does the recall start? I want the upgraded version before another on breaks on a trip? 0 -
Hey, thanks for the Pics - now I'm really interested in replacement parts. I actually really like these units if we could just get the latch issue fixed...
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The reason I still had an older unit is I purchased an extra from Revzilla (Had to send my bad units back to Sena) Hopefully Sena notifies their distributors of this so they don't keep selling the old units......I will say Sena support was excellent in my case as I got new units right away. I know for many of you this has not been the case and maybe I was lucky as this new fix may have just been implemented????
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Just got my 20S. Mine will click in, but it is lose and does not connect correctly. I have to push it down, feels like a spring action, when I do it connects. Let go and it lifts up, spring like action again, disconnects.
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Good news guys... Finally. the latch appears to be fixed. I just got my RMA back and Sena sent me BRAND NEW UNITS. The latch is made from aluminum now like someone else said. That should fix my complaint (Broken latch and cover screws broken in plastic cover) I hope this works because I really like these units!!! Excited.
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Glad to hear that the issue appears to have been remedied by a change to the latch. I have started having issues again with my replacement, but I did not want to swap it out till I heard there was a real solution in place. Sounds like it may be the time.
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Just a note on testing my units after Sena replaced both units with newer design. They work GREAT. All problems fixed. If you have these units and are having problems, send them back and get replacements. You worst be disappointed.
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Can anyone verify the serial numbers of the affected base units? I purchased a dual kit new off amazon a month ago, serial 1409 (September 2014), and want to know if that was a fixed base unit, or if I should now send back my replacement which is unopened, for a refund to try and find in a retail store where I can see the serial number? 0 -
So it sounds like the base plate has been fixed by replacing the plastic latch by some kind of metal contraption. Was anything done to address the small plastic lip on the radio itself? I assume the metal part will now easily wear out that tiny lip that holds the radio unit in place. Once that goes, back to square one with the same problem. Can someone with a fixed unit confirm if the radio itself has been updated?
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150104374 is the serial on my replaced units. I just received them about 2 weeks ago so they are very current. Also the groove appears to be deeper and the latch works perfectly now. Not sure about the FM reception issue because I never got the chance to use it on my old units but the new one works great. I'm very happy with my 20S now. I was really thinking I threw $500 away when I got the first one but now all is good.
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Can you post pictures of the changes to base plate and radio?
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Thomashohl, Felix Lugo - I would also like to see photos of the new unit (I've seen one of the bases on here already) if you could kindly post them please?
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Thomashohl, thanks for posting your serial up. I found a unit locally that is 1502, but I submitted an RMA to SENA to get a replacement unit for my now unopened 1409 unit which was a replacement from Amazon after my first kit had the latch problems. Haven't heard from SENA yet, but might take another day or two.
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Thanks for the work guys...we opened a ticket on a set we grabbed on Boxing day. Kid used it two days and will not latch anymore
Leaving for a 24 day cross country trip in early June and I won't get back from Australia til the 8th of May - hoping they have the replacement to us quick so we can test well before we leave.
I hope the latch is the only issue.
Had been using Scala with mixed success....tended to lose a channel but generally worked as advertised . Was hoping the Sena a step up as really looking forward to using my own Earphones. Fingers crossed.
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You would think that Sena would have communicated on this thread to let us know of the redesign...
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There is already a good picture of the new unit above. Trust me guys this unit is fixed. I'm a machinist and I can tell you that the latch works now as well as the FM radio works great.
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