Using Hello Sena Command


49 commenti

  • Keith

    Hi Brent, I hope Sena tracks bugs in a system that can be referenced when a customer reports a problem. If there isn't a system for the Sena engineers to check for known bugs, the tech support engineers could very well be unaware of the bug and unnecessarily ask you to ship your unit back.

  • Keith

    I sent a message to the Sena engineer I've been working with to ask him how they track issues and when the "Hello Sena" command 60 second timeout issue will be fixed. Below is the response I got:


    We used JIRA system by Atlassian to manage product issues and feature request.
    We keep all the customer requests and issues in our system and prioritize them periodically.
    So, no decision has been made to your request yet.

    We expect to release v1.5 firmware which add new features and some bug fix at next month.


     So, it looks like they have a system to manage things. Let's hope the "Hello Sena" microphone timeout issue was entered into that system and the tech support engineers are referencing the system to guide customers.

  • JHLR

    God damn, someone should teach them how to handle and work customer friendly. This is first time here when I got "announced" that at least they are working with the problems and they expect to release next firmware next month. I'm really waiting it, but I will be more happy if I could know what are those "bug" fixes, or what are those request they are working on. Living in that kind of ignorance just pushes me to change the company. I really hope that they kind a show us our  top five task in their "to do" list. And to be honest, I'm ready to upgrade my Sena in every month (I do similar things with my smartphone more often, this is not the question) if it's neccesary to fix problems. I'm ready to write constructive feedback if it helps, but something I really need is just feedback or some communication from "sena support".  


    Thank you.

  • Kevin Powers
    Kevin Powers

    Similar issue here - my microphone does not seem to work for voice commands.  I don't use the "hello sena" often, but from time to time I will inadvertently tap my helmet, causing the "say a command" prompt to come up.  It doesn't seem to matter how loud I say "Cancel!", it ignores me.  Mic works for intercom and phone though so problem seems limited to voice command functions.

  • Keith

    Hi Kevin,

    You may have already done so, but you should update to the latest firmware version (currrently at 1.4.1). Also, make sure the mic is right in front of your mouth and pronounce the commands clearly. I haven't had too much of a problem with the "Cancel" command. It may not understand the first time, but it usually works when I say it again clearly. And I don't have to say it loudly for it to work. The only command I have to really say loudly (as in literally YELL!!!) is the "Hello" phone answering command. Just to be clear, the issue I'm having is that the mic stops working after 60 seconds idle in standby mode. The voice commands work fairly reliably before the 60 second timeout or when I push the ambient mode button and respond to the "say a command" prompt.

  • Stephan Seitz
    Stephan Seitz

    @Sena: Please add a switch in the "Sena Utility" / Configuration Menu to enable/disable voice control, period, and ditch that 60-second-auto-off-thing, that is not mentioned anywhere in the manual.

    That way, all of us users would be happy. ;)

  • Stephan Seitz
    Stephan Seitz

    I mean, voice control via "Hello Sena", of course.

  • Blenvid
    I agree Stephan Seitz.

    An update on my ticket, my dual 20S units were returned to California. They said, when I asked them, "yes the units were defective," but no additional details were given. They sent me a single 20S box to my house, the wrong thing unfortunately (I'd returned a dual 20S set not a single). I've been waiting to receive the dual 20S replacement box as well as the return shipping label for this single unit box. I'm hoping to have the issue resolved before the summer's over.

  • Keith

    I'm waiting to see how their fix for the "Hello Sena" 60 second timeout impacts standby time. If the fix reduces standby time to less than 2 days, I completely agree that a config option to turn it off would be optimal. If they somehow fix it without impacting standby time, there is less of a need for that option. Although some have had a problem of accidently tapping the unit and getting the "Say a command" prompt. Reducing the tap sensitivity may help with that though.

    Brent, regarding unit returns, I was heading down the same road. It was fortunate that I caught that they were planning to ship me only one unit when I had returned a dual pack. They changed the shipment and I got two single unit boxes rather than a dual pack. The reason they gave for this was simply an inventory issue. They had single unit packages on hand, but not the dual packs. So, rather than returning the single unit and getting a dual pack, they may just ship you another single unit. If you are relying on email responses and it's taking too long, I suggest picking up the phone. I've had pretty good response via the phone.

  • Ken

    I simply don't use the "Hello Sena" any more except for maybe a battery check in the mornings before starting group intercom.  I could do without that, as well.  Pushing the Ambient button once results in a "Say a command" every time and it works.    I now have my double-tap sensitivity set to low.  Would like an option to turn it OFF.  

  • David Buchmiller
    David Buchmiller

    I just bought the dual pack 20S. Have the 1.4.1 firmware. Hello Sena and hello to answer a phone call don't work for me either. 

  • Keith

    My guess is they will fix the "Hello Sena" command in the next major release (1.5?). 1.4.1 had some minor fixes/enhancements:

    • Button operation changes for the Remote Control
    • Minor bug fixes in FM radio

    As has been discussed, fixing the "Hello Sena" command may come at a cost to stand-by battery life. We'll have to wait and see.

    The "Hello" phone answering command works for me with 1.4.1. However, you have to literally YELL "Hello!!!". So loud that it will hurt your ears if you have a full face helmet. It's not worth it for me. I just push the button to answer.

  • DjPaul

    Fellow riders, We need your help!

    Please go to this thread  



    And show your support in this issue, by posting your comment / experience, Bad and good stories are welcome.

    Then go to the SENA help desk



    and formally request a ticket be issued about this.

    If we rally together, we may be able to do something about this BEEPS issue before it kills some one you love.


  • SteveL

    Hi all.


    Has there been any progress/fix on this "Hello Sena"/"Microphone deactivating after 60s" issue?


    I have installed 1.6 of the firmware but still have the problems described in this post. Sena support desk seem unaware of the issues on this thread when I logged the call with them.


    Should I go back to 1.2?



  • Keith

    Hi Steve, I think you've answered your own question :-) I haven't tried the "Hello Sena" command for quite some time. But, I doubt they will fix that issue, given the impact it will likely have on standby battery life. I just use the "Ambient Mode" button if I want to issue a voice command.

    I'd try it out for you (I'm also running rev. 1.6), but I'm currently trying to figure out the "Battery drains when unit is turned off " issue. My current belief is that the 20S doesn't behave correctly when charged from a 0.5 amp PC USB port. Either that or something is not shutting down completely after using the Device Manager, which may leave it in a state that's not in standby and not powered off. I only charge the 20S with a Sena 1 amp wall charger now and it seems to be holding a charge while powered off now.

  • CliffD

    I'll start out by saying I wish I wouldn't have bought the 20S, but am very glad I didn't buy the dual combo when I was considering it. The unit actually looks good, sounds good and mounts easily. But, beyond that, it's really nothing more than a set of bluetooth speakers. I have yet to get the voice prompt to work after the first minute, and the idea that you have to tap it going down the road is absurd! Most of the time, it takes several taps to activate, so you look like a moron slapping yourself upside the head. I bought the remote, thinking this would make it easier. Again, I really like the remote and as far as volume control, it works great. But, its silly that it doesn't activate the voice functions either. Both the headset and remote have so much potential, but it doesn't appear that Sena is able or wanting to fix the voice command issues. Its disappointing that it appears a fairly simply firmware update would correct the issues, but for some reason, its not happening. The hardware itself doesn't seem to be the problem since voice commands work great when first powering on the unit, but fail after the first minute. I ride with several local HOG chapters and have been asked about the system many times. So far, my recommendations have been to look at something else.

  • Ken

    Pushing the Ambient button once and the Sena lady says, "Say a command."  I'm good with that.  

    I have my tap-tap sensitivity turned as low as it will go because crosswind jostling of the helmet used to cause "Say a command." incessantly. 

  • Keith

    I'm sure Sena could easily fix the voice command function and leave it active beyond 1 minute. But, it will more than likely reduce standy time to less than the current 48 hours. I value what precious battery life I have more than the voice commands. It's a trade off I wish I didn't have to make. But, that's the way things are right now. As Ken said, I just use the Ambient mode button to give infrequent voice commands.

  • Stephan Seitz
    Stephan Seitz

    ...then they should make that feature switchable (settings and app like everything else), and not just make it switch off after 60 seconds on its own without documenting it anywhere, and everything would be perfect.


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