External Power (USB) While Recording?
I sometimes have my Prism externally powered using a micro-USB cable connected to a 5V USB adapter.
I was told by a Sena tech (Tran) last year that "You should never leave it powered while recording".
I find that a ridiculous position, given that: A. the battery lasts an hour or less;
B. The cam will support at least a 32Gig card, or 5 hours+ memory;
C. While there are (finally) spare batteries available, THERE IS NO CHARGER!
I have yet to discover how to charge the batteries other than to leave the camera out of service just to charge them.
D. This is DUMB.
E. Following this edict would ensure that the Prism could never be used for more than an hour.
F. This restriction makes the Prism FAIL.
My Question: Is it the position of SENA that the Prism camera should NOT be used to record while powered from a USB cable?
The Prism can be charged while it in use. That is one of its main features. So we have provided a USB cable with a long of enough connector to be plugged into the Prism while the back cover is closed. In regards to an external battery charger, we have produced a dual battery charger http://www.buysena.com/camera-audio-pack/prism/sc-a0307.html.
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Is a third party USB cable acceptable as the overall length of the one supplied is to short to reach between the riders helmet and the power socket on the bike? I agree with Ricky the charge life of battery is ridiculously poor. Even when not recording the battery will run flat in hour. I must have a faulty unit because the battery still runs flat in an hour or so even when connected to a power socket on the bike.
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I see (now) that Sena has apparently changed their position on the power cable. When I began using the Prism (12/14) I complained to the rep about it getting *blazing* hot and the battery swelling, becoming impossible to remove. I was told at that time that I should *never* leave it plugged in while recording. Well, the official stance has changed but the performance has not.
The cameras continue to get incredibly hot (using a standard USB 5V power supply) and they just randomly *turn themselves OFF* or *die* and they don't "close" the file when they do this.
I have bought new batteries but the problems continue. I have lost many many important videos because the stupid Prism just *shuts off* during recording AND destroys the video file, leaving me with many files containing many gigs of data that simply canNOT be recovered and I've tried many tricks to retyrieve or repair them.
Stupidly, I again tried to use my (two) Sena Prism cameras to record an important event. Stupidly, despite NEW, fully charged batteries, continuous power cable hook up and all the prep I could think of to insure a good recording, they BOTH...yes, they BOTH stopped recording within seconds or minutes of the start of the event. They are NOT set to sleep. They are NOT on Time Lapse. They are BOTH in continuous mode. They BOTH created "broken:" video files that cannot be saved. They BOTH cost me the loss of some precious irreplaceable moments. NEITHER of them gave any indication of WHY they did this. (They never do) I had them each inside a car, and all i could do was notice that yes, the red lights have stopped flashing. I could not shut down the event to go try to again get the stupid, unreliable Sena cameras running.
In general, I LIKE most of my Sena products, and it seems that I have bought *many*. I have bought several times as an "Early adopter" as I did with the Prism.
These cameras are a disaster for recording anything important. They simple CANNOT be relied on...so, why bother. I guess I know have to eat some crow and reluctantly join the GoPro crowd. Their video cameras seem to work, even for important events.
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