20S Slim Speakers vs Regular Speakers (Dimensions/Size)


3 commenti

  • Etyrnal

    can you just use something of the same shape and compress the foam in the helmet?  


  • Filipe Neto
    Filipe Neto

    Well, you're supposed to wear tight fit helmets, for increased protection, that's why I don't have that much space...

    And I don't want to deform the foam too much because of the speakers, if the difference between the Slim and regular is enough, then I could attempt what you say with minimal alteration to the helmet itself.

  • Etyrnal

    it as just an idea.  i understand your priority

    The speakers are MAYBE 1.5" diameter.

    I personally would rather have a slightly higher pressure be exerted on the area around my ear, then have increased focused pressure focused on my ear in the event of a side-collision.  


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