

8 commenti

  • Sena

    Thank you for your feedback. It makes sense very well. We will do feasibility study how to make it work.

  • RBEmerson

    A dust cover for the plate, and for the main unit, strikes me as a very good idea.  Particularly in the winter, with cold, dry air making static sparking (a killer for electronics) a common problem. 

  • Sahocking2

    I have extra base units on the kids helmets and swap the Bluetooth unit depending who I am riding with. When the family all ride together I have the base contacts that are exposed to the weather and dust. I think this is a very good cheap idea and I could not recommend it strongly enough.


  • Alan M58
    Alan M58

    I would like a protection cap made for my SPH10H-FM left ear flap to protect the connection for those times when I am not using the main unit during my rides.  More importantly would be some type of cover for the exposed speaker cable which normally attaches to the main unit.  When the main unit is not being used, the exposed pins of the speaker cable are in jeopardy.  Removing the ear pads once installed is difficult and not practical. 

  • Sahocking2

    As in 2013 I have a SMH10 and was checking if any progress was made on the protection cover when the Bluetooth unit is not connected.



  • Mvsainz

    Never thought about it, but true, this would be pretty nice. If anything it could simply be sold together with the replacement clamp kit.

  • Harleytherapy56

    I have asked for this same cover. Currently I'm using electrical tape but there is glue residue collecting. I also find the rubber charge hole cover is not very good at securing and I usually end up taping it over for insurance.  

  • Jeff Littfin
    Jeff Littfin

    I would suggest you listen to the problems the community board is posting about the 30k model and get busy with a firmware fix or offer an upgrade or money back option. I have had nothing but trouble with my 30k. I also own a 20s and again the two devices do not work well together. Im not recommending Sena anymore. I just purchased the 30k in Nov.2018  and struggled everyday during my 18day trip with this device. Can you tell me if Sena will refund my purchase?


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