SMH10 microphone audio level settings
Some radios have a very sensitive microphone input. Allowing to adjust the levels (via PC or function commands) would be ideal to tailor the SMH10 to match the audio gain needs.
Thanks for your feedback.
There are three audio levels that you can adjust when you use SMH10 along with SR10- with Two-way radio device.
1) SMH10 Volume (O)
2) SR10 Volume (X)
3) Two-way Radio Volume (O)
Right now, we don't have audio gain control of SR10.
We are considering the feature to adjust the audio gain of SR10 in the next firmware release along with PC software.
How about adjusting the overall volume with existing volume control of each device, 1) and 3)?
Any problem in this scheme? Any information would be highly appreciated.
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I think this user is asking to be able adjust the microphone volume, not the listening volume of any attached devices.
Some 2 way radios can be over driven with too sound level is sent to the "mic input" wire, causing distortion.
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SMH10 mic volume is transferred to SR10 by way of internal amp circuit and then to your 2-way radio device and then to your friends device.
Audio Transmit Gain of SR10 will be configurable from SR10 firmware next version. It will be released soon along with other improvements. Thanks.
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I would like to be able to adjust the balance of the smh10 speaker levels. Can that be added to the little list?
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@john. Might want to create a seperate request for the balance control as this subject deals with microphone gain. While on the subject if you have a need to set balance you might have a speaker positioning problem. Try to adjust that first. 0 -
I see that ver 3.3 is out for the SMH10 but I don't see any mention of the microphone gain settings in the release notes. Can you confirm? 0 -
I too look forward to being able to adjust the audio transmit gain. I just recently had the opportunity to use my SMH10 with a Yaesu FTM-10R VHF amateur radio and was politely informed by several friends that my transmit audio was running very hot, to the point of distortion. The FTM-10R has limited adjustment capability to back down the gain of the transmitted audio but even at minimum setting it was hot.
This problem did not appear until I upgraded my SMH-10's to v2. The originals worked great. I'm hoping Sena releases the next firmware revision in the very near future as riding season is just around the corner where I live.
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Peter, are you using the SR10 to interface the SHM10 to the Yaesu? If yes, you can adjust the audio gain of the SR10 through the software menu on the latest firmware.
I don't own any bluetooth Ham gear, so I might have missed how you interface the FTM-10R to the SMH10 direct.
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I personally have not tried
to SR10 adjustment as I am not sure how to.. Does someone have the instructions? I went back to using the SMH10 directly to the Yaesu for now as I really miss stereo sound that the SR10 does not offer, so I am hoping for the adjustable mic gain on the SHM10 in the next release coming hopefully soon.
In the meantine, I do want to test the SR10 again with the lower mic output and see how it sounds.
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I don't have one in front of me to write a step by step, but
download the software for your computer that allows you to interface with the SR10
Follow the directions, on the screen I think there will be a button for settings, click it and look around.
Its been a while since I looked at it, but there is a setting for autio gain and I think it has 3 settings like HIgh, medium and low.
Again, its been since early Jan when I saw looked at the software, but the setting for gain is there.
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I haven't purchased the SR10 yet, was waiting for them to get the gain problem straightened out and add the Bluetooth stereo profile. Right now I adjust the gain using the menus in the FTM10-R. Has anyone tested the SR10, with the latest firmware, to see if it quiets the output audio down to something reasonable? If so, this may be just the time to go ahead and spring for one.
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Any word on the "planned" fix in the next release for the adjustable mic gain on the SMH 10? It has been since November now since I have brought this up and well my patience is starting to question the progress. An update I believe might be in order now. Thanks
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We have performed feasibility test for mic gain configuration; however, the function significantly affects others since it is quite tricky to find an optimal gain applicable to phone and intercom.
It means if you adjust the Intercom mic gain to certain level, then iPhone Siri or voice command may not work. Definitely, we will try to find a solution anyway and it is to be realized in v4.1.
Thank you for your patience.
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I was finally able to purchase a Sena SMH10 headset which is running the latest V4 software. I also have the SR10 running ver 1.1 and a Yaesu VX-5R ham radio using the single pin Yaesu cable. When using the SMH10 & SR10 to talk through the Yaesu radio, I'm getting audio reports that my audio is so high, its distorting to unintelligible levels. When I'm stopped & not moving, they said its okay (still hot but understandable), but riding along at 25mph+ and something is causing the audio to just overwhelm the radio and every other syllable gets clipped. At that time my SR10 was set to Med for audio gain. I've checked the VX-5R manual there are no audio mic settings on the radio I can change, but I've found a setting where I can set "half deviaton", so that might help some. I've since changed the SR10 to low audio setting, but I haven't had a chance to try this new setup yet.
Since you say that adjusting the mic gain on the SMH10 is affecting other things like cell phones and intercom which makes sense, I'm wondering instead of the Low, Med, High settings on the SR10 if you had settings like -15db through +15db or something like that that only affect the 2 way radio mic audio? We definitely need settings on the SR10 that allow us to "quiet" down or limit the audio for radio's with very sensitive mic input like it appears most ham radio's do. I'm guessing a lot of the testing was done with FRS/GMRS radio's which probably have way less sensitive mic inputs.
I'll report back to see if these new settings make it any better.
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How does SMH-10 firmware V4.1 address the mic level issue? There are signs in the V4.1 release that something has changed, but what?
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The mic gain in 4.1 is still too much. I'm using two headsets (Schuberth SRCS and Sena SMH-10) in the same helmet (C3).
SRCS's tx-audio is pretty good, or comparing to SMH-10, much better at this time.
(SRCS is used for Zumo660+phone and SMH-10 is used for HAM-radio. I WANT to use navigator as a user interface for my phone).
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Should be a no brainer to implement such a feature ;) Currently all background noises are disturbing and the tx-audio has a little bit distorsion. In radioamateur terms ; less mic gain will improve the tx-audio quality a lot !
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Did you make the change in the device settings tab? Be sure you set Microphone Boosting to OFF.. It is defaulted to ON which is the same hot level that 4.0 had.
Make that change and you will see a big improvement.. It certainly did on my radio.
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I am adding an attachement that will show you what I did for my setup.
7-18-2012 10-09-32 AM.gif0 -
Sure would be nice if we had sidetone to know how things sound... :-)
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Hi ! Thanks for updating my knowledge ! Sw is upgraded and mic boost is set off. FTM-10's mic gain is set normal/high and in conclusion the audio quality is improved ! Thanks for the advice. -seppo- oh7sp 0 -
I am using just the intercom and would like a setting to adjust the mic gain. Even with the mic cap on the mic is way to sensitive. We are riding 2 up on a concours 1000 behind a full fairing, pax with a 3/4 helmet and face shield and I get way to much wind noise from my pax. We have tried many different mic positions including up along her cheek. Prior to a ride we had the intercom on and I could hear a friend talking to her over 3 feet away.
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The problem isn't mic gain, it's mic placement or, more accurately, the helmet. As long as you go with a 3/4 helmet, there's nowhere you can put the mic that won't be noisy. I had a C10 and liked it a lot (until the motor hydro-locked - how's your fuel shutoff valve?) - I get the issue with wind swirl in back. Good luck with selling your pax on a good flip-up or full helmet. :-)
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Jeffrey DuBruyne. Are you sure you have the mic facing the correct direction on your pax headset? The little triangle indentation on the neck of the mic should be facing the mouth. The little tab on the other side should be facing out. I've used several intercom's and you can always tell when the audio path is open, but the wind noise shouldn't be overwhelming, especially with you guys behind a big fairing on a Concours 1000. My dad uses a 3/4 helmet on his BMW 1200RT and although the wind noise is louder, its not overwhelming or anything.
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DOH!!! Good point about making sure the mic is right way 'round. Sorry I missed that one.
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Thanks for your input. The air flow on the c10 comes over my helmet and down my back and across her face shield. The air noise is worst when there is a cross wind. I am hoping to cut down some of the mic sensitivity so my wife can have the mic closer to her mouth and not have to talk so loud. Turning down the volume helps some and so did the mic cap. I may just have to live with it. I don't think I can get her to go for the full face helmet.
We just got back from a week long trip and the system is new to us but we both are very impressed with it.
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There is, in firmware v4.1.1, a way to reduce the mic gain. The bad news is you can't change it in the field. That is, if you're 20 miles from home and you (or your wife) just can't cope with the low mic gain, you're stuck. At least until you can plug the SMH-10 back into the laptop and use SMH Manager to change the mic gain option (no firmware update is needed).
On the helmet, I recommend looking in David L. Hough's "Proficient Motorcycling" (highly recommended reading!) and his discussion of the Hurt Report (researcher Harry Hurt - ironic name but very real - looked into hundreds of motorcycle accidents in California, statistically summarizing causes and consequences - very sobering reading). The take-away for the helmet issue is that the lower face (jaw, chin, etc.) was the single largest area of head trauma. In an accident, the part of the head that is more likely to be damaged than any other part is /not/ protected by a 3/4 helmet. Think about it. If you trip and fall while only walking, if you can't put a hand out to stop yourself, your face willl take a hit. Now change this to unloading from a bike at even 20-30 MPH - forget putting a hand out. Now how does she like her 3/4 helmet?
Disclaimer: I have no connection with David L. Hough, his publisher (Bowtie), or any book distributor, save as someone who's bought his books.
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Looks like the new 20S and 10C are missing the microphone gain adjustments. Anyone else notice? 0 -
I don't see it documented. OTOH, I can't say as I've missed it with my 20S.
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Well it is a problem when you move up from an SMH 10. Way too much audio gain in the mic. 0
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