SMH10 Manager Mac-compatibility
I just purchased a Sena SMH-10, but I am Mac-based and there is no SMH-10 Manager software compatible with a Mac. With the amount of Mac computers in the market nowadays, I'd suggest and request that this omission be corrected!! Please!! :) Is this already in the works??
Many thanks!
George S Mycroft (Capt.)
Intention is the seed that grows into be-ing. Thank You!! I look forward to seeing the announcement of Mac-compatibility!! :)
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I too hope for a mac update option. It's a little rude to have to put software on a friend's pc just to load an update.
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Yeah, I had to do that, too, Ken! Didn't feel quite "right"! :)
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I don't even know anyone with a Windows computer! GAH!!!
We are all geeks... Mac and Linux only!
Having to install Windows (not even sure anyone has a Windows installer) on a computer, then install this software, just to update my SR10 for a "feature" it should of had since day 1.... is more than rude! :-(
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I cringe every time I have to boot Parallels to do anything "PC". I've been a Mac head since '87 - I had to hold my nose when I bought the SMH10 because of this issue. Now when I downloaded the latest SMH10 manager (ver.1.2) it refuses to see the properly booted head unit hanging off my MacBook Pro's usb port.
Please please please get with it Sena, the Mac population is growing !
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Intention is the start. Setting a completion date goal is one of the next steps. So when is the Mac-compatible SMH10 Manager going to be announced? What is the deadline date for completing that project? There is a project, right???...
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It is under development, and we started the project from last year. Our target is to release the Mac version manager software in the next firmware release, v4.0. Please stay tuned a little more. Thanks for your interest!
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GO, Sena!!! :)
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Thank you for the update.
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Tic Toc...This is great news indeed.
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I got an email the other day that said that 4.0 was going to be introduced at Dealer Expo. Was it? Did it include Mac support?
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Manager for Mac is to be released along with the SMH10 v4.0 firmware release. Thanks for your patience.
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Add me to the list of people anxiously waiting for a Mac version of the software updater. I have been currently using an old Dell laptop, which is taking longer and longer to boot with each passing firmware update. I think the end is near for that 12 year old Dell <g>
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And me too !! Mac version much appreciated
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A smart idea to prepare for release of the Mac manager would be to make sure you have a wired keyboard and mouse (or trackpad) available. Rumor has it (very reliable rumor) that the Mac manager does not function with BT keyboard, mouse, or trackpad.
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Really? I just can't see spending money to buy a keyboard/mouse for this upgrade. Maybe if someone explained why it was necessary (feel free to provide technical details) I *might* consider it, but even then it'd be a stretch. 0 -
I am not able to follow the logic of this "rumoured issue." The SMH-10 Manager is an application that runs on my computer. It has no control function concerning the hardware I use to input data. "You can believe what you like - the Universe is not obliged to keep a straight face."
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Sena left a back door open on its server (since closed). Many people downloaded firmware v4 and the Mac manager. It is quite possible that neither version is the final release one, but the Mac manager displays a warning that BT mouse and keyboard will be disconnected and therefore you need a hardwired mouse and keyboard to control your computer during the firmware update. Believe what you like. Maybe this has been fixed in the final version. Or borrow a keyboard, whatever suits you.
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@ Dan H: Dan, it was not my intention to dismiss your alert. It simply didn't make logical sense to me, the way it was worded. Semantics, I suspect! However, with the screenshot you attached and reading the warning it contains, it now does make sense - because the updating of the Sena hardware, using the new Mac Manager, is all about significantly upgrading its BT connectivity, so I can understand why all BT access might need to be curtailed during any such major firmware changes. The factual reasons why are likely way past my "need to know" basis, though!! :)
Thanks for the heads up!!
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You are welcome. No offense taken. Here's hoping both v4 and the Mac manager have had the rough edges rounded off prior to release.
I have an old keyboard kicking around, but obviously I'd rather not have to dig it out just to do a firmware update. Also, it appears that the Mac manger will not run under Leopard. Don't know about Snow, but it definitely does run under 10.7.3.
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:) ...and that's an uh-oh about the Mac OS versions! I know I am overdue to upgrade (still running 10.6.8 Snow). Maybe this will "push" me to get off the dime and install a current OS!! Luckily, I use a MacBook Pro, so I have an integral pad to use when BT goes down. All to be revealed in the fullness of time!!
Thanks again for your help and info!!
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I too am looking very forward to a mac version of the manager! Bring on version 4…
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I don't want to seem like I'm beating a dead horse here, but.. From what you've described, it sounds like the upgrade is over the air, is that right (I'm inferring that because I can't figure out how else all of the BlueTooth devices on my Mac would be reset otherwise) ? Isn't that sort of dangerous? You know, a bit gets flipped, bogus firmware gets flashed, and magically my headset becomes a not so effective paperweight? Especially given that there is a USB connector on it..
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The same thought crossed my mind, but I was too lazy to dig through my junk to find my wired keyboard and the whole thing started to look like an extra-risky way to test the unreleased firmware, so I gave up and went back to Windows on my laptop. So no keyboard or mouse issues. Between the BT issue you raise and reports elsewhere of problems with the Mac manager version (again, unofficial and unreleased), I was very worried about bricking my SMH10. It was risky enough just trying unreleased firmware.
But my SMH10 is presently running v4 just fine, with nice voice prompts for all functions, but with no documentation yet I have not been able to get it to dual pair via HFP. Really hoping that works in the "real" release.
Bottom line is that we probably shouldn't conclude much about the new software and firmware based on stuff that leaked out and was not intended for public consumption.
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We need to make it more clear in this discussion.
1) SMH10 v4.0 Release: It was not officially released yet. it looks some people have downloaded a firmware which looks like v4.0; however, it is a kind of test version firmware for manager test. It is to be released around the end of this week. We will announce it officially on the web.
2) Mac version: The one downloaded into your PC is an alpha version. The final version is not announced yet.
One thing that must be clear is that Mac OS automatically disable its Bluetooth function when we hook up the externa Bluetooth device to USB port, which means your Bluetooth mouse and keyboard may not work at all at this time. In order to upgrade SMH10 firmware on the Mac, you'd better prepare wired keyboard and mouse during installation. If you just reboot your Mac after installation and unplug the SMH10 from USB port, the internal Bluetooth function is restored and you can use everything as usual.
Thanks for your passionate interest; however, please stay tuned awhile until we release it.
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I am very impressed by the atitude shown in this reply from Sena. Thank you for having the courtesy to let us know what is happening (and for not lecturing us about the accidental discovery of v4 before it was ready [grin]). I'm serious; lots of companies would really clam up about this; you instead decided to share info with us and I for one appreciate that.
I will indeed wait patiently for the real versions of both the firmware and updater.
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Wow, that's kind of amazing. Can you point me to Mac documentation describing this feature? I'm pretty sure I've plugged other devices that have Bluetooth into my Mac using a USB cable (iPhones and android tablets come to mind) and not bumped into this problem. I'm curious as to why the OS would single out my Sena devices. Thanks 0 -
I am a little curious as well. Like Jkusnitz, I have had many bluetooth enabled devices hooked up to my Mac via USB, from iPhones and tablets, to my Jawbone headsets, to GPS units, to Contour Video Cameras with bluetooth, to bluetooth enabled handfree sets for the car. All of them had no problem updating firmware without the issue described. Why does this seem to be a particular issue with the Sena device?
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I'm with you, Dan H. I find this pro-active and positive feedback from Sena to be laudable and noteworthy. :)
I'm also ready to wait-and-see about the Mac-Manager and the firmware upgrade. One step at a time!
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