Please re-introduce the ability to temporarily disable VOX by tapping the jog dial - or similar


4 commenti

  • Keithgill

    Version 3.3 - thankyou.

  • Keithgill

    Version 3.3 - thankyou.

  • Sena

    Thank you for your sincere feedback. Please keep us awake with your sincere feedback anyway.

  • Nick Leischen
    Nick Leischen

    Yes wind noise makes the 59s almost impossible to use at highway speeds. VOX settings seem to have no effect upon it at all. Wind noise behind a fairing and windscreen is terrible. It keeps the VOX activated and the intercom active all the time. So you can’t listen to music or use voice commands effectively. You also get miserable wind noise in your headset continuously. 

    ive ordered the WD30 Windsock to try and mitigate it. Hasn’t arrived. Some say it helps. Heard also that a larger windsock with denser foam used by pilots helps. 

    the features of the 50s are great. They’re just us,ess touring because of wind noise. 

    I appreciate that Sena worked hard to develop better speakers and Mesh2. But it’s all worthless if the primary intercom function is made useless!

    Sena please get a solution going that will work with 50S. Replaceable boom mic with two mic system and firmware to work with it..

    and in future models incorporate an IP67 or 68 water resistance. Because without these two things you market share will dwindle. I know that it’s not a big deal to people wearing full face and modular helmets. Howerver you have a large cruiser and touring market share. Don’t forget us or we’ll forget you!


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