It would be nice if the SMH10A could get a firmware update via bluetooth connection, since it is without a micro USB port.
Thanks for your feedback. We are studying the possibility for remote wireless firmware upgrade. Will keep you update when we have a progress.
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Is there anyway to update the SMH10 product we purchased? If not is will you offer a replacement for these units?
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Being one of the earlier adoptors of the SMH10"A" unit. I do not remember received an e-mail about the upgrade option, it would be nice if there was a way to update the firmware via the bluetooth connection to a notebook computer. I love my SMH10 duel set. I have it interface with my Andriod smartphone for phone and MP3 and I just purchaed the SR10 to add my older Garmin Nuvi GPS. It would be great if I could get updates to SMH10 technology as they come along.
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I have older unit and just found out I CANNOT upgrade my firmware!
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Agree with all above. Waited for the SMH10 to come out, have loved having it. Little frustrated knowing I can't update/upgrade the software. I believe upgrades via bluetooth would be better than replacing the unit.
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Ditto on comments about inability to upgrade firmware. V4 firmware looks to allow independently connecting my Zumo and iPhone to the SMH10. I had to abandon the Zumo-SMH10 connection due to the abysmal audio from the Zumo. I instead was forced to connect iPhone-SMH10. My Zumo 665 GPS was used without any audio.
Can Sena develop an SMH10 upgrade program for us early adopters?
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Hi, are those of us that have purchased older non upgradeable versions ,that are at least still under warranty going to be offered free (i hope) replacements?
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Agree with all comments above. Either be able to update first generation SMH10's via bluetooth or have some sort of exchange program for those of us who jumped onboard with your product when it first came out. Purchased the dual SMH10 units from your website store two years ago.
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My SMH-10 is only a year old (purchased from and it has the co-axial port, so I can't upgrade either. I read a post on that Sena WAS offering an exchange program (not free, but discounted price on exchange). Is this true? And if so, can you either post the details or email those of us above that wish to upgrade? Thanks!
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Ditto. I've just registered my SMH10, it is 11 months old and I only just found out about the possibility of upgrading the firmware and then found out that mine can't be upgraded. Would be nice to be able to upgrade it or get a replacement at a good price?
I do really like the unit, hardly had any issues apart from the helmet clamp with the headphone socket which breaks at the base. It just works well for what I need.
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Ditto to Brian. My SMH10 was purchased over a year ago and I was sure it was registered. I also had a trouble ticket in May '10 with the same e-mail but needed to re-register the unit and register to be able to post here. Oh well, anyway I'd like to keep my unit current in the easy way possible. Will the firmware update solve the interference problems with early version Bluetooth cells when both SMH10's are on?
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Ditto with all - I purchased dual SMH10 units just 11 months ago and am seriously annoyed at finding out I cannot upgrade the firmware. Sena - do the right thing and offer up an exchange program or resolve it in another way.
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Find myself in the same position as many of the above, 11 month old unit (SMH10A) with out of date firmware and no way of updating. If no solution available will seriously consider other brands come replacement time
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Find myself in the same position as many of the above, 11 month old unit (SMH10A) with out of date firmware and no way of updating. If no solution available will seriously consider other brands come replacement time
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Really disappointed that I was not told that i had bought "old stock". I really feel mislead and disappointed. Come on Sena ,do the right thing and provide a cost free solution.Jusdging form the comments going back several months it appears that Sena is not being honest with its loyal clients
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It is not Sena that is being dishonest, it is the retailers. I have purchased a set of these within the year and had to be very careful not to get the older version. I also lucked up to be able to get a set for $275 on Amazon and I love them. They were an open box used for taking pictures is the way I got such a deal. Had been watching for the $299 price to come down and instead it went up to $315 for a set, I think that's what they went to. I suggest you all go directly to Sena's website and you can find some answers there. Hope this is helpful.
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Wonder what is happening from the February reply. It's Almost April. Any progress? Hope to hear from Sena.
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hello there sena, if you are listening. this products sccess is base on the reviews and recommendations of thoughs of us who first bought it , i think we deserve some sort of reply from this thread
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Until now it is not realizable to upgrade the firmware through Bluetooth technology. And SMH10A is not an upgradable device so it could not be upgraded even if the tech is realized.
So we recommended that SMH10A be upgraded to SMH10B. Thank you for your consideration.
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Hello there Sena. Are you guys wearing your Sena headsets turned at full volume that you can not hear us? A "No" is appreciated (closure) rather than a silent treatment for months now.(I wonder if this forum is even monitored)! Is it maybe that there is not enough of us requesting this matter?
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We have studied and tested all the possibilities to make it work for months; however..... Please understand the limitations in today's technologies.
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I think most people understand the limitations in the Bluetooth technologies. But being that most of these SMH10A units are not that old some consideration should be made either to be able to send them back you Sena for a free software upgrade, or pricing on exchanging the SMH10A units with SMH10B units. I know the way I feel right now I couldn't recommend your product to any of my motorcycle friends. The support on this issue has been terrible.
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Sean, Given your rather blunt reply and obvious disregard to customers who had faith in your product at an early stage providing you with excellent reviews I will upgrade, but to a different manufacturer. I also intend to do a further review in a publication such as Motor Cycle News. Goodbye Sena. 0 -
Dear SENA customers,
We fully understand you guys' concerns; however, please try to understand how SENA tries its best effort to support customers.
1) Old SMH10 and Free Firmware Upgrade
We believe you can hardly find any Bluetooth manufacturers who support continuous upgrade of the products. If you have a chance to look into others in this market, they hardly provide free upgrade service or do so once in a couple of years. Rather, they usually try to sell a new one instead of enhancing the ones sold. Unless we try our best effort to improve the product, then there would not be any issues like this. We have tried to find out possible solutions, but the SMH10 old version cannot be upgraded physically. It is not designed to provide firmware upgrade service in mind.
2) Trade-in Program
All the product news have been sent only to the users who registered the product. Since there are quite a few users who registered the products when we did trade-in campaign, we cannot find the excellent way to share the information on this campaign. As for trade-in campaign in year 2011, you will have to understand that there are quite a few vendors who provide the program like this. Also, we had waited for three months until the end of it to provide better opportunities for riders to upgrade their units.
Sorry about your inconvenience, but please understand that SENA is exceptionally trying its best effort for you, riders. We hope you understand current situation.
SENA Support
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Sena On this page I count 12 very disgruntled people who may seek to change their units to the new SMH10(b) as they have shown their support to your company by buying your units then the least you could do is service their request for low cost replacement units.
As to you running a campaign for two months, you probably did but not everybody is attached to their computers or constantly seeking further news about a product that is working perfectly well however now this has come to light it would cost you little to service said 12 customers and retain their loyalty instead of deserting them to go to other manufacturers. Come on Sena step up and be an understanding good guy and stick out from the rest of the "Norm". Only good publicity and reputation to be had here.
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I would be very content if they just offered us owners of the SMH10(a) the upgrade at the original price. I had been corresponding through email with Connie Salazaar from Sena about the upgrade she was quite happy to sell me the 119.00 per unit upgrade. But when I did some more digging I found out they had an upgrade for $49.
How about extending the $49 upgrade offer to us? I think that would make quite a few of us happy?
What do you think guys???
SENA please reply in a timely fashion. Riding season is now for us in OHIO. I would like this to be resolved.
Bill DeVore
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@Bill DeVore
Yes - extending the $49 upgrade/exchange offer would be perfect.
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Yes I'd go for the $49 upgrade... I'm guessing it would actually be $98 for a dual system. I'm a little confused. Were the registered owners notified of the $49 upgrade opportunity and was it clear at that time that there was no other way to get firmware updates for the A models?
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Why can't I get and upgrade? My Sena is still under warranty. I am willing top pay the $49.00/each. And if Sena was really sincere in letting the previous owners get notified of this upgrade program, why didn't Sena post it on their website? Duh!
Sena, you have a good product. Add a great customer support, and you have happy customers. Result, a winning business.
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I purchased the "A" version over a year ago. Sena offered the upgrade $49 upgrade last year and I decided not to do it. Big mistake, but all my fault.When I changed phone and ipod for this season, it caused issues with the "A" version and I opted for the $119.00 (X2) upgrade and love the new version. With the current upgrade you keep your old units. I was able to set them up for my son and son-inlaw. I opted to not update in last years progam and it was my choice. If you didn't register the product, this is not a Sena issue. Sena has an awesome produt and is constantly improving it.
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