Would love to see a Goldwing factory audio/CB interface!
RIGHT ON Steven!!!! It's sounds GREAT!! C'mon Sena, get with Steven on this, if his idea does in fact work then you will have so many happy Wingers that you haven't even sold units to yet!! If their not interested in your solution I certainly am! 0 -
I tried this on my 2007 Goldwing with VAV and got squeal when push transmit on Goldwing. I am waiting on Bike-MP3 stuff to arrive how ever with my experience with the MP3 player and my NAV Goldwing I am thinking my unit may be one that they are having trouble with it working as it still has not shown up. ordered day one and got message some difficulties four weeks ago causing two week stop in production and still no other words.
So Steve is you Goldwing NAV / what year CB. I bought my Goldwing used in 2010 and had the dealer add the CB in the sale. I am waiting on the Bluetooth stuff to once again remove seat and hook up the rest unit to rest the MP3 player while adding the Bluetooth stuff if it ever arrives??? Frustrated and glad I get to ride year round so I did not miss out on short riding season like some people may!!!!!!
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Steven, would you be willing to share a diagram/pictures of your setup via private email? I think I understand your setup since I converted a Motorola T325 to be able to connect my cell phong on the GW. I do wonder though how your setup differs from Pete's and why Pete went the route he did.
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To David R.: Thanks for the support.
To Marc W.: Squeal was due to amp overdrive caused by connecting the GW's audio out directly to the adapter's mic circuit without attenuating the voltage down to mic levels. My solution uses 3 tiny resistors to harmonize the circuits' levels. These resistors are soldered into a harness between the adaptor and the GW's audio connector. No harm done to the GW. Harness can be installed or removed in 2 minutes or less. Just sold my Road King and bought a used 2008 GW with 4,400 miles. I added a Honda CB and already had helmets configured with SMH10; so, I needed a wireless solution, like so many others.
To SENA: Get your marketing folks to analyze how big the market is for a SENA adapter that allows GW riders to both transmit & receive on their CB, as well as listen to the other stuff. I think you'll be surprised at how many GW riders are still using cables because they don't want to give up being able to talk on the CB. My solution would have them buying 3 SMH10s each; 1 adapter, 1 driver unt, and 1 passenger unit.
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To Dennie: Not familiar with Pete's setup. I'm willing to share. fox2kill@comcast.net
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Have used a J&M hand mike for years with the SMH10 for goldwing cb communications. Works well with audio fed to SM10. Inconvenience is if you wear a full face or modular helmet talking on cb. Much cheaper option tho
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I have given up trying to get Sena to combine the SR10 and SM10 for connection to a Goldwing. All Sena did was come out with a cheaper SR10i. A third SMH10 sounds like a reasonable alternative if you get stereo.
Also, do not purchase the BikeMP3 with Bluetooth for a Navi equiped Goldwing. I purchased one at Americade and the Navi system keeps saying "No Disc". The unit is at BikeMP3. Their response is that I should not have been sold a BikeMP3 with Bluetooth for use on a Navi Goldwing. Waiting to see what the plan is. BTW, the majority of vendors selling Bluetooth devices (J&M, BikeMP3, AKE) seem to have a no return policy.
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Stephen, I'm willing to buy one and try it on my Harley. The Harley and Goldwing world is waiting for something like this. I suppose that a 10R will do the same thing. Really want something seamless that is powered by the motorcycle to completely eliminate the helmet cable and give me full function with the motor's radio. I've emailed you for a diagram.
Thank you.
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Here's a picture of my solution. Incredibly simple in both concept and execution. Concept is to route an SMH10's audio output (the wires that go to the headset speakers) into the GW's mic circuit, and route the GW's audio output to the SMH10's mic circuit (wires that connect a mic to the SMH10). That's it. That's all.
To execute the concept you must heed the fact that mic circuits don't like all the volts that come out of audio circuits. So, you have to use a pad, a device that attenuates the audio output so the mic circuit can handle it without overloading. I used a U pad, although I suspect an L pad would work too. My U pad is just 3 tiny one-eighth-watt resistors; total cost 75 cents. Two 2.2K, and one 220 ohm. Working on a drawing of the circuit, and I will upload it when I'm able. But, cruise the Web for any U pad and you'll see how simple they are. It turned out that I didn't need a pad for the GW's mic circuit; so, it's connected directly. BTW, the SMH10 adapter's volume control is now a mic gain control, and with it I can really crank up the modulation on the CB. Thinking about adding a pad anyway to keep from overdriving the mic preamp and making it get too hot. Haven't had a problem with that so far.
This is a project and I'm not done with it yet; so, here's where I'm at today. I'm only using the GW's right channel audio output. But, tonight I'm modifying the harness to include a stereo-to-mono circuit so I can use both the right and the left channels. Should be easy. However, there's one big-deal limit you guys need to know. Running stereo through a single mic circuit means the music you hear in your headset will be mono, even though it has the info from both channels. If mono-music a big deal to you, then there is a solution, but it means you'll need to add a SENA SM10 to the setup. By pairing to a SM10 you can toggle between using the CB with mono music or listening to stereo music without the CB.
In the picture notice there are some wires that are not currently used. On the GW side of the harness, the headset ground and the left channel headset output are not connected to anything. On the SMH10 side, the audio out plug's tip and shield wires are not used. Don't know exactly how the audio circuit is returned (internally grounded in the SMH10?). As I said earlier, I will be using the left channel wire to establish 2-channel mono.
I got the red connector off of eBay. Search for a "6-pin 2.8 mm Mini Connector Kit". It cost $5 because of shipping from the UK.
Hope this gives you some idea of what I've done, and have planned. If you're a good electronics tinkerer, then you should have enough info to replicate what I've done.
IMG_0526.JPG0 -
John I have the MP3 with out Bluetooth it keeps needing to be reset to display CD and Track. They sent me a rest unit just uses an old cable and MP3 player. I have a trike so the seat is not fun to get back on as it should be with the extra fuel tank. lol
Steven the resistors make scents, I design homes for living not make circuit boards!!! lol I can hook them wires together but that is about it for me.
The JM hand mic is working how ever like everyone else would like to see this solved by professional.
Here is my attempt with just hooking wires in. Used old keyboard plug to plug into headset on Goldwing just like a helmet with wires. I had this from Voyager days with ear buds and ear mic for no helmet days.
test for CB.JPG0 -
OK folks, the SENA SMH10 Goldwing Interface is done, tested, ready for you to produce your own copy. See the attached file for the circuit diagram.
The darn thing works great. Can transmit and receive on the CB. Truckers say the CB transmissions sound as good as it gets. Can listen to music, although its mono. Can listen to the nav unit. Can pair to a SM10 for stereo music.
The last circuit I added was a U pad to attenuate the SMH10 adapter's audio by 50 db before it gets into the GW's mic circuit. That's the two 10K and one 100 ohm resistors you see in the circuit diagram. Turned out perfect. SMH10 adapter's volume acts as a mic gain control. Turned all the way up it actually over-modulates just a little.
Now we need to get SENA to notice so they can produce an even better adapter. If some of you guys will build your own and start bragging about it, maybe they'll take notice. With regard to cost, I can build one (minus the SMH10 module) for $45. I'm sure SENA could do it for less and sell it for $60.
Please don't ask me to build one for you. Wish I could, but I think the orders would quickly overwhelm me. And I don't want to come home from work every day and spend the evening soldering. However, I do plan on building a few, to be sold at auction on eBay. I'll let you know on this forum when I do that.
Please let me know if you build one and like it. That would make all the time I put into this project worth it.
BTW, I didn't file for a patent, nor did I claim any copyrights. But, I'm asking you guys to set anyone straight if they claim this circuit was invented by them. You guys know it was invented by me.
Steve Schmidt
Thank you, Steve. I'm glad you've taken the bull by the horns.Question, is yours powered by the Gwing's electrical circuit? Does it stay turned ON all the time, battery recharged by the motorcycle every time you turn it ON? My goal is to hide one away within the batwing fairing of my Harley Limited. There, it won't be readily accessible. Do you see any problems with that?
Thinking that an SMH-10R will do the same thing. Maybe I can completely omit the battery and just have it powered by the motorcycle directly.
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Steve Nice job. I have been using my SR10,SM10 combination for several months now with excellent results. Other members of the GWRRA report the same as the truckers, that it is extremely clear mod. The ONLY downside is that I loose the Bluetooth conversation between my passenger and I when in PTT lock mode so my passenger hears all the other bikes through the SM10 but does not hear me. If the SR10 could join 2 SMH10s at the same time like the SM10 then the system would be perfect and completely Bluetoothed. Admittedly I have not called and ask if it is. Maybe it's just a firmware update away. BTW I listen to the stereo at the same time and it is only interrupted by modulation or the GPS. I also realize that I went the expensive route but only about $100 more Keiller 0 -
Great job but expensive. I requested move than a year ago to combine to SR10 and SM10. Goldwing'ers using the SR10 and SM10 are willing to pay more the necessary. I'll keep looking for an adapter that combines the functions. Someone is going to build a full function adapter for Goldwing's and Harley's and they'll sell.
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There is, John. But it's more expensive that Steve's solution.
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Time to eat crow. Made a new harness (1st production unit) over the weekend and ended up hurting my bike. Nothing money cant' fix. Lesson for you: Don't use my circuit diagram to make your own harness unless you're very comfortable with electronic circuits and you're willing to accept risks.
Here's how it happened: 1) the circuit design is good and I used the prototype everyday, all week, no problems, and was getting used to it being a permanent part of the bike; 2) when building the new harness I changed a tiny detail and didn't take the time to consider the consequences of soldering the 3.5mm plug's tip wire to the same place as the ring wire and this effectively shorted the mic circuit when I keyed the CB's PTT switch; and 3) I didn't recognize that I was blind to the risks of this change.
What does it mean for you: 1) if you want to use this circuit to make your own harness, don't use the 3.5mm plug's tip for anything; 2) the circuit diagram is clear that the 3.5mm plug's tip is NOT used for anything; and 3) don't deviate from the diagram unless you're willing to accept the risks of experimenting with your bike.
Bottom line: Circuit is good, but any deviation from the design may hurt your bike.
I'm disappointed by this event, but will recover. At this point I suppose the only thing I've proved is that SENA could easily develop an adapter or even just a harness based on its SMH10.
I apologize for getting too excited about this harness, and therefore elevating your hopes as well.
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I took at little different path using the J&M CB2003 on a Wing that is working. I used the Sena DIY cable from a SR10 wired into the headset jack on the riders port of the J&M. Three wires only, Mic , Audio (I used right spkr) and ground to both Mic gnd and Right spkr gnd . Left the passenger using wired headset. both passenger and rider have intercom, CB, Common MP3 via J&M input, plus the rider has SMH5 wireless headset , Cell phone and FM from SMH5. SMH5 connects to J&M automatically when J&M CB is keyed no PTT add on required. So far only problem is a low volume hum in CB transmission and SMH5 headset coming from SR10. (Not a ground loop). As the J&M headset will work on the 1800 and 1500 OEM setup this approach should work for them also.
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Done eating crow. My bike is back to 100%. See Sept 15 post for details. Using the prototype harness everyday. Works great.
If you're new to this discussion the harness I developed allows you to wire a SENA SMH10 to the GW's audio system to act as a BlueTooth adapter. This SMH10 is mounted in the left console box. Then, with one tap of the jog dial on the SMH10 on your helmet an intercom connection is established between your headset and the GW's audio system. You can transmit and receive on the GW's CB radio. You can listen to anything on the GW's audio system, such as the radio, or nav unit's instructions. The only downside to this setup is that the music is mono. But, I have a SM10 that I double-tap to when I want to listen to stereo music. See picture on Sept 13 post for harness' circuit design.
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Guys, I've decided to make 12 GW-Sena Harnesses, and here's your chance to sign up for one. They will cost $45 - $55, plus $5.20 for shipping. Kit will include a harness and a Sena helmet clamp. You supply the SMH10 (use your passenger's unit at first).
The following 10 names have a reservation already:
JoeB27 (confirmed)
Whisper Jet
Dennis Long
Marc Wilson
JoeB27 is the only one confirmed so far. Others on the list above need to send me a PM to confirm; otherwise, in a week, your spot will be released to the masses.
That leaves 2 spots open. They are available "First Come, First Served." Send a PM to fox2kill@comcast.net to claim one.
Steve (fox2kill)0 -
Applied for a patent today. Although this reserves for me the right to build the Harness for sale, I grant all of you permission to build one for your own personal use. Here's all the info you need to make your own GW-Sena Harness. Helps to be handy with soldering small circuits.
GW-Sena Harness.pdf
Goldwing 5-Pin DIN.jpg
Goldwing Sena Harness.docx0 -
Opportunities like this product that so many will buy need to be protected.
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Updated List:
JoeB27 (confirmed)
charlietkm400 (confirmed)
T&P (confirmed)
Rick Connoly (confirmed)
rmw700 (confirmed)
Keiller Gowans (confirmed)
Dennis Long
Marc Wilson
Dennis, Marc, and Ken need to send me a PM to confirm; otherwise, in a week, your spot will be released to the masses.
Three spots are open. They are available "First Come, First Served." Send a PM to fox2kill@comcast.net to claim one.Finished 7 harnesses, 5 to go. Testing each one on my bike for a couple of days. Will contact you soon for a shipping address. You pay me after you receive the harness, install it, use it, and like it. You don't pay if you don't like it; just send it back.
Steve (fox2kill)0 -
Just tried the new unit on my 2007 and it works great. I had a challenge getting the mic gain to work but remembered what I read in Steve's instructions and it's set nice now. I also had the same problem as I had with the SR10 and that was setting my SMH10 volume so high that you get radio noise or " fuzz and whistle" and of course if you turn the SMH10 down and the CB volume up it smooths right out nice. The only shot I have for ya Steve is your pics show that it is super easy to get to that red plug and to get to mine I had fight and curse. : ) I finally realized that I could remove the headlight control panel and that made it easier. I love the fact that both myself and my passenger can go into conference mode with the bike and that allows us to chat together with however many bikes are in the group. I love this solution Steve, ya done good. I would like to give it a try on a long ride to make sure it gets a good test but so far everything is great. Keiller 0 -
I have a 2002 BMW K1200LT and I would like the same interface to the factory system.(CB,Radio,...)
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Steve, do you think this harness would work on a Harley setup?
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Steve, do you think this harness would work on a Harley setup?
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Hi Andrew;
Yes, the harness works on a HD. Read up on it at this link: http://www.hdforums.com/forum/touring-models/995797-full-use-of-the-hd-cb-with-any-bt-headset.html
Sierra Electronics not producing a HD version yet, but I'm still trying to get them to do so.
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Just yesterday I came across the BlueAudio KC-6112 at http://kcwirefree.com/kc6112.html.
This is a Bluetooth module that features both HiFi stereo streaming *and* microphone signal in the reverse direction, according to the datasheet:
KCSI Profile Stereo +Intercom High speed, 3 Channel audio-- full stereo streaming with live voice back channel.So from what I understand of the datasheet, with one main unit that holds two of these modules (and supporting electronics) hardwired to the Goldwing's (DIN cables removed entirely?), and two headsets based on this same module, a Goldwing pilot and his passenger would be set to use the full potential of the onboard intercom, audio, navi and CB. Given Sena's ability, either the main unit or the headsets could be paired to individual phones.
If Sena could keep the final price of such a kit under that of three individual BT headsets (trying to be realistic here), *that* would IMHO make it a killer!Sena, are you listening?! ;-)0 -
Sena, you really need to come up with a Bluetooth solution that allows Goldwing riders to use their CBs via Bluetooth. Sena has messed around far to long regarding this matter. I really like my SENA setup but if someone comes along with a solution, I am out of here.
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Steve Schmidt, a member of this forum, has developed exactly what you need for your Goldwing. Go here to see it:
Purchase an SR-10 for this particular harness. OR, he also has an SM-10 harness available for sale, too. You can find it in the same general website.
He's currently working on the same thing for Harley. However, the mic input for the Harley CB radio isn't immediately compatible; so he's developing a harness that will make the SR-10 compatible with a Harley CB for transmit. (it already works for receiving WX, AM, FM, and CB radio).
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