Please provide a SMH10 Manager for Linux
Pretty please? :)
Does the Manager work via Wine?
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Thank you for your suggestion. The manager now support Windows and Mac OS but Linux doesn't. We will do the feasibility of adding a Linux version of Sena manager software. We will keep you informed later.
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I too am a linux user (ubuntu 12.04 at the time of writing this) and would like to be able to flash the updates without finding a windows machine.
Are there any specific requirements here, ie raw usb access that would prevent this from occurring?
I for one would be willing to donate some time to developing a linux management tool if Sena is willing to provide the appropriate information.
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I'd also like to see this. I'm about to try running it in Wine, I'll post back with results.
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Couldn't get USB support to work. I guess I'll use a friend's Windows machine instead.
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A native Linux client would be most helpful. The SHM10 doesn't show up as device that I can bring into VMware in order to update the firmware via my Windows VM (VMware Workstation 8.04 on Ubuntu 12.04). Fortunately, my wife has a Mac so I can use that for the short term.
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Yeah, I tried through Virtualbox and got some of the way there -- the upgrade went part way but hung at the "hold down the phone button until this message disappears" bit. I was worried the unit was bricked at that point but thankfully doing the upgrade procedure on a real Windows box got it running again.
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I should probably point out that I *did* hold down the phone button, and for a very long time too, just nothing happened.
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Since it's been almost a year since this was first suggested, is there any updates on this? I'd like to update the firmware on my headset, but since it's an unknown USB device for Linux, I can't even bring it into my Windows VM to update it that way. Even being able to update the firmware through my Android phone would be good enough. Thank you. 0 -
And another half(ish) year. Any prospects?
An alternative question: Why exactly does the smh10 need a "Manager" ? Most other devices I've dealt with recently mount as a USB Drive.
To update/upgrade those devices, one plugs them into pretty much any computer, drag'n'drop the new software onto the device
and it installs automatically. This saves you the trouble of developing several versions of a "manager", and saves us users the
trouble of whining.
Have yall considered that approach? Is it something that might be feasible in a future update?
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being quite an old thread I'm happy to say I had no problems using virtualbox in debian wheezy(if to be exact I'm actually using crunchbang waldorf) with windows XP worked as it should. Using USB pass-through.
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I tried to update my Headset to v5 of the firmware with Virtualbox on Ubuntu 13.10 with a Win 7 x64 Pro VM and couldn't get past the 'hold phone button down until the message goes away' stage after it removed the previous version. Fortunately, I was able recover to re-flash it with my wife's old MacBook.
We still need a native Linux solution for flashing the firmware on the headsets. The VM route (for those it works for) is not a viable long-term solution.
With support for Win XP ending in 7 more days (April 8th), there will be some reasonable (if small) portion of WinXP users that migrate to Linux instead of Win 7 or 8 (or can afford to go to a Mac instead).
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I agree that Joseph wrote. All we need is a native Linux solution.
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I currently own a pair of BlueAnt bluetooth helmet intercoms and a ContourHD 720p camera and am shopping for upgrades. Awaiting the imminent release of Sena's 20S & Prism devices to see more real-world reviews.
A Linux native solution for updating Firmware on Sena devices would absolutely tip the scales and convince me to buy Sena products instead of their competitors (Cardo Systems & GoPro).
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Running Ubuntu 14.04 LTS. Please tell us you Do Not support Linux before not after we buy you product.
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In the 2 years this request has been open, Sena has only replied once for a possible "feasiblity study" for a Linux updater. The lack of an firmware updater for Linux is why I'm holding off from upgrading to the new 20S as it's a PITA to update my headsets otherwise. Though, as far as I'm aware, none of Sena's competitors support Linux either for their upgradable headsets. However, Sena's feature set is better then the rest, why not add one more to really set them apart from the rest of the field? 0 -
I have to add that I am very disappointed. I just purchased the Sena SMH10D-11 and went to upgrade the firmware. I figured it would just be a file I could place on the Sena as USB mass storage and move on. Nope, requires some program and of course there is no Linux support. I don't own an MS-Windows or MacOS computer, so I have no way to install the firmware or even check the firmware. I might try with VirtualBox or try to find some old machine I can put together, but it really shouldn't be this difficult.
Shame on you Sena for not addressing this issue after two years!0 -
I took a chance and purchased a Sena 20S dual pack which I received yesterday.
The very first document that is seen when opening the box is a notice to register the product and check for firmware updates, so I proceeded to try to do so.
I run Ubuntu Linux 14.04 and have several versions of Windows available as VirtualBox VM instances. I made sure I am using the latest available version of VirtualBox and the Extensions (required for USB support) which are currently v4.3.20. I ensured that my user is in the vboxusers group, rebooted my PC, fired up the Windows 7 VM, downloaded & installed the Sena Device Manager. The software then prompted me to attach the Sena 20S to the computer using a USB cable, but to not turn it on. I did so and made the 2 device instances that appeared in the VirtualBox USB Devices menu visible to the Win7 VM. Windows proceeded to install appropriate drivers from the Microsoft Update servers which eventually completed successfully. The Sena Device Manager software attempted to connect to the Sena 20S attached to the PC, but could NOT do so. I fiddled with the connections, tried the other device, even tried turning the device on and back off while connected... Curiously, this action did seem to produce the desired result in that the device was suddenly recognized as the Sena 20S and the installed firmware version as 1.0. I was prompted to download and install the version 1.3 firmware update which I proceeded to try. The file seemed to download OK and has the following attributes for those that want to compare:
- File Name: 20S-v1.3.img
- File Size: 3,184,576 bytes
- MD5SUM: 144f24f3a7b63f24a43bddf40542591c
Trying to flash the firmware onto the Sena 20S device resulted in a message indicating the downloaded firmware file was corrupt. I downloaded it again, disconnected and reconnected the 20S, fiddled with the buttons until the Sena Device Manager said it was connected, tried the other unit, and each time got the same result.
Fortunately, I have access to a laptop running Windows 7 for a few days and was able to re-download & install the Sena Device Manager onto it, re-download the firmware (with exactly the same attributes & checksum), and flash it onto both 20S units without errors.
It simply will NOT work using the VirtualBox Win7 VM which is definitely a shame.
I agree with M. Davis' suggestion above that the firmware update should be a simple matter of dropping a firmware image file onto the device and rebooting it. I also agree that it's shameful for Sena to not have improved this situation after this long. It doesn't have to be this complicated, Sena.
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At 3 years and counting for request, I'm very disappointed in Sena's complete lack of updates on this topic. And given the complete disaster of the 20S launch, if any of my current Sena products die, I will just go back to an old-school wired setup, since it would be impossible for me to update the firmware on any new device I got.
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Still waiting over here.
I've been a good customer, have personally recommend SENA products to countless other riders and know for a fact that 3 of my friends bought SENA products based on those recommendations.
How about a little feedback here SENA?
M. Davis's suggestion of on device update is a fantastic one - completely OS agnostic.
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Please inform potential buyers that your company is Linux unfriendly, then you can not accused falsely advertising your products through omission.. Better still support Linux increase customer satisfaction,
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I have a smh5-fm. I am also a Linux user. PLEASE provide a native Linux client for this. Currently using Ubuntu LTS 14.04. I do have a Windows VM BUT that is used only on one program which also is dragging their feet to produce a Linux version. Everything else is running in Linux. I even run Amazon Kindle in Wine in Linux! At least do that. PLEASE.
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I'm another Linux user who wants Sena Bluetooth Device Manager to work under VirtualBox. I run Windows 7 under VirtualBox. I, too, can get it to see my SMH10R headset and to begin installing the firmware. Like the others, I can't get past the 'hold phone button down until the message goes away' stage.
I'd like instructions for making it work under VirtualBox, a native Linux device manager, a cross-platform device manager, or a way to mount my headset as a disk drive so I can copy the firmware into it. I'd settle for a usable description of the protocol the device manager uses to communicate with the headset. Then I could write my own. That would be my last choice unless Sena wants so pay me to do it. :-)
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Talmage, did you use USB passthrough under virtualbox? I've managed to do the updates with virtualbox & qemu by passing the device to the guest machine.
But yes I agree, this is not a viable solution long-term.
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Yup, tried it, too....Tried it on Ubuntu 14.04, and Antergos....this should be a drag and drop operation....but there are always 'I'm scared of Linux types', or I'll only use windows....Guess I'm going oldschool with wires again....Gonna use it till it breaks, then going back. Damn shame, nice product, gonna loose ALOT of customers over this.....
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Is there anything in the terms of service for the device manager download that forbids reverse engineering the Windows binary for the purpose of writing a Linux version? I'm strongly considering engaging in this activity. I'd happily open source it for the rest of you.
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Yes, we need a instrument to update thru linux....Its been over a year for me....still nothing, can't do it thru virtualbox, not thru wine, nothing. Next wireless I get will be or I'll just headset my phone....
Hey! Lets do a App. on Android! I'm up for the coding!
Chris, It would be wonderful if you could, and we can flag it on FOSS, and the bike sites....since SENA doesn't think much about it....
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OK, I have several laptops around, One with Antergos/Manjaro, my other one with Ubuntu 14.04/ RedHat....nothing working thru 14.04....Wine won't work, virtual won't work either, still had things loaded, just transfered over to my Arch work computer....
yea.....way to go Sena....loose some customers....
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Cardo does updates thru the phone on their wireless....duh....
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Does the device manager do anything other than firmware updates? This may just be a matter of doing captures on both the network (for getting the new firmware from the Sena site) and the USB (for getting the protocol that pushes the firmware to the device). There's a chance that https is being used for the download, so I'll have to rig up a https MITM proxy at home. (This forum is plain http, do maybe not?) The USB sniffing will be fun, too... I've never had a ton of success with USB captures, but it looks like there's a decent windows utility that can feed USB into Wireshark. It's worth a shot! 1
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