Icom FRMS Radio Sena Cable to SR10
We have an Icom FRMS radio that we used the SCA0113 Sena cable to SR10. The problem is the cable comes out of connector at 90 degrees which runs into FRMS Antenna which limits the Icom to a 100 feet range. See attached picture. We spoke with Pedro in Sena Technical Service in October 2011 about problem. I followed up a couple of weeks ago, and he hadn't heard what was being done. Cable should be straight, or the cable should be reversed so it doesn't run into Antenna.
Icom Cable SCA0113.JPG
We have already released the Icom straight cable (http://www.senabluetooth.com/products/acc_SC-A0117.php) that can solve your problem. Please visit our web site for the information in more details. If you have any questions, feel free to ask our technical support team (http://support.senabluetooth.com/forums/20210578-questions), Thank you.
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