SR10 rubber bits available as spares


4 commenti

  • Jim McWhirter
    Jim McWhirter

    I assume you got no satisfaction on this request given the date and lack of followup post.  I am in the same boat - lost the cover this spring and winter rains are looming.  Need to get a replacement soon.   I'll try calling Sena directly.



  • Ploz58
    Let me know how you go, When I'm touring I take the sr10 off very night and I always feel if that rubber breaks the unit is hard to utilize. Be silly to have to scrap a unit for a small part. Spares would make the units more purchasable
  • Jim McWhirter
    Jim McWhirter
    Success! I contacted Sena technical support (via web) and they got the missing piece sent to me right away. It also came with a little hard plastic "keeper" piece that I didn't even realize was part of the cap assembly until it came in the bag with the rubber cap. Almost threw it away until I thought twice and then looked at my wife's SMH10 and saw how it fit there. The rubber piece will install w/o this keeper, but it would easily come out again if you don't install this plastic piece. Jim
  • Sinergy436

    you lucky...i still wait for a simple answer for starters


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