SM10: Automatically turn on/off with external power (ignore battery)
I use the SM10 on my motorcycle and keep it plugged into external power at all times. I would like the ability to ignore the battery and just automatically turn on or off with external power, so it would come on when I turn the bike on and turn off when it's off. (External power is through a DC-DC converter running off the switched power of the bike.) Of course there should still be an on-off switch so the device can be permanently turned off regardless of external power.
This can either be a version of the SM10 that does not have a battery, or a switch added to the unit to enable or disable battery discharge. (Charge should always be enabled or the battery would drain away, of course.)
That would be ideal, but a simpler alternative is to just swap the pair button with the on-off button, because the former is so much easier to use than the latter, yet you only ever pair your device once, pretty much, yet it's turned on/off constantly.
Seven (7) months ago I posted the following:
>>>>>I talked with James at Sena today 4-01-14 about an issue with a headset and while I had him on the phone, I discussed ~at great length~ this power issue with the SM10 and also with their lack of attention to THIS FORUM. I requested that he have someone AT LEAST respond here to say "we're working on it" or similar.<<<<<
Today is November 20,2014. Note that there has been NO NADA ZERO response in this forum from SENA. I just don't f-ing get it.
I LIKE their products! I JUST NOW ordered one of their new Prism cameras! I can deal with the quirks of the SM10 and will continue to do so, but I'll be damned if I can figure out why they will not even acknowledge this community. They DO reply on occasion in the other product forums. Hell, THIS forum isn't even linked anywhere, we all got here by searching. HEY! Maybe that's it! I'll send 'em a link!
For a company that builds and sells cutting-edge communication be so terrible at communicating is bizarre. /rant.
Their contact info:
email at or call us at 1-866-300-1235 or (408) 300-9797.
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Its a shame that I bought the higher priced Can Am SM10 thinking I wouldn't have the issue with powering off and on with key switch. This is a pain in the rear going through the process to listen to my radio. Really, you haven't addressed this issue yet? I have a set of SMH10 that I like but the SM10 fell way short because of a simple power issue. To bad this has been going on for two years.
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There is a fix for this. You just open up the sm10 and unplug the battery. You can leave the battery inside. Leave the switch in the on position and connect the USB power adapter that came with it to a switched power source on your bike.
When you turn on your bike it will power on and then off again when power is disconnected. I have no idea why sena support never answers anything here.0 -
Eric, I would like to know if you are simply *speculating* that this should work OR if you've actually TESTED this. I'm not averse to taking things apart and I would agree that your suggestion **should** work. I have simply gotten accustomed to my own workaround so I haven't opened it up, yet. I would like to KNOW if it will do the trick. I expect that the internal circuitry actually is designed to *require* battery voltage to meet a threshold value *on the battery side of the circuit* in order to allow the unit to operate.... if true, this might require a more involved interdiction than simply removing the battery. I hope that's not the case, but the way the unit acts when undercharged makes me suspect this.
By The Way, Despite our having received promises from SENA repeatedly, they have yet to even acknowledge the very EXISTENCE of thread on this SM10 "forum". And the forum remains un-linked from anywhere on their support pages. If we didn't do a 'search' for SM10, we would never find this. This thread has been running (with ZERO replies from SENA) for THREE (3) YEARS!!!!
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I have now sent a new "Request" to SENA asking them officially to follow the link I provided to this very page, just in case they actually don't know it's here. I also attached a full-length screenshot of the entire scrolling page so that they can see it and read it without having to use the link. We'll see if they actually show their face in here. Anyone care to place a bet?
Three years .
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OK, folks. Just in case *ANYbody* cares to actually read this far into this thread; I made a "Formal" request of SENA about all of the points above, supplied screenshots and even LINKS(!) and essentially DARED them to ignore this further.
Below (pasted in two parts) you will see that request AND SENA's response (to me, via email). This is apparently the ONLY WAY you will ever see a SENA rep appear in this "help" forum. It was all I could do.
PASTE 1>>>
**Ricky Slaughter, Feb 11, 10:20 AM:**I hereby REQUEST that Someone from SENA follow this link to the hidden "help forum" and COMMENT IN ANY WAY to show that SENA acknowledges the community, the issue, the SM10. PLEASE, Three (3) YEARS>...., While you're there, click the "subscribe" button
SENA HELP snag 2016-02-11.jpg<<<<<<<<<<<<END PASTE1
************************************************** YOU GUYS WILL LOVE THIS ANSWER***********************************************
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>PASTE2>>>>SENA's REPLY:>>>>>>
Your request (#99376) has been deemed solved.
To review, comment and reopen the request, follow the link below:
Dean, Feb 17, 11:29 AM:Hi Ricky,
The current SM10 has a hard on/off switch which cannot be converted to an ignition switch. Also, the SM10 is powered by the internal battery and not through the USB port.
I understand the feedback from the community and that SENA Product Engineers have been made aware of this for future product consideration.
Dean<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<END PASTE
So, there you have it. It's a bad design; They know it's a bad design; They haven't fixed it; They aren't going to.
Thus endeth the Lesson.
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Ok everyone. I know for a fact it works with the ignition on off. Undo the 4 screws on the back of the unit and then simply unplug the battery. Takes 2 minutes.
So you believe me: A video I took of the unit running off switched power on the bike and connecting to a headset. Its important you use the charge cord that came with the unit since it has extra resistors I believe.
Works great. Hope this helps everyone out here no matter what sena support says.
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Eric, I will open mine up and give a try. I'll make a video that shows the inside and the disconnected battery and my own test.
A note that is important about the included power cord: The cigarette lighter cord for the SM10 (also used for the SMH10) has a 'secret' property that *can* cause trouble with certain devices.
That cord, despite terminating in a Micro USB connector, is NOT a 5V supply. We all assume that a Micro USB is a Micro USB and of course, we all know those are 5Vdc.....but SENA supplies this cord that is hard-wired directly to the vehicle's charging system voltage, so, it's 12~15Volts on the USB connector. Yes, it's a fact, measured, tested, proven, and if you ask SENA directly, they'll confirm. I have a video somewhere... Note, Also, that SENA devices such as the 20S and the Prism camera should NEVER be powered with that cable. Items such as phones and other non-SENA items *usually* have built-in over voltage protection so they'll simply not charge with this cable.
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Eric's claim that simply removing the battery would solve everything is simply not true. At least, MY SM10 will not work as he claimed. It actually operates the way SENA said it does; the power cord powers the charging circuit, but without the battery in place, the board is NOT powered.
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What revision of the sm10 do you have? When did you buy it?
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I bought it June 2013. I don't know what revision; I'm not aware there are any revisions. The software is V1.1 from years ago. I don't believe the *hardware* had been changed but I can't be sure. On MINE, the board is NOT POWERED except by the battery. The cord charges the battery *only*. Make a video *showing* the battery obviously removed and the unit running.... mine won't do that.
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I guess there must have been some type of hardware change along the line. Mine was purchased in September of 2013 so very close timing. Honestly I'm not going to open SM10 up again to show the battery is disconnected. It is and I have no reason to lie about it. I probably should have shown that in the original video but I like all the covers buttoned up before powering devices up. I guess everyone will have to try their particular unit and see if it works. I can only confirm that it works fine for my particular unit.
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Just tried mine with the battery disconnected. Did not work with regular usb power, 5V. I thought I would try the Sena power adapter just in case because I believe it is 12V. That did not make any difference. Still did not work. I will go back to being always on. That works well for me.
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Confirmed w/ Eric:
SN: SM10 1212000758 - don't remember when purchased
1. Open back
2. Disconnect Battery
3. Close back
Plug in USB: turns on, remove it, turns off.
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That is interesting that some work disconnecting the battery and some do not. Mine does not. Disconnecting the internal battery makes mine nonfunctional. I tried using the 12V adapter From Sena that came with the unit. I also tried a direct 12V connection.
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Is it possible that it is the cable or power supply being used that is making the difference . What type of cable and supply are you using Rob ? Is it the sena cable or an after market cable and power supply ? Is the cable a charging cable or a data cable ?
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It's worked out: apple USB charger, cigarette adapter USB, and several other wall wart chargers. All have been 1.5 amps or higher which could certainly be part of the issue.
The cable was a USB data Cable, any of the ones I grabbed out of the cable abyss drawer worked.
Would really like to know what the dealio is for sure.0 -
In case anyone still follows this, Sena has finally announced a new version of the SM10 that addresses the power issue, called the Freewire.
Looks just like the SM10. It says "coming soon"
BT 4.1, specifically highlights "ON/OFF with Ignition"
My own SM10, at 38 months of age has simply died. It lights up/blinks and appears to be trying but it has not paired since July. Reset/powered down/ battery drained/ fully charged/all the button's Dade, plum Dade. I'm really glad I hadn't bought a replacement yet. I will now wait for the Freewire. It will plug right onto the custom mount I made for the SM10, though I will have to change a cable as the audio in is now micro-usb.
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I don't think this is a new version of the SM10. It looks like a new product that combines the features of a SM10 and a SR10. It hooks up differently. So your existing cable connections may not work. Also will lose the ability to pair with 2 helmet headsets. One helmet headset only. That's logical since the Freewire is a 2 way device unlike the SM10 which is 1 way.
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I agree that it's a a new product, not really an SM10-B, as it loses the dual output (maybe), but it does have stereo which the SR doesn't and it doesn't have the power fix, which the SR does. What it really lacks is some real detailed info of how it operates. I'd like to know what "for your passenger to talk over the motorcycle’s internal intercom system" means...? If you are both wearing headsets, then why would you want to use the bike's system? If your passenger does NOT want "to talk over the motorcycle’s internal intercom system" can the passenger otherwise use the single Freewire as a music source? A lot of unexplained points, but primarily, this looks like it would do exactly what *I* need.
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