Would like to see a Harley Davidson factory audio/CB interface.
My wife and I ride Harley Davidson motorcycles and truly enjoy our SENA 10 units. However, we would also like to be able to use our factory audio and CB with the units.
I would welcome purchasing you kit, and would have many HD friends who also be interested. Being a techy myself, would love be a beta tester for you. I've leaving in 2 weeks for cross country tour, love to have it, if it's available. I can be reached at owheathcock@gmail.com Thanks very much.
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My report on May 29 was premature and the harness needed one more adjustment. Two days ago, the main tester, Ed Geiseking of Las Vegas, reported this final version has nailed it and is now suitable for limited distribution to other testers. Have supplies for about 4 units, 2 of which are already partially completed. Could use 2 more testers. Ken, how about you? Testing requires no money up-front. After testing, if you want to keep the harness, you just pay my costs of approximately $50 + $5.80 shipping (no charge for my labor).
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Steven, I ride 2014 Ultra Limited and would be interested in testing. I live near Sacramento and have been patiently (?) waiting for a solution to using the blue tooth headsets and retaining the ability to use the CB on the bike. Either way, tester or not I am looking forward to seeing what your product can do. 0 -
Hi R. D. McCready;
Did the HD dealer and his sales staff try to make you believe the 2014's audio system would support BT headsets? Many are doing so because they haven't been educated on the system's limitations. The 2014 BT capability is for a wired headsets to connect to a BT phone, BT MP3 player, or a BT nav unit. It doesn't have the necessary profiles for wireless BT headsets.
Contact me at fox2kill@comcast.net
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Steve I'll email separate from here but I did want to state that no, my dealer has not mislead me regarding the functionality of current headsets. I do understand that is not always the case. Richard 0 -
Status Report: Ordered the connectors today so the next 4 test harnesses can be connected to the Audio Interconnect Harness under the tank. This will allow the harness to be installed out-of-sight, with no ugly cables visible anywhere. The connectors (Deutsch DTM series) are expensive, $28 for a male/female combo, but necessary so the headset cable can be plugged back in after the harness is installed so the bike's wired headset capability is preserved. Harness' helmet clamp is $35; so, the cost of parts for a test harness is now approximately $75. And that means a retailer that decides to build the harness will probably charge about $150. On another related project I have replaced the helmet clamp and Sena SMH10 with a NoiseHush A850. Prototype is working well, but more testing is necessary. Would reduce the total cost of a BT adapter by about $100. More on that later if the testing continues to go well.
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Hi - has there been any update to this? I'm interested as well - thanks!
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Steve, I'm not looking for CB connectivity but would like to listen to my HD radio thru my SENA BT headset. I can pair my phone with the headset so don't need the connection thru the HD Boom system but would like the voice command feature thru the radio. Is this possible with your cable?
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The best device I know of for listening to your HD radio thru your Sena BT headset is a Sena SM10. Pairs to your headset just like a phone. Sends 2 streams of stereo music; one to the rider, and the other to the passenger. My harness allows you to issue voice commands to your bike's audio system, but when doing so any music from the bike is mono, not stereo. My harness with both a SMH10 and a SM10 would allow you to issue voice commands and listen to stereo music, switching between one or the other, but not both at the same time.
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I have to agree with Bob Laverty's comment from March 2013, "I can't believe this hasn't been done yet" Is Sena planning on offering Steven Schmidt's solution in their product offerings? It would seem to me that, as an alternative scenario, Sena could adapt the SR10 to the Harley Davidson 7-pin DIN jack. While this would not be ideal, it would offer an interim solution. The market is huge for such a product I had heard that Sena on a solution expected by years end. Was this Steven's solution or is there another?.
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Just got back from the AIMExpo in Orlando. Talked to Sena's Sam SW Kim, VP Marketing. Showed him both my Gold Wing and HD harnesses. Made my case for how important it is for Sena to build one even better. A SMH10/SM10 combo unit would work. He said Sena has one in the research and testing phase, scheduled for release in 2015. It has a latency (delay) issue. Told him my harness does not. Sena's unit has a 70 ms delay, and that's unacceptable. He expects the engineers to fix it soon. He said it was OK for me to tell all of you this information. I told him I was available to help and share what I've learned from operating with the harness for 16 months. Told him I was at the GWRRA rally in Cherokee NC a few weeks ago, and only 12 of 250 riders were using BT headsets. That's 5% market penetration, which is incredibly low. Told him if Sena would come out with a great BT adapter and harness then Sena could increase market penetration to 30, 40, maybe even 50%. He was listening very carefully and gave me more of his time and attention than I expected.
Then I went over to the Cardo booth and gave the same pitch to Jamie Cheek, Director of Sales, North America. My harness doesn't care who makes the BT transceiver its connected to. May the best company win.0 -
I live in North Georgia and figured you may be somewhat near if you were in Cherokee, NC. I would be very interested in your solution and would gladly help in testing. My email is caspradlin@gmail.com if your'e interested or if I can be helpful.0 -
Steven, it has been two months since your last post on this topic. Have you heard anything more? Joe
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Looks like Sierra MC Audio has picked up the manufacturing of this adapter.
I just bought a '14 FLHTK Ultra Limited. Anyone have the recent "firmware," i.e. the adapter for especially the 2014+ HD Infotainment Audio to elaborate on their success and happiness? Anyone gone the stereo route with the SM10 module?
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I've had my SMH10 units for a while now, but just bought a '14 FLHTK (already have a TriGlide). I would be very interested in what Steven is doing because I want to keep my Sena units for rider-rider with my wife, but also use the CB on the FLHTK when riding with other people or groups. What might be the current status on your work, Steven?
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My wife and I are Long-time HD riders and Sena SMH10 users here. Our group all use the Sena SMH10s. I just bought a 2015 Ultra Limited and was 'under the assumption' that the headunit was capable of BT syncing to our Sena's.
Our basic needs are: 1.) Sena sync to the Head Unit for intercom to the group
2.)Sena sync music from Head Unit to Sena headset - Stereo
3.)Sena sync phone from Head Unit to Sena headset
4.)Sena sync GPS from Head Unit to Sena headset
We don't need CB connectivity but that would be nice
I cannot believe HD did not ship their Head Unit with the necessary BT profile to do this.
IF we cannot get those 4 basic needs met, is there a way for the Sena to pair with the Head Unit so we can get just the intercom - without any headset use for the rider?
We've several long rides planned this summer and next year we have a cross country trip planned, so we have a vested interest in getting this done!
I'm willing to beta test anything as well. I've been in the IT industry for almost 30 years. I can be reached at my firstname.lastname(at)me(dot)com
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My wife and I are Long-time HD riders and Sena SMH10 users here. Our group all use the Sena SMH10s. I just bought a 2015 Ultra Limited and was 'under the assumption' that the headunit was capable of BT syncing to our Sena's.
Our basic needs are: 1.) Sena sync to the Head Unit for intercom to the group
2.)Sena sync music from Head Unit to Sena headset - Stereo
3.)Sena sync phone from Head Unit to Sena headset
4.)Sena sync GPS from Head Unit to Sena headset
We don't need CB connectivity but that would be nice
I cannot believe HD did not ship their Head Unit with the necessary BT profile to do this.
IF we cannot get those 4 basic needs met, is there a way for the Sena to pair with the Head Unit so we can get just the intercom - without any headset use for the rider?
We've several long rides planned this summer and next year we have a cross country trip planned, so we have a vested interest in getting this done!
I'm willing to beta test anything as well. I've been in the IT industry for almost 30 years. I can be reached at my firstname.lastname(at)me(dot)com
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I ride a 2014 Ultra Classic and have the 6.5 Boom box and CB and Sena 20's. I would like to try your harness. xxlruss@gmail. 0 -
You can use the Sena SR-10 to plug into your Harley's headset cable jack. The SR-10 is compliant with our Sena 20S headset. You will be able to hear any sounds that your Harley radio produces via the SR-10 paired and connected to the 20S.
But there's a catch:
Unfortunately, Harley radios utilize an electret microphone. Electret microphones require a tiny voltage in order to work. Therefore, nothing you plug into the Harley will be fully compatible with the microphone input unless it has an electret microphone output. So 2-way communication will not be possible with any of the current Bluetooth devices that plug into the radio jack on Harley Davidson motorcycles unless it's designer created the device specifically for Harley motorcycles.
I built a one-transistor interface (a microphone pre-amp) to make the dynamic mic output of the SR-10 compatible with the Harley microphone input. It kind of worked; but the transmitted audio was horrible. So 2-way communication through my Harley radio still eludes me.
But if received audio is all you need (no CB transmit or Intercom transmit), the SR-10 is the perfect choice. Sena makes a cable that will plug right into the Harley. You can power the SR-10 from the Harley's electrical circuit so that it doesn't require an external battery. And the cool thing is that when you turn the Harley ignition OFF, the SR-10 turns off as well. Then, when you turn the Harley ignition back ON, the SR-10 powers back up and instantly reconnects with the 20S.
If only some electrical engineer would make a suitable dynamic-to-electret adapter to be plug and play. Until then, we're just out of luck.
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Do not see anything in their accessories as of this date. Would like to get adapter for my smh10 system ti 2013 ultra 0
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