Voice Commands Sena 20s, Fm presets command and shutdown command.
Hi, I have a 20s and i'm very glad about it, but i had wish that you could say "fm one" or "fm two" and so on for the radio preset, like you can do for the intercom, also the command "shutdown" can be for appreciated, thx, Patrick
That would be a good update. At the moment there's only possible way to change the radio with pushing the phone button or seeking the next station.
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Currently you can give the "Next" and "Previous" voice commands to change FM radio presets but we will look into the possibility of altering it based on your request.
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I've also tried using "next" and "previous" commands for the FM radio. It's working for me where I currently have 3-presets. If I'm at either end of the "FM dial," I can say "previous" or "next" and SENA will come back from the other end, like in a "loop." :) Unfortunately, with my usage of the FM radio, SENA has a difficult time at understanding my verbal command. Either that or I need to see a "voice coach." haha!
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