10C Improvements


27 commenti

  • Christian

    And please, can you add a function to the app, to format the SD Card via App instead of running trough the camera settings of the unit itself.


  • Christian

    Yet another request:

    - Please add the possibility to edit the name of the files, saved to the SD-Card....i would prefere of having a file with the date and hour in his name. (Example: 18072015_1245.mov instead of S10C0001.mov)

    - Please add a function to edit the date and time via app

    - Is there a possibility to add at least voice commands for the intercom? ( i.e: Hello Sena -> Intercom One) i loved that function on my S20

    - Can you please adjust in next firmware, that we dont have to cry in the microfon to take a phone-call...it looks weird if you start crying in your helmet while standing at red-light and people starring at you ;-)



    Thank you

  • Christian

    ..oh...i forgot something else:

    You can flip the camera arround 360°, but ther is no function to flip the video...so if you record behind you, the video is flipped on head!


    Thank you



  • john W
    john W

    The 10C looks like the best Motorcycle related product since the invention of the helmet.  It's fantastic EXCEPT there is no headphone jack.  The decibel level at highway speeds even on full face helmets is above "temporary threshold shift level," and is damaging over time with out ear protection.  Compound that by turning up your speakers to hear music OVER road noise and your killing your ear cilia forever.  Please add a headphone jack to the 10c so those of us who don't wish to wear hearing aids later can were insulating earbuds now.   I'm a little shocked you never gave us that option to begin with.  It can be frustrating when companies cater to their naive customers at the expense of their intelligent ones. 

  • Mark Mayhew
    Mark Mayhew

    I agree completely on the earbud jack.  I would have bought a 10C already if I were able to use my earbuds (as I do on my SMH-10).  Until the 10C has that capability, I will not buy one (as I'd love to) because I hate in-helmet speakers.  As said above, custom-made earbuds function as "ear plugs" as well, reducing noise and allowing volume to be reduced on the device itself.




    Mark Mayhew

  • john W
    john W
    I too would have bought one already if it had a headphone jack. I will not buy one until it's offered with earbud capability.
  • ADVrider76

    It would also be nice to be able to use the app to view the photo's and video's on the SD card and be able to delete if you wanted to.

    Video mirroring thru my iPhone would be the most useful feature that i am looking for. Almost every other camera maker has this feature so please update the firmware and app to support this function.

  • John L. Brown
    John L. Brown

    just bought the prism, wanted the 10c, but.....I wanted video mirroring, a hookup like that is on the smh10, and I want the 20-love the features, but would love a 20 "C"  (camera)  if you can make the 10c the 20 c with the 20 style features should not be hard...thanks! ......maybe by Christmas? my wife is already asking what I would like!  ...a 20C with Bluetooth mirroring and more sturdy electrical connections...:)


  • Mike winder
    Mike winder
    I have no need for the ear piercing max volume beep. Thx eh!
  • Sena

    @jogn W: We now offer earbud support for the 10C through the use of an earbud adapter accessory: http://www.buysena.com/powersports/10c/10c-a0101.html.

  • Gregg Smith
    Gregg Smith
    OK...it's been 5 months since my original post regarding this desired feature...any update on whether adding any camera control functions for the 10C is on the firmware development list for the handlebar remote?
  • John L. Brown
    John L. Brown
    The 10c is great, but I want a 20c....all the functions on a 20, which is your best, right? But I want the camera with it..so a 20C....
  • Darrin D
    Darrin D

    for the 10c please allow video or picture to be displayed for the expess purpose of aligning the camera prior to road use on smart phone.

     I would buy the handle bar remote for my 10c if you Improve the firmware for the handlebar remote to support starting/stopping video recording, tagging, snapshots when used with 10C.

  • W2ge

    I would have liked a warning in advance that the SENA 10C has had compatibility issues with SanDisk SDHC cards...  I have a brand new SanDIsk Ultra microSDHC UHS-1 32 gb card that doesn't work with the unit.  Money down the drain, SENA tech recommended I get a different brand...  Nice, after I bough the 10C and handlebar remote.  (and I previously bought the SMH10 PAIR)

    Not pleased.....

    It worked to upgrade the firmware but try to use the camera and I get Memory is full error, yet card is empty except for the 1 kb file that I imagine is written on it after formatting in the 10C. (29.7 gb free in properties on my pc)

  • Sena

    @W2ge: Try formatting the microSD card in your PC. When formatting the card, select FAT32 for the file system and set the Allocation Size to 32KB.

  • Darrin D
    Darrin D



    i have 2 sandisk ultra 64 gb uhs-1 and they both work perfectly. no problems even though they are double the size of the recommended 32g.  i would also recommend letting your pc reformat them to the fat32,

  • Pascal


    Is it possible to have "video tagging" in "the video mode" option, the interest would be to directly starting in video tagging mode when you switch on the camera. I'm probably not the only one, but for me the interest of 10C is to have a "safety cam" that record what happened in case of crash. So the really best for me would be the ability to directly star the cam in tagging mode when I switch on the device. Another thing is missing and could be add via accelerometer (or over system) is to automatically record  if you crash and not be abble to press the tag button (because your are unconscious...)



  • Araque67

    I solved the issue with video checking with a third party product.  In my case that I have iPhone I got the  Leef iAccess iOS microSD Reader, from leefco.com. (http://www.leefco.com/iaccess)  It allows you to see the content of the microSD you use in the 10C in your iPhone or iPad (using their free App)... it is not cheap ($44 to 50) but helps a lot while you are on the road, on a trip, and don't wait to see, edit and share the pics and videos at the end of your trip.  It has additional features which I have not used yet.

    hope is useful.!


  • W2ge
    There are similar cheaper products than the Leef. Wecodo card reader for iPhone on Amazon is $21. It also works w Android, and as a reader for SD on your PC.

    My SanDisk SD card incompatibility was solved finally by SanDisk sending me a SanDisk Ultra Plus card in exchange. I formatted on my PC using native windows format.

    Usually SD cards are better formatted by "SD FORMATTER"... It is the industry's own formatting tool

  • Cryptic
    It appears with the release of firmware v2.0 for the 10c some things have been addressed I noticed needed 'fixing':
    1. We now have 3 preset (low, medium and high) levels of mic audio while video recording. Definite improvement as I found the audio was too 'hot' and clipping in previous versions. Will test thoroughly.
    2. We now appear to have 3 choices for Video Tagging segments - 1 minute (as we've always had), 3 minute and 5 minute segments. Again, if this works as I anticipate it is a definite plus.

    Still (however) we're lacking the ability to control the camera functions from a Sena handlebar or wrist remote. Also still lacking is the ability to format an memory card from the phone app...ok, and flip the video if you rotate it on the mount to use as a 'tail gunner' cam to show the view behind you...

    Right now we control all camera functions from a SINGLE button on the 10c...is it REALLY that difficult to remap the remote interface to include this function???

    Ride safe!
  • Paul Gray
    Paul Gray

    Is there a way you can implent a better filename convention for the camera. ie ddmmyyyhhmmss.mov or something similar. I have many cards from a long trip and they all have the same filename which makes combining them on to a PC a bit difficult to manage. Could this be a new option in the next firmware release?

  • Etyrnal

    "1. Improvement to iPhone app to allow video or picture (even just a B&W snapshot image) to be displayed for the expess purpose of aligning the camera prior to road use."

    AN ABSOLUTE MUST!  (a live preview mode in the android app -- even if it's an SD resolution video stream, or 1 picture per second)


    "2. Improve the firmware for the handlebar remote to support starting/stopping video recording, tagging, snapshots when used with 10C...this is currently not supported."

    i will NOT buy the remote without this.  Makes NO sense to do so. 


    "4. Offer a clear lens protector that can be used in bad weather/dust to protect the lens while still shooting video."

    a replaceable optical quality GLASS dust cover would be great to protect from scratches, and bugs etc

  • Etyrnal

    the ability to see thumbnails of PICTURES, and videos would be great.  It's be VERY good to be able to delete videos/pictures from the APP.  It sucks to be out on the road, trying to get another shot when the sd card fills up.  It'd be great to be able to either selectively delete video files and pictures, or to MOVE them to the phone.  Doesn't Bluetooth 4 support 25Mbps??  It should be decent for transferring videos -- even playback.  I think 1080p is around 6 or 12 Mbps.  The bluetooth link should be able to handle it.


  • Etyrnal

    It would be great to be able to set a video recording mode that is "instant on-recording", and "instant-off recording"..  

    meaning, in the app, manager, or in the 10c's configuration menu, be able to set the camera to be in an "instant record mode"...

    so the camera would normally stay off (battery savings).  And if the user pressed the camera button for 2s, then the camera would turn on AND start recording", then when pressed for 2s again, would STOP and save the recording AND turn off.

    The mode could even be enabled/disabled  by holding camera button for 5s to enable the mode, and for 5s to disable the mode.  


  • Etyrnal

    please update firmware to allow larger group intercom -- hopefully 6, 8, or more

  • Noam Gr
    Noam Gr

    I know I wrote it on a different forum, didn't know where to put this request  - 

    I have the sena 10c and bought my wife SMH5 so we can communicate, the products are great !! changed the way I ride literally. good job SENA ! 

    however, we both love to listen to same music while riding (shared by the 10c) but it is annoying to stop the music in order to say something threw intercom. 

    we would really appreciate adding a mix music sharing while intercom. 10x

  • Gregg Smith
    Gregg Smith

    Well it FINALLY seems (2 years after the 10C release) we have a handlebar remote that will control the camera on the 10C...the new RC4.

    The previous remotes (both handlebar and wrist) appeared to work with most 10C functions EXCEPT the camera (on/off/snapshot/revord/video tagging).

    I've ordered one and will be testing it.

    I wonder if it will be compatible with the new 10C Evo due out in the next few months.

    Ride safe!


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