headphones capability?


12 commenti

  • Sena

    Earbud support for the 10C is not currently available.

  • markpdryden

    Curious if Sena has considered a separate dongle attachment that users can purchase to add our own headphones?  Would love to use earplug style headphones with this unit.  Entirely too much wind noise with the stock headphones included with the purchase.

    This sole reason is why some people will not purchase this unit..

  • Reubin Thornton
    Reubin Thornton

    I have the SMH10 and would purchase the 10C if it was compatible with earbuds... 

  • Dean, John
    Dean, John

    I just inquired the same.....I enjoy the SM10 and would happily upgrade...I just don't want more 'stuff' on my handlebars, etc.

  • markpdryden

    I couldn't take it anymore - I whacked the headphones off and soldered in a headphones jack (3.5mm).  Oh wow - the sound capabilities are really there and Sena should make these available for everyone to purchase... However YOU can make your own in a matter of 10$ and about a half hour of your time.  You'll be so glad you did!

  • Erik Viking
    Erik Viking

    Hi Mark, could you add some close up on the soldering. The wires are very fine and would like to know which wires you picked up to solder to the 3.5 jack.

  • Lmcmanus

    Hi Markdryden is there two wires in the headphone wires as I need to connect my protective earbubs to  The new 10r but of course Sena have changed the plug configuration around -  male to female and have not made a plug adaptor to connect earbuds (protective) too--They have the old adaptors but none to suit the 10R.. so pissed off only a Engineer would swap plags about

  • markpdryden

    Sorry so long on the comment.  I have no close up pictures to show.  I had to fiddle with the hair-like wire a bit to learn what was left, right and neg.  Three wires in there and three wires on the 3.5 jack..  I was not able to just go red - red, black - black and white - white.  I had brazed the wires themselves to stiffen them up a bit, then wrapped them around each other to figure out what sounded best.  Then I was able to solder them permanently and put a piece of shrink tube on there to cover them up..  A friend has tried it and wants me to do his this spring IF he buys one.  Very clean, the little jack hangs down enough to tuck in my jacket with the cord for the headphones.  I use a battery pack as well, so now theres the power cord and the headphone jack coming outta my jacket to my helmet.  

  • Lmcmanus


    Thanks markdryden

    I have brought the New 10R, SENA have changed the plug so the earplug adapter will not fit anymore and have flipped the connections, therefore creating problems for all existing customers. I have $300 protective earbuds that worked  fine using my old SMH10 until I purchased the new 10R, now I cant connect up to my new 10R that I purchased. If I had known of this change I would not have purchased latest model. I need to try and do what you have done markpdryden and splice the wires to try and sovle my problem if this is possible.

    SENA have been no help at all

  • Chano Kim
    Chano Kim



    Just noticed this accessory showing up as one of the accessories for the 10C.  Doesn't indicate availability yet and I don't see it available at authorized retailers yet either.  Either way, its good news. 

  • Sena

    An earbud cable for the 10C is now available that allows you to use third party earbuds and the wired boom or wired microphones that come with the 10C. http://www.buysena.com/powersports/10c/10c-a0101.html


    @Lmcmanus: An earbud adapter cable for the 10R is now available that allows you to use your protective earbuds. http://www.buysena.com/powersports/10r/10r-a0101.html

  • Vuthy Lat
    Vuthy Lat

    THANK YOU SENA!!!  This was the primary reason I was hesitant to get the 10C, I just placed an order for one now that I can use my ear buds.  


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