Please add adaptive auto volume


3 commenti

  • Asd555


  • Sena

    A new feature called Smart Volume Control has been added to the 20S in the v1.5 firmware. Smart Volume Control automatically changes the level of the speaker volume based on the level of the environmental noise. Please update the firmware on your 20S and refer to the User's Guide on the Sena website to use this new feature.

  • Justin Case
    Justin Case

    Sena I see the 20S received this update in 2015. Why was it not added to all of your other models? I have the 10R that has its latest update of v5.1.2 and it does not have the Smart Volume Control?  I just changed over to the 10R because there are a few Sena in my area and not as many Scala but I think i will be switching back to Scala because it has a few of the features yours are lacking.


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