Problem with 20S switching off in intercom mode


4 commenti

  • S U Vobis
    S U Vobis
    I have the same Problem One of the Moduls from the Dual Kit failed every 15 up to 30 min.
  • Charles Vollherbst
    Charles Vollherbst
    I have this issue as well. The first se switched off after 15 minutes, brought it back to the dealer and got two more modules. Same issue. We took the 2 "good" modules from the 2 sets and they worked better but still disconnected after 30-45 minutes, sometimes sooner. The clarity of the headsets are much better than the Nolans that I had previously, but this issue needs to be fixed. I haven't paired it with my GPS or phone because I want the intercom to work first!
  • Karandip Singh Sandhu
    Karandip Singh Sandhu

    I bought my Sena 20S-01D from Amazon as I had heard great reviews. One of the units keeps switching off and is extremely frustrating. From various forums it appears that this is a manufacturing defect and is being experienced by almost all who have bought one. I live in India and the unit was carried from the US by a friend. I have no way i can avail guarantee or replacement because there is no outlet here in India for Sena devices. 460$ is alot of money down the drain, if one isnt able to get any help??? Would appreciate if anyone can advise me how to take this issue forward???

  • S U Vobis
    S U Vobis
    I find a Solution for me Sicne i had cannel the Bluetooth connection from the Module to my Smartphone. We have no longer Trubel with the Moduls.

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