Sena 20S FM Radio Volume


3 commenti

  • Ken

    That sounds very familiar!

    Mine did that, too; for whatever audio I was listening. 

    It turns out, every time I'd turn my head to the left, the collar of my armoured jacked would contact the jog dial and turn it just a little more.  

    I would never have known, but my riding friend next to me told me that the dial was being turned by my collar.  (we ride two abreast).

    So just maybe.  

    The other thing was as high speed, my jog dial could get turned by the wind.  Speed limit on certain interstates is 80 mph.  With a crosswind from the left, the wind would come around the windshield and spin the dial, causing volume to go to max about every 20 seconds or so.  




  • Kevin George
    Kevin George

    Hi Ken,


    Yes it's the jacket changing the volume when I move my head left & right. Not a big problem, now I know what it is!



  • Lmarkhamxb12

    what did you do to solve the issue 



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