Why does FM Radio come on without me telling it to?
I just purchased the 20S dual kit and this is my first Bluetooth communication set. My problem is that my FM Radio keeps coming on seemingly all by itself. I can tell Sena to "Stop" and the FM radio turns off, but then it will come back on without me telling it to. I have only tried one headset and this is happening while synced via Bluetooth to my Moto X. I'm running the latest firmware, v1.4 (I think). Am I doing something wrong?
I have the same issue with the music from my Zumo GPS. It keeps playing by itself. It seems the 20S's have a few issues.
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Thanks for the response. I guess it's reassuring to know that someone else is having a similar problem. Hopefully they get this fixed soon. I imagine it's going to get pretty annoying riding around with the FM kicking on randomly, especially when I'm out of range of the station and it's just static!
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