Battery drains when unit is turned off


68 commenti

  • Wihlner

    Just to let you know that the Sena S20 have two Lipo battery in it an one of the two Sena S20 that i have died after first winter (2014) so i replaced one of the battery in it which was no power in it and it worked ok last year but totally dead this season. So now i replaced it again and removed the second battery that i think was the problem because it drained the other battery and lipo batteries doesent like voltage under 3,0v. So no i just have to test it with the new battery that has less capacity than the original one but at least seems to work properly and im also gonna order the second battery as well.

    The original battery is one 3,7v 650mAh 2,4wh and the other one is a 3,7v 100mAh 0,37wh.

  • Rudolph Gallucci
    Rudolph Gallucci

    Some time this summer I updated my software to whatever the latest version is or was at the time.  I don't remember the version but I highly recommend going online and updating till it says you have the latest.  That and using Keith's technique of shutting it down when the unit is attached to the headset has cured a lot of my problems.  I finally got the phone to hook up also through my GPS.  I have 2 units and one uses the phone through the GPS and one is direct to the phone with no GPS connection.  If I try it GPS to the headset and phone to the headset it is a fail. I charge the unit while it is mounted on the headset on the helmet and one of them has sat for over a month and showed full charge when I used it. The other sits between rides for a week or 2 at a time and works fine.  Winter is coming so the longer sit time is coming. I imagine I have wasted over 10 hours screwing around with something I paid almost $400 for to "improve" over my Cardo G9 units. The only improvement I have found is slightly better sound quality and easier hook up between more than 2 units. Not a good return on that kind of investment of time and money but for now they are the units I will use as my friends use them.

  • Ajercan

    I'm having the same issue. SENA obviously have no answer to this. No clue how to fix it.

    Here what I get in my Support ticket:

    "This is the feedback I got from the higher dept. on your concern about why the battery gets drained when the device is OFF.
    "that is how lithium batteries work
    it loses it's power when not in use
    this is like say u let your ipod or iphone alone and uncharged for weeks. there is possibility it will not power back on
    or the battery level decreases so heavily
    depending on how old the unit and battery is"


    Nothing bullshit.

  • Keith

    Hi Ajercan,

    I saw your post on the "S20 battery life is pathetic" thread as well.

    If they told you to leave the unit plugged in all the time, I would ignore that. The battery is supposedly only good for approx. 300 re-charges before it (and therefore the 20S unit itself) becomes useless. Leaving it plugged in all the time will only accelerate that process.

    I don't know when you bought your 20S, what the serial number is or what firmware version you are running. But, I would try one of the later versions of firmware (NOT 1.6.3). If that and following my 1-3 in my previous post doesn't fix it, I would see if you can get it replaced. You might have better luck with a later unit. I did. After my initial problem with powered off battery drainon my replacement units, I started following 1-3 I listed above and have had zero problems. I top off the charge on my 3 units every four months and they always report a battery level of "high" when I turn them on. I just checked all 3 of my units charged 2 months ago and they are all fine.

    I'm running firmware version 1.6.2. Version 1.6.3 has problems with it dropping the bluetooth connections and requiring you to power cycle them to bring it back. 1.6.2 has been running ok for me. I haven't tried 1.7 or 1.7.1. I don't see any bug fixes mentioned for those. So, I'll stay with 1.6.2 for now.

    Good luck!



    My Brand new 30K is fully charged with light showing blue. Once I ON it, it shows battery is low and gets disconnected... This is the 2nd unit which has the same problem. Try doing Factory Reset a few times but still the same. Any suggestions? VERY DISAPPOINTED...

  • Rudolph Gallucci
    Rudolph Gallucci

    CAPTAIN HARJIT SINGH The first thing I would try is go online and update it to whatever the latest software is.  Sena is notorious for shipping units with buggy software then up dating it on the run.  We just get to be the unpaid testers.


    It was V2.0 I updated it yesterday to V2 3 1 or so and that was it. Tried Factory reset and Fault Reset but unable as well.

  • Keith

    CAPTAIN HARJIT SINGH, how are you charging the unit? I had this problem with four of my 20S units (two original and two replacements). After I did the following, all of my units (I now have three) hold a full charge up until my regular top offs every four months:

    1. Use a charger =/>1 amp (I use the Sena charger)

    2. After charging or connecting to the Sena Device Manager, connect the unit into the helmet cradle and power it on and off.

    My specific concern with the Sena Device Manager is that it might leave the unit in a strange state where it's not actually powered completely off after you disconnect it. By connecting the unit to the cradle and power cycling it, you are insuring that it's actually powered completely off.

    Again, after I started following the above, I haven't had a battery drain while powered off since April of 2016.

    Please update us on your results.

    Good luck!!!!!



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