20s faulty vox?
I have recently purchased a 20s dual pack. A friend and i have taken them out for a test run, and it seems that the vox on the intercom doesn't work. The intercom is permanently live!! all i can hear is wind and engine noise, the music i was tying to play was pretty much washed out. I've tried to find a setting to try to rectify this, but can't seem to find anything. It got so tiring/annoying, that i pulled over and switched the whole unit off after around 40 minutes, i just couldn't take the constant wind and engine noise. My friend is using the wired microphone (the small round one) and i am using the boom microphone. I'm thinking it could be his choice of microphone that's causing the intercom to be permanently live. he seems reluctant to swap to the boom, even as a test (yeah he can be a dick sometimes). So, does anyone have any idea how to get the units working properly? is there an intercom vox setting i've missed?
Me and my brothers experienced this same issue after updating the firmware to 1.6.2. We even tried "upgrading" back down to 1.6, but the mics are still constantly on. We are going to try doing a fault reset. I already have a trouble ticket in to Sena for this issue.
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Is the noise coming from you or your friend's? When in intercom microphones are fully active all the time (full duplex) no vox. Button mic has less noise cancelling than button mike. May try repositioning microphone inside friend's helmet. Mic needs to be very close to mouth. Helmet design may not allow this. Boom mics for 20s are super at noise cancellation and they are full quiet when not talking. Noise will cause ducking of the music which is why you can't hear the music when in multitask. If your friend is unwilling to compromise then there is not much you can do except go off intercom to listen to music and when you want to talk switch intercom back on again. Also make sure mics are facing the right way. It's easy to mess this up and noise cancellation and voice quality suffer considerably.
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sorry meant to say button mic has less noise cancelling than boom mic
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a couple times I've had a fault issue which was corrected by a fault reset. may try that too.
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Thanks for the reply Ken, just out of interest, if I switch the intercom off and my friend wants to speak to me, how do I know he is trying to talk to me? Does the sena beep to.let me know? 0 -
Here's our situation and resolution. Brother 1 upgraded to firmware 1.6.2. Brother 2 & 3 were on version 1.6.1. In group mode, mic was on all the time. Could not listen to music, and the sounds quality was awful. Brother 2&3 upgraded firmware to 1.6.2 thinking it was a mismatch in firmware version. Nope, all that did was cause the mic to be on constantly, even in intercom mode with one other person. We "upgraded" to version 1.6 and the issue remained. Brother 2 ended up changing some settings in the Basic Settings and eventually got it to work. Brother 3 tried a "Fault Reset". That seemed to be the trick. Our 20S' are back to normal. Can listen to music and talk in intercom mode with the music getting quiet while we're talking. We haven't tried a group conversation yet, but will report back after we can test that. Eventually, I plan to update the firmware to the latest version again, 1.6.2 and try the fault reset as soon as I do to see if that works. If it doesn't, I can always revert back to 1.6. I hope some of this info helps.
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Simon, When he calls on the intercom the units connect and your music is interrupted automatically. Upon disconnect your music should resume.
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Whenever you do a firmware upgrade you need to do a Factory default reset (in the manual) before using the unit. Unfortunately when you do that, all your settings are reset and you have to go into settings to change them to the way you want them again. Also all your pairings and radio settings are gone too so you have to re-do them also. It would be nice to be able to save your personal presets and pairings beforehand but as of yet that is not possible.
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I have just flashed my set to 1.7 FW and am experiencing the same thing.
The music stays muted all the time until the intercom is shut down.
you can hear every breath the other end takes.
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1.7.1 is current firmware. If you want music while in intercom you need to enable audio multitasking. Music will duck down when having conversation then will resume. You may have to play around with intercom overlay sensitivity settings to keep background noise from interfering with music play. Under some situations ie: a lot of wind noise, audio multitasking doesn't work very well. Personally, having music playing and ducking up and down while in conversation is distracting for me. Either music or conversation - much safer.
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