is there an adapter for earbuds that works with the 50s base?
i'm wanting to use earbuds in lieu of the speakers for the 50s unit. Is there an adapter? I bought one, but it was for a different unit, not the 50s.
Pozdravljeni prijatelji. To spletno mesto je vir informacij, ki jih redno uporabljam za analizo športnih stav. Stran ponuja vse potrebne informacije o stavnico, aktualne novice in članke, ki mi pomagajo ostati informiran in sprejemati premišljene odločitve. Hvaležen sem za takšen vir, zaradi katerega je postopek stav bolj razburljiv in donosen.
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I believe there is an earbud port on the front of the clamp mount just above where the microphone plugs in. It's covered by a rubber flap. The clamp mount is pretty much the same as the one for my 20s EVO.
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