SRL NEOTEC2 pairing issues


14 commenti

  • Guillaume Goumillou
    Guillaume Goumillou


    1) Did you tried to reset to factory your SRL?

    2) What is the phone model (iOS, Android, other) you own?

    3) What is the firmware level of your SRL?

    For your information, mine is in version 1.0.3 and paired without any problem with an iPhone. And it didn't ask for a password, so this part is normal.

  • Sam Cordery
    Sam Cordery

    I can pair the SRL to an iPhone running iOS 11.4 without the need for a password being inputted

    Pairing works very well, it's the rest of the functionality I'm battling with!

  • Boo Rules
    Boo Rules

    I too can pair (iPhone X iOS 11.4; Sena 1.0.3) but that is about it...the rest is utterly useless.



  • Ahey Mann
    Ahey Mann

    Yep me too.  Purchased the Shoei Neotec II with Sena SLR; installed it; charged it; switched it on (100% battery charge); held Center button for 12 sec to switch into pairing more; saw unit on my iPhone Bluetooth screen; tried to pair with iPhone iOS 11.4 and kept getting "Pairing Unsuccessful - Make sure SLR Neotec 2 v 1.0.3 is turned on, in range and ready to pair".  Tried to factory reset; firmware updates; switching iPhone on and off; cleared all other Bluetooth devices from iPhone and still same message - "Pairing Unsuccessful".  Hoping someone from Sena monitors these message and gets back with a solution.  

  • Petter Frieberg
    Petter Frieberg

    Same problem here, Iphone X. IOS 12. SRL 1.0.5. It doues not show up in the iPhone bluetooth menu. Sometimes it shows up, but when I select it, it says "Pairing unsuccessful". I have restarted the iPhone, reset the Sena device, even downgraded to SRL 1.0.0. Same result. Any ideas? Is it broken?

  • Zbigniew Kozlowski
    Zbigniew Kozlowski

    Pretty much as the user above. Today I was trying to use my TomTom nav for the first time since the new IOS 12 was released on my iPhone X but the connection with the SRL 1.0.0 dropped. I updated the SRL to version 1.0.5 and  removed both devices from my iPhone Bluetooth list. Now either the device doesn't show up or the "Pairing unsuccessful" occurs. Reseted both devices multiple times apart from hard factory setting reset on iPhone that I would like to avoid

  • Petter Frieberg
    Petter Frieberg

    A Sena rep helped me on this one. When you press the center button long, the first voice prompt "Pairing..." is false. You must keep pressing the button until it replies "Configuration menu". Then select "+" and it will say "Phone pairing", and all worked fine for me.  Hope this helps for you too.

  • Zbigniew Kozlowski
    Zbigniew Kozlowski

    Worked for me as well thanks for help.

  • Peter

    I was able to pair my iPhone, my Bmw nav 6 and another Sena communicator with no problem.  however, the universal pairing doesn't work properly. I can pair to my friends Interphone tour headset but we can not talk to each other.



  • anthony decroos
    anthony decroos

    bonjour je rencontre plus ou moins le même problème, j'ai un huawei en téléphone il a eu une grosse mise a jour et depuis j'arrive à coupler mon téléphone au sena mais pas toujours et lorsqu'il est connecté je ne peux pas décrocher mes éventuels appel ou entendre les autres applications comme gps musqiue? savez-vous comment je peux résoudre le problème 

  • Dan

    I have my iPhone 8 paired to my Indian Road Commander and the SRL.  I have the SRL paired to the Road Commander.  The SRL ignores the iPhone connection when the Indian is powered up and streamed music, phone, onboard GPS, etc all come through the SRL.  I also intercom connect to my wife SRL and have had no issues at all.  Note that all devices have the latest software/firmware updates installed.

  • David Tsanava
    David Tsanava

    Thanks to Petter Frieberg's post I was able to log in. Now need to update firmware... this isnt going to be smooth....


  • David Mischel
    David Mischel

    Petter Frieberg's post was spot on for me. I was very frustrated because the Sena docs were quite inaccurate on this point. The prompt I initially heard was "intercom pairing" and thought that this was a change from "configuration menu." Once I knew I had to keep pressing the center button after the first prompt all went well.

    If Sena is monitoring this forum: hey! please update your docs and let the support folks know this is a problem for new users.

  • Mike Greenwood
    Mike Greenwood

    2024, with the SRL-EXT and it wouldn’t connect, but following Petter Frieberg’s advice it immediately connected. Thank you. It’s madness that the Sena manual still hasn’t corrected this.


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