Battery life answered in percentages instead of High/Medium/Low
Perhaps the tech guys and gals can have sena programmed to tell people the percentage of the battery life remaining. It would be much easier to tell how much longer one can keep riding before it needs a charge before it shuts down automatically. For example if Sena say that there is 5% battery life remaining instead of low battery one might start looking for a place to pull over for 20 min and have a java while it's charging. Also Having Sena automatically come on and tell the rider that there is 10% battery life remaining would be great because at that point we can find a place to pull over and charge it for 20 or so minutes. It really sucks when you just finished stopping for a coffee and get back on the road and 5 min into the ride Sena shuts the system down. All you hear is Battery low good bye. With percentages at least one can determine if he or she needs to charge it at the next stop.
just an FYI, you can always get a small USB charger and plug in your unit while riding, it will charge while on.. I got a little pen like thing, short wire, stick it in my coat pocket, and it charges up in about an 30 min
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