20S Evo speaker wiring diagram


6 commenti

  • Lowndes Whatley
    Lowndes Whatley

    Hey, Bud.  I have an idea that might help you.  See my comment on Suggestions panel; 

    1.  Questions - Feature Requests and Suggestions

    You may have the same speakers I have in the SRL.  Text me at 7703308173.



  • Frank Bartalotta
    Frank Bartalotta

    how about posting a solution publicly! Thanks

  • Bud Carrigan
    Bud Carrigan

    Mine is not a speaker problem, it's a hearing and very sore CNH problem combined with not enough volume from the 20S EVO.  At least, not enough for me.  I've plugged several sets of higher end, more expensive speakers into the SENA.  While the tone is slightly better, the volume is basically the same.  To my ears anyway.  My Challenger earbuds work well, and have worked well for well over 10 years, for me.  Little more of an issue with helmet on and off, but overall worth the extra time, to me.   I've also noticed that the tone quality of my earbuds has diminished some.  Various different owners of the product the past 3 years or so.  Not as easy to get service.  Latest was Precision Industries selling to a hearing aid company.  We'll see...   As far as the SENA product goes, my problem originated with not getting output for Helmet to Helmet talk through the earphone jack.  I could hear music, nav, etc., but not another SENA unit.  They've been very helpful.  Replacing first the lower clamp unit, no help.  Now, they're sending a new complete EVO under warranty.  No complains about SENA and their service.

  • Lowndes Whatley
    Lowndes Whatley


    Are you on any other bike forums??  I'll send you a PM if possible.

  • Bud Carrigan
    Bud Carrigan

    Just I-BMW

  • Lowndes Whatley
    Lowndes Whatley

    Just sent you a PM there.  I'm on a beemer, too!!


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